
Friday, January 30, 2015


"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?" (1 Cor. 6:19)

Wherever God resides is a sanctuary. A sanctuary is a holy place. It is a place of peace and love and joy in the Holy Spirit of God. It was necessary that Christ die so that we, as Believers, might have the utter fulfillment of the scriptures and receive the unmerited deposit of God's Holy Spirit in each of us.

We have been reconciled to God by the sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary. Specifically, the shedding of His blood was the payment for our premeditated sin. Jesus told His disciples that it was time for Him to go back to the Father but that He had made provision for them in the person of the Comforter. 

In that He was limited physically, the Holy Spirit was unlimited. His mortal body might only travel up to 20 miles per day on foot. Jesus's body got tired and hungry and thirsty. Why? Because He was 100% human. Jesus was not omnipresent. He could only be one place a time. His assignment was short term. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and eternal. 

I can hear Christ and Yahweh having a conversation in eternity going something like this. "You know you have to go to earth and take on the form of man and that I have to allow them to kill you don't you? You know if you don't go, I'm gonna wipe them out right now? Nothing seems to be working. They are so prideful and wicked and they are abusing my greatest creation (the human body) with lustful and perverted desires."

We know the rest of the story. But you have to ask yourself, "How are we (mankind) doing? How am I doing personally? Is my sanctuary polluted? Am I overwhelmed with sin and doubt? Am I faithful to God in my daily life? Is my witness having a positive affect on other people that I meet? Am I consumed with the cares of this world? Is Satan or God your Father?

Often times when Christians hear the word sanctuary, their minds go straight to the church...the bricks and mortar. And although, there are some "churches" that are polluted, many are not. My focus here is on the individual. Each member must work to condition himself to resist the wiles of the enemy. She must be deliberate in her study and meditation of the Word. They must communicate effectively with our youth and guide them into holy and righteous activities through Godly instruction and support.

We must become skilled in the art of forgiveness and seek truth by any means necessary. We must lead people to Christ and not to man. We must become lovers of God again for He is a jealous God! We must train up an army of servants to meet the needs of God's people in the marketplace. Our children must preserve the sanctity of their wombs and be diligent in their pursuit of integrity in relationships. Men must take their rightful place as priests in their households; as husbands and fathers. Women must embrace the mantle of wife and mother. Don't believe the lies of Satan.

We must be careful of what we consume (eat). What we watch on TV. What we eat. Who we spend our time with. What we read. Who we have sex with. Where we go to entertain ourselves. Who we have sex with. What we listen to. Who we listen to. Who we have sex with. You have to watch what you "eat"...eating too much of the wrong thing can ruin your life and ultimately kill you and negatively impact your bloodline for generations!

We must seek peace wherever possible and above all love one another into right relationship with the Lord God. Selah...

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