
Sunday, July 29, 2012

"HIV/AIDS and the Black Church: Paradigm Shifted"

HIV/AIDS has exceeded epidemic proportions in the African American community.  In cities like Atlanta, Boston, New York, San Francisco and Washington, DC where hereto for known as icons for monuments and entertainment have now become "destination cities" for voracious homosexual activity among black men.
In our nation's capital, 75% of the HIV cases in the city are attributed to gay and "straight" black men (National Institute of Health, 2011-12).

Dispensing "condoms" as the panacea for HIV/AIDS has long since passed since many studies show that, although they help, they have not stemmed the tide of this virulent disease.  What is needed, in addition to abstinence and eliminating unprotected sex with multiple partners, is the erradication of the flat out deplorable behavior of those men who are homosexual having unprotected sex with heterosexual women. Even more ridiculous are the women who are allowing these men to have "casual sex" with them "UNPROTECTED!"  How is that even possible in the climate of the times that we live in? 

Black folks need our institutions, primarily the Black Church, to step to the plate and empower its people. Black pastors need to teach and preach the "truth" from the pulpit about how our collective selfishness and promiscuity has created a serious problem for the definition and stability of the family and, inevitably, the perpetuation of our race. Preachers need to speak boldly against the sin of homosexuality without demonizing the individuals that participate in the activity. Whether the Gay Community likes it or not, the numbers do not lie.  In fact, the National Institute of Health, Center for Disease Control and the Surgeon General all agree what have precipitated the rise in HIV/AIDS in black men and women and the root of it is centered on unbridled homosexual activity among men who, in turn, sleep with heterosexual women who, in turn, infect multiple heterosexual partners because of the lack of education, access to proper health screening, healthcare and med's and institutional support to hammer home the importance of the need for significant behavioral changes. It's hard to hear..but it is what it is!  What are your thoughts?

Please check out our radio show "MANdate Ministries: Uncut" on Thursday night, August 2 at 7:00pm at  Call-in: 1.347.843.4112 as we discuss "HIV/AIDS and the Black Church: We Gotta Talk!".  Real talk. Hard truth!

For more information, please go to:, and

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Falter at the Altar: The Laying on of Hands!"

In the New Testament (NT) the "laying on of hands" is associated with the receiving of the Holy Spirit or "holy ghost" depending on what part of the country you are from. Initially, this act was primarily a function of the apostles of Jesus Christ as well as Jesus Himself.  It was connected to three different concepts: 1) healing, 2) conveying of the "gifts" of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:4-11) and 3) endorsing a worker chosen by God to begin a great work.  Pretty simple, huh? Nothing too complicated to understand here, right? So can you please tell me how the modern-day church has come from the aforementioned to what we have created today?

The complete and total "bastardization" of this simple yet profound act of the Grace of God has become a circus! It is an abomination what occurs on Sunday morning and Tuesday evening with Christians who feel compelled to "touch ya neighbor" and "slap somebody and tell 'em..." every chance they get!  What is the message we are sending to those "young in the faith" who are already struggling with their spiritual identity? The focal point has become entertainment and not the transference of the person of Christ Jesus!

Many pastors and other church leaders have become too lazy to minister effectively (that which requires intensive study and prayer) in lieu of "shortcuts" that provide short-term remedies to the maladies of the Body of Christ.  Our leaders need to be more accountable to God than their "Q-scores" and popularity on "live stream", YouTube, Twitter and Face book.  The pervasiveness of "too much access" has precipitated an unprecedented rise in fraud, deceit and manipulation which has crippled the reputation of Christians and diluted the overall potency of the evangelistic thrust of believers.

The book of 1Timothy admonishes us not to be quick to lay hands on someone else so that we do not fall into the sin of others (1 Tim 5:22).  The reciprocal effect he is discussing is not evident at first without closer examination.  Timothy is also warning the believer not to be too quick to allow some of these "devils in the pulpits" to lay hands on them either!  In other words, "keep your filthy hands to yourself!"

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"The Black Church and Hip Hop"

Is it conceivable that the genre of "Hip Hop" music has superseded the power and influence of the Black Church?  Are Jay-Z, Wiz, Rick Ross, Lil' Wayne and Nas the "new" prophets?  The sad answer is a resounding "YES!"  In the midst of the billions of dollars of profits they are reaping off of the backs of poor little black children who are too ignorant to separate "business and fantasy" from "reality", our youth are falling deeper and deeper into a "moral abyss."

Why can't our kids see that these puppeteers are creating a "new normal" seeded in perversion, immorality and pornography.  How is it that an entire generation of men have been anesthetized to the degradation and dehumanization of women in rap videos, interviews and award shows?  Even more unbelievable is how these young women women have marginalized themselves all for the sake of being seen as a "bitch" or a "hoe" in the latest video or sacrificed to the highest bidder at the next "after party?"

I hold these music icons responsible for not communicating to their legions of followers that what they do is not real.  It's just "entertainment!"  They should say, "I go home to my multi-million dollar estate, driving my Bugatti or Maybach with my wife and kids and you, my friend, catch the bus back to the hood!" The cynicism is real. It is too painful to watch. The lure is so powerful, I am amazed that the entire "world" has been mesmerized by its seduction..even the church!

Now the church has been acting like an "innocent bystander" for far too long as the veritable bully beats the living daylights out of its little brother!  Stop fading back into the crowd and step up and defend your sibling. You are the Big Brother.  You have been in the game a long time.  You have entered the ring many times and won by a knockout out; even a TKO.  But now, the church resembles the punch drunk boxer who has stayed in the game too long.  The one who can't remember his name and struggles to put his mouthpiece back in after he has been knocked to the mat.  Can you hear the referee counting the church out?  Or will she get up, take a breath and dig deep in the recesses of her soul and go the distance?  The church's response in this battle will go a long way in determining a significant part of her legacy in the earth.

What are your thoughts?

Friday, July 13, 2012

"Drive-Thru Prayer"

Prayer is one of the most misunderstood weapons in the arsenal of the "believer."  Somehow we have gotten the notion that we need to shout aloud to God as if He is deaf or mumble and slobber our way through a discourse of "tongues." We also figure that there has to be a "time limit" on our prayers or that we must string together a voluminous amount of scriptures to make ourselves sound "spiritual."  This is so sad.

I don't recall Jesus assembling His disciples in a circle and crying out to God in vain repetition; He never made a public spectacle of His knowledge of or relationship with His Father. He never sought to impress on-lookers with His spiritual prowess. He never "bastardized" corporate prayer, but He encouraged relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.  He loathed the selfish, microwaved religious folk of His day. Don't draw attention to yourself when you pray; "...If I be lifted up, I will draw men unto Myself."

Most often He just stole away and spoke quietly to God in the cool of the Garden.  In short, He just LISTENED and OBEYED! In this manner, when you ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness! No clanging brass or cymbals.  No Hammond organs or choirs.  No huck-a-buck or "speaking in tongues." No "Drive-Thru" Prayer!  Selah.

Monday, July 2, 2012

"Baptism & The Lord's Supper"

Many modern day church institutional rituals have fractured and even destroyed the relationship between God and His people. We have diluted the power of engagement.  We have crucified the Lord Jesus tiem and time again because of our innate selfishness.  Today, we are captives of our own lusts and laziness.  We do what is convenient for us and not what God "requires" of us.  Two of the "traditions" that have been totally bastardized are "Baptism" and 'The Lord's Supper" or "Holy Communion."  Please discuss your thoughts on how these two events have been compromised and how "believers" can rally to right the ship.

Please check out our radio show on Thursday, July 5th @ 7pm on the following link:

Please post your thoughts and comments about this show and how it affected you.  Thanks.