
Monday, January 26, 2015

"Unveiling the Mystery of SALVATION!"

SALVATION: "soteria" (Greek): noun, rescue or safety (physically and morally); deliverance, health and defense.

The mystery of salvation is truly remarkable. As a sinner saved by grace through faith in God, my redemption is inextricably tied to the death of my brother Jesus Christ. Salvation is the "inheritance" my big Brother left when when he died. The ONLY way to receive an inheritance is for someone to die.

Of course, an inheritance is only worth something if the person leaving it amassed something of value. What must His life have been worth that His death could redeem ANYONE who would BELIEVE in Him? What humility must He have had to know the inherent value of His life that He could submit to ANYONE desiring His life that they could have it "freely."

However, there is a profound "cost" associated with receiving the salvation of Christ. You don't have to pay for it with money, but you do you to pay for it with your life (or your "witness"). Your witness is your story of redemption. It is your personal pathway to truth. You own it not for yourself but, just like Christ, to give it away. Simply stated, you are to walk your path, embrace it and then give it away (in the sense of the witness of your own truth that led you from the gates of hell). 

I have noticed, in many instances, that in the preaching of the salvation message many preachers, evangelists and Christian workers omit the "critical message" of "suffering like Christ" on the Believers journey to redemption. Walking to the altar in front of the congregation and citing the Romans Road is not salvation. The preacher laying hands on you means nothing if you are filled with sin. No choir, Hammond organ or large financial donation is going to save you. The only way to be saved, is to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matt.3:11)..not my words, His words!

The baptism of the Holy Spirit requires a profound commitment to fellowship with the Lord God in your secret closet. It is your total baptism or "immersion" in His Word. It is the elimination of the influences of man and his wickedness. It is the pursuit of holiness and righteousness. It is the elimination of fear and the acceptance of faith as a lifestyle. It is the total dependence on God for your life. It is your ability to "hear" Christ!

Equally compelling for the new Believer is the "suffering" or "fire baptism" aspect of his walk with Christ. Suffering is the thing we have most in common with Christ that we seldom hear preached or taught because, although most Christians are suffering, they don't want to hear about it. Our suffering is the tie that binds us to the Master. It is a badge of honor. Just like your witness, your suffering is not for you. Your suffering experience is for another Believer who will come behind you with calamity, fear an doubt. Then God will place you in their life as a sign of encouragement and faith that if they don't faint, they will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

"...For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but to suffer for His sake..."  (Philippians 1:29)

Herein lays the mystery of salvation...Selah.

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