
Friday, January 30, 2015


"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?" (1 Cor. 6:19)

Wherever God resides is a sanctuary. A sanctuary is a holy place. It is a place of peace and love and joy in the Holy Spirit of God. It was necessary that Christ die so that we, as Believers, might have the utter fulfillment of the scriptures and receive the unmerited deposit of God's Holy Spirit in each of us.

We have been reconciled to God by the sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary. Specifically, the shedding of His blood was the payment for our premeditated sin. Jesus told His disciples that it was time for Him to go back to the Father but that He had made provision for them in the person of the Comforter. 

In that He was limited physically, the Holy Spirit was unlimited. His mortal body might only travel up to 20 miles per day on foot. Jesus's body got tired and hungry and thirsty. Why? Because He was 100% human. Jesus was not omnipresent. He could only be one place a time. His assignment was short term. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and eternal. 

I can hear Christ and Yahweh having a conversation in eternity going something like this. "You know you have to go to earth and take on the form of man and that I have to allow them to kill you don't you? You know if you don't go, I'm gonna wipe them out right now? Nothing seems to be working. They are so prideful and wicked and they are abusing my greatest creation (the human body) with lustful and perverted desires."

We know the rest of the story. But you have to ask yourself, "How are we (mankind) doing? How am I doing personally? Is my sanctuary polluted? Am I overwhelmed with sin and doubt? Am I faithful to God in my daily life? Is my witness having a positive affect on other people that I meet? Am I consumed with the cares of this world? Is Satan or God your Father?

Often times when Christians hear the word sanctuary, their minds go straight to the church...the bricks and mortar. And although, there are some "churches" that are polluted, many are not. My focus here is on the individual. Each member must work to condition himself to resist the wiles of the enemy. She must be deliberate in her study and meditation of the Word. They must communicate effectively with our youth and guide them into holy and righteous activities through Godly instruction and support.

We must become skilled in the art of forgiveness and seek truth by any means necessary. We must lead people to Christ and not to man. We must become lovers of God again for He is a jealous God! We must train up an army of servants to meet the needs of God's people in the marketplace. Our children must preserve the sanctity of their wombs and be diligent in their pursuit of integrity in relationships. Men must take their rightful place as priests in their households; as husbands and fathers. Women must embrace the mantle of wife and mother. Don't believe the lies of Satan.

We must be careful of what we consume (eat). What we watch on TV. What we eat. Who we spend our time with. What we read. Who we have sex with. Where we go to entertain ourselves. Who we have sex with. What we listen to. Who we listen to. Who we have sex with. You have to watch what you "eat"...eating too much of the wrong thing can ruin your life and ultimately kill you and negatively impact your bloodline for generations!

We must seek peace wherever possible and above all love one another into right relationship with the Lord God. Selah...

Monday, January 26, 2015


"Then Jesus said, If you abide in My word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." 
                                                                       (John 8:31-32)

I believe that many Christians lie to and on the Holy Spirit because they don't view the Holy Spirit as God. There is no fear on behalf of the perpetrators. Knowing that the father of all lies is Satan (John 8:44), unsuspecting Christians fall prey to his ONLY "cheap magic trick"... "DECEPTION."

The TRUTH (Christ) can only make you free once you make a definitive commitment to transform your sin nature into a spirit-led, holy nature. If you abide in His WORD (Christ), it won't stop people from lying to you, but it will prevent you from believing the lie and being induced into committing sinful behavior, thoughts or deeds.

Be leery of people, no matter what title is in front of their name, who tell you something that the Holy Spirit told them to tell you; or that they just received a "fresh word" from the throne room of grace; or that the Holy Ghost "showed" them something about you in a dream; and especially if they "charge you" for the revelation (or "lie" which  is more than likely the case) in the form of a fee, tithe, offering or donation.

People lie on the Holy Spirit:
  • To act like they have a deep relationship with God;
  • To appear more "spiritual" than they actually are; 
  • Because they are genuinely not AFRAID of God's wrath; and,
  • Because they do not study or meditate on God's word.

There are many individual and corporate abuses committed against the Holy Spirit (HS). They include, but are not limited to:
  • Grieving the HS
  • Resisting the HS
  • Quenching the HS
  • Rebelling against the HS
  • Deception in Teaching
  • Manipulation in Preaching
  • Practicing witchcraft in any form and attributing those acts to or from God.
God's judgement in response to abuses against the Holy Spirit can be devastating and God still kills people! Don't get it twisted, He is the same God of the Old Testament. It is ONLY the Presence of His Holy Spirit, not only in the earth realm but inside of every Believer, that quells His fury! He has demonstrated on several occasions that He has no problem destroying the earth and starting over again!

"Don't be deceived, God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that to shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)

"Unveiling the Mystery of SALVATION!"

SALVATION: "soteria" (Greek): noun, rescue or safety (physically and morally); deliverance, health and defense.

The mystery of salvation is truly remarkable. As a sinner saved by grace through faith in God, my redemption is inextricably tied to the death of my brother Jesus Christ. Salvation is the "inheritance" my big Brother left when when he died. The ONLY way to receive an inheritance is for someone to die.

Of course, an inheritance is only worth something if the person leaving it amassed something of value. What must His life have been worth that His death could redeem ANYONE who would BELIEVE in Him? What humility must He have had to know the inherent value of His life that He could submit to ANYONE desiring His life that they could have it "freely."

However, there is a profound "cost" associated with receiving the salvation of Christ. You don't have to pay for it with money, but you do you to pay for it with your life (or your "witness"). Your witness is your story of redemption. It is your personal pathway to truth. You own it not for yourself but, just like Christ, to give it away. Simply stated, you are to walk your path, embrace it and then give it away (in the sense of the witness of your own truth that led you from the gates of hell). 

I have noticed, in many instances, that in the preaching of the salvation message many preachers, evangelists and Christian workers omit the "critical message" of "suffering like Christ" on the Believers journey to redemption. Walking to the altar in front of the congregation and citing the Romans Road is not salvation. The preacher laying hands on you means nothing if you are filled with sin. No choir, Hammond organ or large financial donation is going to save you. The only way to be saved, is to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matt.3:11)..not my words, His words!

The baptism of the Holy Spirit requires a profound commitment to fellowship with the Lord God in your secret closet. It is your total baptism or "immersion" in His Word. It is the elimination of the influences of man and his wickedness. It is the pursuit of holiness and righteousness. It is the elimination of fear and the acceptance of faith as a lifestyle. It is the total dependence on God for your life. It is your ability to "hear" Christ!

Equally compelling for the new Believer is the "suffering" or "fire baptism" aspect of his walk with Christ. Suffering is the thing we have most in common with Christ that we seldom hear preached or taught because, although most Christians are suffering, they don't want to hear about it. Our suffering is the tie that binds us to the Master. It is a badge of honor. Just like your witness, your suffering is not for you. Your suffering experience is for another Believer who will come behind you with calamity, fear an doubt. Then God will place you in their life as a sign of encouragement and faith that if they don't faint, they will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

"...For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but to suffer for His sake..."  (Philippians 1:29)

Herein lays the mystery of salvation...Selah.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Martin Luther King, Jr: TOUGH MIND...TENDER HEART!"

Much of the discourse we hear annually about the incredible contribution and sacrifice MLK made for this country centers almost exclusively on the "I Have A Dream" speech and his horrific assassination and subsequent national cover-up. The currents of his spirit man ran much deeper than that. 

Although only a 10 year old 4th grader at the time, I can remember vividly the image of the endless stream of news coverage as Walter Cronkite and David Brinkley broke the somber news of his death that fateful April day in the spring of 1968. I often reflect on hearing the outcries of my mother and Aunt as they embraced each other in disbelief. The report coming over that small black and white Zenith Solid State TV had the entire nation paralyzed and a young boy totally confused and enraged.

My repeated pleas of, "Why did they kill him Momma, why did the kill him?" where muffled by the overwhelming grief and shock of my entire family.

Dr. King represented the delicate balance a strong man possesses within himself of two warring factions; a creative synthesis of opposites. Rarely does the idealist exhibit characteristics of the realist; nor the realist of the idealist. It is uncommon to see the humble self assertive or the self assertive humble. Militants are not generally passive nor passive folks militant. The Spirit of Christ prepared Dr. King with the innate (God given and God inspired) ability of "blending opposites."

How did he accomplish this? He did it with a "TOUGH MIND AND A TENDER HEART!"

As first and foremost a son of God and disciple of Christ, Dr. King  undoubtedly took his leading and guiding from the Holy Spirit. He was facing the most fearful enemy an individual man could face in the form of the US Government. Can you imagine the immense pressure of having the President, the House and Congress, the FBI, CIA, Military as well federal, state and local police (not to mention the KLAN) ALL monitoring your every move and ALL wanting you dead? 

What manner of man has the ability to continue to press through this unparalleled intrusion of privacy, incessant surveillance, death threats and conspiracy to fulfill his purpose in the earth but a man with a tough mind and a tender heart? It is the expectation of Christ Jesus that we combine the cunning of the serpent and the gentleness of a dove when ministering (serving) in the marketplace.

Contrary to popular belief, Dr. King was not a chump because of his non-violent political posture. His tough mind developed a strategy to preserve the integrity of the race; his skillfully orchestrated boycotts crippled the finances of the Montgomery City Bus Lines; his expertly crafted and impeccably timed speeches on the issues of economic empowerment, dissolution of poverty, equal rights, voting rights, housing, education, ending the Vietnam War and stifling segregation all had a profound and lasting impact not only on Black Americans, but on ALL Americans. He was an incisive thinker with acute appraisal capabilities and decisive judgement while being astute, fearless and discerning.

His tender heart saw that the soft minded racist possessed a hard heart, not because because of the color of his skin, but because of ignorance and fear. His tender heart knew that the soft minded segregationist was mired in the quicksand of unbelievable gullibility. His tender heart was able to graft together the northern liberal Jewish New Yorker with the southern black farmer from Alabama. His tender heart galvanized the entire world behind the Movement which awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. 

His tender heart sacrificed his family and the attributes of family life for the advancement of the human race (not the just the Black race). His tender heart spoke to him in the still of the night what his fate would be if he stayed faithful to his destiny. His tender heart embraced hate, deception and corruption and swallowed them up like a great tsunami engulfs an unsuspecting coastal village.

The spirit-led man or woman must possess both of these attributes if he/she is to boldly advance the Kingdom of God in the earth. Dr. King's vision for humanity superseded his blackness. His hope for a colorless society for future generations was greater than his concern for his reputation. His relentless pursuit of justice and truth was importance than the preservation of his own life. He had a thousand chances to quit. More than a thousand chances to walk away. He could have buckled under the fear of death and retribution from his enemies. He could have; but he didn't. Why?

Because he was a man with a tough mind and a tender heart! Selah...

Friday, January 9, 2015

"SPIRITUAL BAGGAGE CLAIM: Unclaimed Emotional Baggage!"

I have traveled quite a bit in my lifetime. All over the world in fact. I have been blessed to see a lot of incredible things. Traveling through airports witnessing the diversity of patrons with their families, co-workers and friends, I would wonder what was going on in their lives.

One day, I got the revelation that their "luggage" was actually a type and shadow of their "spiritual baggage."  I always say, "It's very easy to hide in a crowd." All of us have SOMETHING that we carry with us that we continue to lug around and struggle with.

Many people avoid the "curb side" check-in because they don't want to pay the cost associated with dropping off their bags. The hard truth is that we want to guard what's inside. We don't want anyone to "peek inside our baggage and see what we are carrying."

As cumbersome and uncomfortable it is, not to mention the added burden of the sheer "weight" of the baggage, we refuse to drop it off. We pray that there will be room in the "overhead" compartment to store it during the trip. Much to your dismay, the flight attendant tells you, "You have too much baggage for this flight. We will have to send your bags to baggage claim where you can pick them up after we arrive at our destination. Here is your claim ticket!"

Now you are upset. You can't even enjoy your flight because you are worried about the "stuff" in your bags. You keep thinking to yourself, "What if someone opens my bags and sees my pain, my anger, my depression, my fear, my shame or my addiction." 

The fear of exposure cripples us from being healed and delivered from our baggage. The pride of life and the spirit of ignorance captivates us inside spiritual and emotional prisons. 

The goods news is that there is an "Unclaimed Baggage Center" (UBC) where you can leave ALL YOUR BAGGAGE and NEVER pick it up again. The only requirement to leave your emotional and spiritual baggage there is FAITH.

The Holy Spirit is the Project Manager of the UBC. He welcomes you to His facility with open arms. He then whispers to you, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30)

This is what the UBC looks like; will you leave your bags or pick them up again? Saleh...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

"Uncommon SEEDS!"

"Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of God!" (Luke 8:11)

When the Holy Spirit gave me the revelation of uncommon seeds, I was thrilled because I was given more ammunition to fight the abomination (lie) that is running rampant through the Body of Christ (BOC) that a "seed" is MONEY! Ladies and gents, please keep your MONEY! 

The prosperity gospel and pulpit pimps that are fleecing the BOC for the sole purpose of fattening their bank accounts have led the sheep astray. There are websites dedicated to this foolishness ( with the likes of David Cerullo and Mike Murdock who are notorious false prophets. They will tell you that the more money you send them, the greater your "harvest" will be. This is a LIE straight from HELL! DO NOT SEND YOUR MONEY TO THESE PEOPLE!

Think about it. What is God going to buy with your money? Will He purchase another sunrise? Will He expand the oceans? Will He create another universe? Will He purchase singing lessons for the birds and fowls of the air? Will He build another mountain? Where will He cash your check or deposit your money? Newsflash: EVERYTHING that EVER WAS or WILL BE was made by the WORD (seed)? (John 1:1-5)


Bask instead in the glory of the "uncommon seed (word)" that flows from the Holy Spirit. These are the words that the Lord has reserved just for you! Listen intently as He pours out revelation that will enhance your witness, establish your son ship and create a legacy (ministry) of peace until the end of the ages. Steal away into your secret place and meditate on the grace of His goodness as He details His instructions for your assignment in the earth realm. Be cleansed, strengthened and encouraged by the rivers of living water flowing from the Throne Room of Grace directly to the heart, spirit and soul of mankind. 

This word is "uncommon" because it is specifically designed for you and no one else. 

The creative energy of the Trinity is at your disposal... FREE OF CHARGE!

Friday, January 2, 2015


I know this is going to rub some folks the wrong way (mostly those people who believe in the "name it claim it" and "believe it and receive it" doctrines of deception and manipulation), but it is imperative that I get this off of my chest!


The Word of God says, "...And when you pray do not use vain repetitions as the heathen (actual Christians who assert they KNOW Christ but really don't) do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask of Him." 
(Matthew 6:7-8)

When I caught the revelation of this scripture, it changed my spiritual life forever. It altered my prayer life significantly. It freed me from material bondage and the self seeking gratification of praying (although I was actually begging) for "stuff" from God. It catapulted me into the marketplace to serve God's people. It gave me the revelation of why I born. I was born to be "born again" to serve My Father!

Since God knows what I need before I ASK HIM, why do I keep asking Him?  I should just THANK HIM and keep it moving! Wow! Can it be any simpler than that?

Why do you ask God for stuff and you have no relationship with Him? Just think of your own child. How would you feel if all your son or daughter did was beg you for stuff every time you saw them? For those of you who have kids, you have definitely experienced this situation. 

Can you remember how your head almost exploded from anger when you heard their petitions for things and you reflected on the fact that they never washed the dishes, cleaned up their rooms, cut the grass or took out the garbage when you asked them to?
You would think in your head, "they would NEVER have to ask me for anything if they just served me with gladness. I would overwhelm them with blessings from the abundance of my spirit." It is the same way with God.

I submit to you that you can be made FREE from the bondage of begging God for blessings if you ONLY BELIEVE His Word. Look, It was God who said that He knew you before you were formed in your mothers' womb. You had a pre-exisitng relationship and fellowship with God IN ETERNITY long before you entered the earth realm. Do you not know that it was God who shaped you and deposited His DNA in you through His Holy Spirit so that He could reconnect with you RIGHT NOW?

The BLESSING is health and peace and joy and the indwelling of His Mighty Spirit! It is breathing and walking upright with no pain. It is the gift of a razor sharp mind. It is the honor of sharing the gospel of peace to a desperate soul. It is having patience with a wayward child. It is caring for your elderly parents.

Don't be like them, stop begging TODAY! The BLESSING is in the RELATIONSHIP and FELLOWSHIP with the FATHER; and you DON"T NEED TO BEG FOR IT TO RECEIVE IT! Selah...