
Friday, January 31, 2014

"GETHSEMANE: The Beauty of the Garden"

The Garden of Gethsemane ("Olive Press")

Of the hundreds of times we have heard the Garden story preached, how often have we heard the significance of Malchus (John 18:10) who lost an ear (and most certainly his head if you would not have ducked) and the significance of Peter’s sword? Peter certainly misunderstood what Jesus had said about swords earlier that evening (Luke 22:35–38). He had warned them that from now on the situation would change, and men would treat them as transgressors.

He was not suggesting that they use material swords to fight spiritual battles, but that they get a new mind-set and expect opposition and even danger. One thing I love about God is that He always warns us. He had provided for them and protected them while He was with them on earth, but now He was returning to the Father. They would have to depend on the Holy Spirit and exercise wisdom. Peter apparently took His words literally and thought he was supposed to declare war!

Peter’s sword symbolizes rebellion against the will of God. Peter should have known that Jesus would be arrested and that He would willingly surrender to His enemies (Matt. 16:21; 17:22–23; 20:17–19). Peter made every mistake possible! He fought the wrong enemy, used the wrong weapon, had the wrong motive, and accomplished the wrong result! He was openly resisting the will of God and hindering the work that Jesus came to accomplish! While we admire his courage and sincerity, it was certainly a demonstration of zeal without wisdom or discernment.  Christ calls all Believers to be ‘revolutionary’ and not ‘reactionary’ in our dealings in ministry.

Why did Peter fail so miserably? For one thing, he had argued with the Lord when Jesus warned him that he would deny his Master that very night. Peter had slept when he should have been praying, and he talked when he should have been listening. He imitated the very enemies who came to arrest Jesus, for they too were armed with swords. Peter would discover that the sword of the Spirit is the weapon God’s servants use in fighting their spiritual battles (Heb. 4:12; Eph. 6:17). He would later use His ‘spiritual sword’ at Pentecost and “slay” 3,000 souls for the Kingdom!

Jesus did not need Peter’s protection. He could have summoned twelve legions of angels (72,000 to be exact) had He wanted to be delivered (Matt. 26:52–54). These actions point to the beauty of the Garden.  It is a place of ‘adversity, distress and turmoil.’  It is a place of correction, rebuke and conviction. It is a place of communion and peace and reflection. Finally, it is a place of liberation, and grace and repass. The Garden represents the thing we as believers have most in common with the Savior that is seldom preached and accepted; adversity… which is commonly referred to as the “cup” (Luke 22:42).

          Then the detachment of troops and the captain and the officers of the Jews arrested Jesus and bound Him and took Him away to be crucified. Isn’t it ironic that the name Judas means ‘Praise Yahweh’ or ‘God?’ Further, God’s grace allowed Jesus to rebuke the ‘same spirit’ of temptation (the devil in the person of Judas) in the Garden of Gethsemane that befell Adam (Satan moving through the deception of the serpent) in the Garden of Eden. Selah...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

"The Genesis of OVERCOMING!"

"Fear loves companionship and is a selfish mistress!" 

                                                                        Nicholas Moore 10/14/09

We often hear the word "overcome" and a myriad of thoughts and emotions run through our minds ranging from the human degradation of slavery to modern uprisings throughout our planet as the proletariat strive for equal rights on every front. MLK, Ghandi, Mother Teresa and Lech Walesa are just a few internationally recognized individuals that possessed powerful "overcoming spirits."

But in the mind and heart of a Believer, the ultimate "overcomer" is Christ Jesus. The word overcome is a "kerygmatic" word (one possessing an emphatic declaration of authority, power and influence) that urges the individual to "go and TAKE the VICTORY." The Greek word for overcome is "hettao" Gr: #2274 (hayt-tah-o): which means to vanquish; to struggle against (over); to control, to subjugate; exercise dominion over; to conquer, to prevail and to get the victory.

There appears to be a dual meaning to this word; a part of the definition states, "to be inferior, " to be completely overcome by (someone or something); to bow (down) together (in submission to another). In this, I see a causative effect; the first requirement is to submit to God's authority by seeing what God sees and the effect is that you will be "overcome" by His love, grace and mercy!

It is critical to understand that overcoming will not be absent of fear. "Uncertainty" is the thing that we are most afraid of. Overcoming, in essence, is conquering that thing that our senses cannot detect in the "physical" realm. Fear paralyzes us and it bridles our faith. it is necessary to maintain the proper "spiritual" posture in the Presence of God.

Jesus walks on the Sea in (Matt. 14:22-33) and we witness how fear cripples the ability of the disciples to "hear" Christ and overcome the situation. The disciples couldn't hear Christ because they "heard" the boisterousness of the wind and the waves crashing against the boat. Fear set in among them. The men had to be saying, "My faith is not lining up with what I'm seeing! My present reality (in the flesh) is keeping me from the Presence of God's realities (thereby allowing me to walk on the sea as well). That CANNOT be Him walking on top of the water! Nobody can do that! How could He have overcome gravity?"

Herein lies the psychology of the flesh. The first reaction is fear, then disbelief and finally, doubt. Peter asked Jesus if it was Him, to beckon him to "come." Jesus said "Come" (which was an open invitation for anyone who would "hear" Him to actually "overcome" and walk on the sea with Him). Notice, Jesus did not say, "Come Peter," He just said, "Come!"

What Jesus was really saying was "Overcome!" He was saying to the men, "Who was it that told you to come?" (If you BELIEVED in ME, ALL of you would have come to ME). How many of us are just like the disciples? How many of us hear the call of the Lord God and take our sweet time responding? How many of us who "know" Him are eager to serve Him? How many of us recognize the power in His words?

Fear causes us to STOP MOVING (or overcoming); and when we stop moving, WE SINK! Jesus' finally thought as He watched Peter go under the water may have been, "You stopped moving because you think I'm dead!" Selah...

                 "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith."  (1 John 5:4)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


The effects of "angels" on the soul of the Believer impacts a significant aspect of our spirituality. However, the composition of angels is something entirely different altogether. Angels are "God's Messengers" and ministering spirits enlisted in God's heavenly army with the main task of assisting those who will inherit salvation (Heb.1.14). These messengers assist Believers. At times they are also tasked with special message delivery to non-Believers as well.

Perhaps their composition is a concentrated mass of neutrino (invisible, sub-atomic particles) energy that jettisons from one dimension to another. They can also function as "Appearing spirits." Ordinarily we cannot see angels because they are spirits. But as God permits, there are times when they become visible. Today, they continue to appear bodily as "strangers," and thus the bible warns us to be kind to all people, even strangers (Heb.13.1). Have you ever experienced an encounter with an angel? What was the result?

Their other functions include, 1) fighting against evil spirits (fallen angels), 2) providing a hedge of protection for Believers, 3) transmitting messages to mankind from God, 

4) eliminating the enemy (they can kill spirits and humans) and 5) worshiping and serving God.

Can you imagine the amount of energy God (Elohim) deposited into the creation of Jesus? God's ability to diffuse the "infinite" into a "finite" host (a human body) is incomprehensible! But He did it!

How can an entity like the Holy Spirit be "diffused" but not "dissipated?" In other words, how can something be divided and not be diluted or have its potency diminished? The "miracle of continuity" that supersedes the continuum of time, yet maintains its physical and spiritual"integrity" from dimension to dimension is unfathomable.

These same angels have the ability to "materialize" and "de-materialize" without a "brain" (a physical brain) and control its power. Just like mankind they are given assignments that they have to execute in the earth realm. Be it protection, defense, warfare, encouragement or peace, they execute their assignments faithfully. Angels, however, do not have the authority to act on their own accord. They are servants!

Stop praying to angels (if you are doing so); they are not "independent contractors." Angels can only be dispatched by the Lord God and it is only He who can give them charge over your lives. Seek the Lord and petition His wisdom and will for your family so that you don't stumble. It is solely the will of our Lord that is the power source behind the mobilization and deployment of the legions of angels needed to assist the needs and desires of His children in the marketplace.

My brothers and sisters, angels are real! They have a profound role in the fearless advancement of the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven in the earth realm, whether it be for your protection or your destruction; the choice is yours...Selah.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Much of what we learn about the "FAITH" paradigm is closely associated with the eradication of "FEAR." We grow and learn to trust each other through life experiences that create situations where we have to make difficult choices. These decisions define who we are through various seasons in our lives. We then become, for that particular moment, "who we are" within our circles of influence. As we trek through life we learn that there is much more to the story.

Now here comes the hard question, "How does this affect the Believer who is aspiring toward righteousness?" Now, I am talking about the choices we make with and without God in this equation. We are all guilty of this and we have all suffered because of it! Many of us want to forget about those difficult times as if there is some shame attached to human loss or suffering. On the contrary, I submit to you that you should embrace it. Own it! It is yours for a reason! Your pain and suffering is NOT FOR YOU! What? You cannot be serious! Oh yes...dead serious.

Once you cross the "threshold of faith" your adversity is now a part of the public domain. It is available for any man or woman to partake of in their quest to be healed or delivered from some unknown affliction or internal struggle. The situation I am describing is a "race to faith"; it is not a sprint but it is a marathon. The high cost associated with "son ship" terrifies many of us:

   "And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:
“My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,

Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;

For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”  

                                                                       (Hebrews 12:5-6)

The hard truth in the above scripture is a profound revelation that the overwhelming majority of the "trouble" that comes upon us is orchestrated and allowed by the Lord God...NOT the devil! I know this might be a shock to most Christians to hear that 95% of you will NEVER encounter the devil himself. A lot of bad teaching and poor study habits leave many Christians ignorant to the true source of the adversity in their lives.

This chapter in Hebrews clearly outlines to the reader that it is also SIN and not solely FEAR that is the adversary of FAITH. That's right plain ole SIN. It is the Discipline of God (His testing, trails and probation) that "qualifies" us for Kingdom Citizenship.He gives us the example of Jesus who endured unthinkable hostility from sinners unto death at Calvary and further exhorts us not to become weary or discouraged during our personal trials.

My brothers and sisters, you are giving the devil way too much credit. The majority of you will go your entire lifetime and NEVER encounter him. You have been duped into thinking that you are in the midst of doing something so great in the earth that the devil himself would actually leave the presence of the Trinity in eternity and forfeit his role of accuser to come to your living room on Fulton Street in Brooklyn, NY at midnight just to tempt you with a porno movie. C'mon man, get real! 

Since the devil is not omniscient (all knowing); omnipresent (can't be in more than one place at a time) or omnipotent (all-powerful), how can he be accusing you before God in heaven and also be in your living room supposedly "tempting" you at the same time?

No, I say it is the Lord God who takes us through the fire. It is our "choices" (the calamity of free will) that snares us! You see my friend, there are two things about SIN that reign true: 1) we ENJOY IT! and 2) the "FLESH" never forgets! You have not paid the price that Christ paid; in fact, none of have to! We failed miserably in the "I don't need God" area of our lives. Just take a look around. Take a hard look in the mirror. You don't have to travel to Syria or the Congo to see the failure of the human condition.

The Word of God emphatically states that it is the Lord God who chastens, rebukes and scourges us because He loves us in order that He might receive us as SONS!

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Monday, January 6, 2014


“The voice of one crying out in the wilderness; Prepare the way for the Lord; Make His paths straight” (Matt. 3:3)

So much of what we hear about the Lord's Baptism has been muted by the TRADITION OF MAN. This monumental event is very convoluted. Closer examination reveals an incredible story of will, bravery and faith on the part of Jesus Christ!

As the forerunner of Christ, John the Baptist preceded Him in birth, ministry and death. John was touched by the Holy Spirit in his mother’s womb and recognized the authority of his cousin Jesus in an embryonic state; he jumped in his mother’s womb when Mary visited Elizabeth in Judah (Luke 1:39-41) during her pregnancy with Jesus. 

John's earthly ministry was filled with controversy and stiff resistance from the reigning religious authorities. Yet he prevailed in his quest to preach the gospel of repentance to the world. He was relentless in his quest for holiness and compelled the people of his time to get right with God! At the beginning of Jesus' earthly ministry, we see that the two have connected and are charting a course that will change human history forever.

John declared, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” (John 1:29) John bore witness of the divinity of Jesus based upon the revelation he received from God that whomever the Spirit descends and remains upon, He is the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. Jesus submitted to John. John baptized Jesus and He received the Holy Spirit. By the way, Jesus NEVER baptized anybody!

Baptism is reserved for sinners. If that is the case, then why was Jesus being baptized since He was found blameless in SIN? The answer to this question fits the character of Christ like a glove. You see, Jewish tradition has practiced baptism long before Jesus, but ONLY by sprinkling water on the forehead of the individual. Although this was a symbolic gesture, the hearts of the people were still wicked. The baptism event does not rescue, save or vindicate the sinful individual from the judgment or wrath of God. Have you been baptized? How is your heart towards God and man?

In short, Jesus was 1) making a mockery of their tradition with a public display of His commitment to the Father by 2) making the baptism an inherent contradiction in as much as he was without sin, 3) He decided to be immersed in the River Jordan versus being sprinkled, 4) He had his cousin John the Baptist baptize Him, whom the Pharisees despised (see John's attack on Herod) and 5) It was all a set up for Jesus to receive the Holy Spirit from God legally as a "gift" that Christ would be able to "transfer" to any person who would believe in Him! The HS is the "Spirit of Truth."

Christ was simply saying, "If you are being baptized and you have not (received the revelation of) the Father, you are just getting wet!" John further stated that Christ will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire (testing, trails and tribulation) (Luke 3:16). Too much of the religious experience is superficial and lacks real meaning.

Christ implores us to "immerse" or baptize ourselves in Him and press closer to the Light, Love and Way of the Truth. We must seek the "fire" without being consumed in order that we might produce "smoke" that is pleasing to the nostrils of God. This fire cannot be purged with water! It is only is Christ that we live and move and have our being... 

Once again, Pastor John the Baptist's job was to get folks to Christ; once he got them to Christ, they didn't follow Pastor John anymore! Jesus said, "...that there was none greater than John the Baptist, but he who is the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he!" 

I wonder why? Selah