
Sunday, July 28, 2013


The Trinity of Truth (Excerpt from the book, "The Belligerent Christ" by Nicholas Carl Moore, available at
In his own answers to the question ‘What is truth?’ John makes it clear that all three persons of the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, can be identified with the truth. When he wrote in an abstract way about ‘the truth’ in 2 and 3 John, he may have had all three in mind. In fact, there are no direct references to the Holy Spirit in either of these epistles. The various points John goes on to make about ‘the truth’ here, he also makes in his other writings in connection with the three persons of the Trinity.

From my perspective, the Way (is God), the Truth (is Christ) and the Life (is the Holy Spirit).  These three characteristics are indelibly connected to each person and manifest its power in different ways. Jesus is contending that He is the ‘full reality of God’ and that He is full of grace and truth (John 1:1-18).  So let’s break down what the Messiah was “really” saying to us.
I love the Greek language because it is considered a ‘romantic language.’  Each word represents something meaningful and tangible so you have to take your time and research each word as you seek divine revelation from the Father. It is critical to write the meaning of the words down in a journal and use it as a resource for future study and interpretation.  This stuff is powerful!
“I am the Way.”  The “way” in Greek is translated “hodos”: or a traveled way; “I am the course of conduct”; I am (have been) travelling (past tense) with you as a companion; since I am the way (or, that same road), fear not for I know what lurks ahead. The Holy Spirit further said to me that, ‘I am the way of thinking, feeling and deciding.’ “I have been sent by Him to you in order that you might (will) know the ‘way’ back to Him.”
“I am the Truth.” The ‘truth’ in Greek is translated “aletheia”: or reality, verity.  ‘I am the truth (true) in any matter under consideration (Col. 2:9). What is true in things pertaining to God and the duties of man; involving moral and religious truth?  It is truth as a personal excellence which is that state of mind free from affection, pretense, simulation, falsehood and deceit.
“I am the Life.” The “life” in the Greek is translated “zoe”: or alive, full of life.  It is that one (person) possessed by the vitality of creation; one who is animated.  Zoe represents the absolute fullness of life; both its essential and ethical attributes as belonging to God whereby “logos” (the Word) put on the human nature (became flesh and dwelled among us) and form (physical body). It also means to be full in vigor; to be fresh, strong and efficient; to be powerful; to live and transfer life to another; and to be a ‘living spring’ having vital power and exerting the same upon the soul.  I must emphasize that Jesus did not ‘take it (human form and substance) on’, He ‘put it (human form and substance) on’ (like a suit) (1 John 5:20 AMP).

As we live and, more importantly, serve our lives in Christ Jesus, we know the truth and advance in the way. Or turning it around, as we follow the way, we learn the truth and are filled with the life. He who is life and truth is the only way to the Father.
Jesus made it clear that holding to His teachings is essential in order to lay claim to being one of His disciples and, ultimately, one of His apostles (one able to teach truth as his life reflects that same truth he is teaching). Further, His teachings should be accepted as absolute truth. This truth, and no other, has the power to set a person free. Many philosophies and ideologies make the claim for truth, but all truth is God’s truth, and therefore all claims for truth must be judged in light of God’s revealed truth and knowledge. To adhere to a false view of reality is to be held captive to ignorance. Anything or anyone in ‘captivity’ is subject to the thing or person that captured it. 
The result is a life of misery and despair.  To live a life apart from God’s authority is to be held captive to sin, darkness and death. The truth of Jesus sets individuals free from all such lies, bondage and witchcraft.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

"The Paradigms of PRAISE and WORSHIP!"

John 4:21-26  (NKJV)

21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”
26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.

So much of the Christian experience is misguided theatrics centered around "ego driven entertainment." The vast majority of Christians DO NOT READ the Bible on a consistent basis. Like sheep, they prefer to be fed by the Pastor. Like a traffic light, they wait for the signal to tell them when to "stop" and when to "go."

Praise and worship is the cornerstone of the relationship between the Believer and the Lord God! God is SPIRIT! That takes Him out of the realm of the PHYSICAL. Therefore, one would conclude that physical praise and worship is null and void UNLESS it is exercised in the spirit of TRUTH (Christ)! Hammond organs, theatrical mass choirs and "buck dancin'" minstrels are NOT PRAISE and WORSHIP. All that is, is "folk's carryin' on" in church to be seen as spiritual by their I am not sayin' the Spirit of God can't move, but most of the time it's scripted behavior!

The Samaritan woman is a prime example of the life of transition a Christian can go through when he or she "encounters" the Lord God face to face! If anybody should have been gettin' they Holy Ghost Groove on, it should have been her!  But no, she was introspective and calm and listened to the words of the Father.  Over a period of time, she caught the revelation of who He was (albeit He had to tell he who He was!)

It is inevitable that the revelation of who He is and, more importantly, who He says you are to Him, will manifest in the quiet moments of intimacy. This exchange seldom, if ever, happens in the midst of the congregational experience on Sunday. Church is not designed for "intimacy with the Lord." You don't have to "Lift Up Yo' Hands and Slap Somebody" or "Turn to Yo Neighba and say Neighba..."

Jesus ministers to a Samaritan woman at the well.

The Samaritan woman represented a "bastard" race of children born to the descendants of the Exile. We were ALL bastards until Jesus sacrificed His life for us. Samaria was the region between Judea and Galilee. The Jews hated the Samaritans because they considered them "impure" Jews; yet Jesus had no such bias. Jesus represented "total access" to the Kingdom of Heaven.  He is the DOOR! He is the WAY.  He is the TRUTH! He is the LIFE! The journey from Judea to Galilee took three days. The Samaritan represents ALL of us who lived in SIN and played around with it until we encountered the "LIVING" Christ!

This woman had five husbands and was currently "shackin' up" with another dude when she met Jesus. Christ makes worship a matter of the heart, not necessarily an outward display of emotion. Praise is the perpetual state of the Believer who loves and fears the Lord. Praise represents thanksgiving for who He is and what He has done for us (while we were yet sinners).

Praise and worship is what we do when we have the ability to sin; when no one else is watching and we won't get caught...and still NOT DO IT!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


"Mercy" (Middle English, from Anglo-French merci, from Medieval Latin merced-, merces, from Latin, "price paid, wages", from merc-, merxi "merchandise") is a broad term that refers to benevolence, forgiveness and kindness in a variety of ethical, religious, social and legal contexts.

Too many Christians want to apply the "gift"of MERCY to premeditated and repeat offenses against God and His Word! Christians misunderstand the reason for MERCY in the first place...It was and still is the intent of God to kill us for our blatant disobedience. In my mind, the ultimate act of MERCY was God sacrificing Jesus on Golgotha for our wicked and triflin' a***s! Is that too much for you? Is it hard to hear that God would kill us in a New York minute if it weren't for the Christ?

Given the multiple "earth age" or "creation" stories in the Bible, it is crystal clear that "Elohim" (the confluence of ALL that God is) has absolutely no problem whatsoever with killing His people for disobeying Him! Now I know that is a bitter pill to swallow, but all you have to do is check the record. The Creator instituted the popular phrase "take no prisoners" with multiple declarations to "utterly destroy" His enemies. In short, God has zero tolerance for our BS and when He gets fed up, well, let's just say, He has no problem starting from scratch!

How often have you found yourself at this intersection?

So what about today's "new believer's" and their blanket application of mercy to almost every transgression?

I see MERCY singularly in the person of Jesus Christ! Where ever I see the word "mercy", I replace it was Jesus. To that end, I view mercy as God's ability to kill us and grace as His decision not to. Believer's have to truly understand this point; transgressions against God has ALWAYS resulted in DEATH! In this, perhaps Christians can reassess their approach to and indulgence in SIN. The constant petitions for grace and mercy are only necessary for an individual who is IMMERSED in a sin filled life. This counterfeit Christian experiences remorse and not repentance.

Our churches and pastors seldom preach holiness, therefore the individual caught in the web of sin is deluded into thinking he/she is "getting a pass" because of ignorance. God doesn't excuse us from sin because we say we "didn't know" something. If you don't believe me, just ask the "ghost" of Brother Uzzah (meaning "strength") who tried to catch the Ark of the Covenant when it was falling to the ground as the donkey stumbled in (2 Sam 6:6,7). His immediate demise was a high price to pay for ignorance.

Jesus heals a man at the Pool of Bethesda

At the pool of Bethesda ("house of shame or disgrace" in Hebrew and Aramaic. It can also mean "house of mercy" in both languages), more than 250,000 people were gathered there for healing. It was both a place of shame and a place of mercy. How many of us find ourselves at that intersection in life? How many of us remain stagnant in our faith and lay waiting for someone to come along and rescue us? How is it that we can be so close to so many other people with various afflictions and offer them no assistance? How many times have fellow Christians "stepped over you" to get to the pool when they could have extended a little grace and mercy to you too?

The average Christian has no concept of the Cost of Mercy. Christ left the heavens to come to earth to manifest glory in the form of mercy for the sinful world of heathens. Don't miss this! Jesus died for SINNERS, NOT Christians. Just imagine that you were in a jail cell waiting to die, fully persuaded that you deserved to die because of your crime or sin against God, and then you look out through the window into the court yard and you see the guards (angels) escort another man in front of the firing squad. They execute the man. Now you are really nervous because you know you are next. They call your name. You hear the sound of the keys and footsteps and voices of the guards. You make eye contact. They unlock the cell as you gasp for air and resist them as they reach out for you only to hear the guard say, "You are free to go!" You later find out that you didn't even KNOW the MAN who died for you (Rom 5:6:-8).

It never ceases to amaze me that with the thousands of people who were present there on that fateful day at the portico's five gigantic pools, that the Lord God walked by thousands of sick people and healed only ONE man! Only have to ask your self why! Selah...

Friday, July 12, 2013

"Jesus Crushes Satan With Three Simple Words!"

There is no easy way to say this, "If you haven't endured at least one wilderness experience in your life as a Believer, you might not be saved!"  Hold on before you stop reading this post. Please hear me out!

In the Gospel of John, Chapter 4 Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist and verbally confirmed as the Messiah by God to the entire world.  The voice of God ordained Jesus as having spiritual authority in the earth realm. Then the Word of God says, Jesus was "driven" into the wilderness ( a place of suffering, adversity and desolation) by God (Himself) and "led" by the Holy Spirit. In other words, God was pushing and the Holy Spirit was pulling Him into exile! He did not chose this path. He didn't even get to enjoy His "anointing service."

So for 40 days and 40 nights (the number "40" represents, trials, testing and probation. It is the period of chastisement (training) for God's people. It is not judgement in the sense of punishment, but a protracted period of preparation. By man's clock, 40 "years" is the age of a generation) Satan tempted Jesus in every way imaginable. God was not only training His Son how to "resist" the devil, but He also demonstrated an unbreakable covenant and allegiance to God's Word.

Have you been driven into adversity by God? Are you giving the devil credit for the work of God's hands? The Bible clearly states that it was God Himself who turned Jesus over to Satan! Surely if God would serve Jesus up on a "silver platter" as His only begotten, what chance do you think you or I have in avoiding tumultuous storms in our lives? The problem is that too many Christians "shrink and cower" when adversity strikes. I say it all the time, "The thing that we have most in common with Christ that is seldom preached from the pulpit is our identification and association with His suffering, conflict and adversity." It is this adversity the "qualifies us for kingdom service!"

Believers must embrace the hard stuff. The devil only has one cheap magic trick: DECEPTION! He used the same tricks on Jesus in the wilderness as he did in the Garden with Adam. He tried to rope Him in with the lust of the flesh (turn this stone into bread); the lust of the eyes (the devil...showed Him all the kingdoms of the world) and the pride of life (throw Yourself down from here). Each one of us who has declared that Jesus is Lord of our lives has experienced the constant attack of the enemy in these three areas.

The gospel or "good news" is that Jesus has also given us the prescription for resisting the devil and his imps with three simple words, "It is written..."

Friday, July 5, 2013

"Why many CHRISTIANS are giving SHEEP a BAD NAME!"

I am fully persuaded that Jesus did not have this in mind when He made mankind analogous to sheep. Never in His wildest dream could He have imagined that His sheep would become so vulnerable, miserable and defenseless. The way Christians are "carrying on" today, they are giving sheep a bad name!    

In the following passage, Jesus makes a distinct between His sheep and the sheep that have been seduced by the "hirelings" into leaving the "fold" (protection and direction of Christ):  

"...Jesus answered them, "I told you, and you do not believe ; the works that I do in My Father's name, these testify of Me. "But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish ; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. "My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all ; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one." (John 10:25-30)  

They are of a gregarious nature...meaning they love to be with the herd, they are herbivores. Sheep must have a leader (shepherd) and must be told what to do and where to go, other wise they'll wander off and get lost. The government of the Kingdom of Heaven has been perverted by the corruption of mankind. Now our nation, leaders and other institutions are like wolves leading the sheep to slaughter.

These are the Characteristics of Sheep:

1. timid, fearful, easily panicked 2. dumb, stupid, gullible 3. very vulnerable to fear, frustration, pests, hunger 4. easily influenced by a leader, by the shepherd 5. stampede easily, vulnerable to mob psychology 6. little or no means of self-defense; can only run 7. easily killed by enemies 8. the shepherd is most effective, calming influence 9. jealous, competitive for dominance 10. constantly need fresh water, fresh pasture 11. have very little discernment in choosing food or water 12. perverse, stubborn - will insist on their own way , even eating poisonous plants or drinking dirty water 13. easily "cast" - flipped over on their back, unable to right themselves will die of starvation if not turned over by shepherd; helpless 14. frequently look for easy places to rest 15. don't like to be sheared, cleaned 16. too much wool can cause sheep to be easily "cast" 17. creatures of habit; get into "ruts" 18. need the most care of all livestock 19. need to be "on the move"; need a pre-determined plan, pattern of grazing 20. totally dependent of shepherd for every need 21. need "rod and staff" guidance

Do these characteristics reflect you or someone you know? Have you been snatched from the hand of Christ Jesus? Who took you away? If so, repent, reject the deception and return to the bosom of Jesus Christ for the blessed assurance which is eternal life in His presence and that of the Father. Selah!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


The popular culture and vernacular of today's institutional church (IC) along with the cavalcade of sects, denominations and various divisions have created a melting pot of confusion, subjugation and gross negligence toward the things of God.

At the top of the list is the myth of "spiritual covering" as a blatant manipulation of the scriptures and a powerful devise being used to spiritually castrate the men and women of God. The concept of "spiritual covering" is a direct indictment on the Headship of Christ as the ONLY Head of the children of God and leader of the church!

I will state this in plain English so a kid in kindergarten couldn't miss it, "Your pastor, bishop or apostle cannot be, will not be nor has the authority to be your spiritual covering. If you are a woman, your spiritual covering is your husband (not your pastor). If you are a man, your spiritual covering is Christ (not your bishop). If you are a pastor, your spiritual covering is Christ (not your bishop)!  Now , everybody repeat after me, "My "spiritual covering is CHRIST, NOT my pastor or bishop!"(Read 1 Corinth 11:2-16 slowly for the TRUTH).

Whose idea was it to start this foolishness and, more importantly, because we have a litany of "non-readers" of the Word, thousands of Christians have accepted this premise as "gospel" and have submitted to its deception "hook, line and sinker!"

                                                        This photo needs no explanation!

"Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that COVER with A COVERING, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: That walk to go down into EGYPT [symbol of captivity in Scripture], and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh [symbol of Satan and autocratic dictators in Scripture], and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your CONFUSION. For his princes were at Zoan [aka, Goshen, where Pharaoh met with Moses and Aaron; Easton's Bible Dictionary], and his ambassadors came to Hanes. They were all ashamed of a people that could not PROFIT them, nor be an help nor PROFIT, but a shame, and also a reproach. (Isaiah 30:1-5; KJV; emphases and parentheses added)

Indeed, what the false prophets subscribe to as "spiritual covering" is actually "spiritual control." You have to ask your self the hard question: What "type" of spirits are behind this manipulation? Only demonic spirits usher in manipulation, deception and error. This witchcraft and sorcery has crippled the integrity, influence and witness of the Body of Christ and diluted the overall perception of the IC to the lost as well as Christians who are young in the faith.
I have a stern warning to ALL church leaders masquerading as Men of Faith: "Be afraid; BE VERY AFRAID!" The Lord God still sits on the throne AND He still SMITES people!