
Monday, January 28, 2013

"GUN" Control or "SELF" Control?"

The debate is at a fever pitch in the US over the allowable amount of force necessary to thwart potential criminality among the citizenry, hunt a deer in the woods, protect yourself against an African American male or devastate a community with a mass murder on innocent, unsuspecting people.

It doesn't really matter what laws are passed, it will always be up to the "people" to make wise choices when it comes to their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms:

 "The Supreme Court has reaffirmed that the 2nd Amendment guarantees an individual the right to possess guns in the home for self defense. They Justices also stated that this right is “not unlimited” – elected officials may enact common sense gun laws to protect communities. 
Those laws are needed to protect the safety of Americans. Too many individuals can obtain dangerous weapons far too easily in America. An epidemic of violence results when guns and even assault rifles can be purchased from unlicensed merchants at gun shows without a Brady criminal background check.
Think we don’t need to change that? Think again. In one year, more than 31,000 people die from gun violence – and close to 79,000 more are shot but survive gun injuries. That’s more than 100,000 people EACH YEAR who are killed or wounded with a gun in our country."

We know all too well the horrific deeds committed by these demented men fostering varying degrees of sociopathic behavior.  But at the end of the day, what is the root of the problem?  No gun is going to fire itself automatically. No gun has the ability to recognize that it is using excessive force.  Who hunts a deer with an AK-47? What crazy person would hunt quails with a heat seeking missile? That would be "over the top" wouldn't it?

So why do we need militia crafted weapons to protect ourselves against another human being? Is it because we know the extent of the retaliatory power of a deer, quail or elk? We are 100% sure the deer will not pull out a glok and fire back at us. But who can know the heart and MIND of a man?

We have witnessed that a man is capable of doing anything to anybody at anytime. We have resisted the attempt to totally give up on human kind, however many of our fellow citizens have drafted like-minded extremists to build local militias to combat "outsiders" or perceived enemies in various demographic "target groups" to eliminate the threat against their homes and families.

So it gets down to one thing in my mind. Is it the guns or is it the people? Do we need to focus on controlling the guns or do we need to focus on self control? Do we need to lobby Washington and the NRA who has global reach and epic political clout for "relief" in the availability of high magazine weapons, stricter background checks, and tougher prosecution for offenders? Or do we just continue to create an atmosphere of fear where our citizens don't know who to trust because our local police force and sheriff departments look as much like the "enemy" in many communities as the "enemy" looks like the "enemy."

It seems like a problem that will probably never be solved; certainly not with a dysfunctional government and a corrupt governing body that is only concerned with its branding and political footprint.  "There is no limit to the depths of human selfishness!"

Friday, January 25, 2013

"Why GOD used the "BLOOD" of Jesus to PAY for our SIN!"

As a babe in Christ, I often wondered why God used the "blood" of Jesus as the propitiation of our sins. In other words, why use His blood and not something else?  The Holy Spirit led me to (Heb. 9:1-28) [emphasis on vv.11-28] and He spoke these two phrases to me; "to know" and "to see".

God speaks to me through "words", so I went to my trusty Strong's Concordance and looked up these two phrases:
  1. "To know": "ginasko" (Gk. #1492); to know (God) personally with a growing (and) increasing knowledge.
  2. "to see": "oida" (Gk. #      ); to perceive or know absolutely (and with complete knowledge).
The power of the blood of Christ is vividly seen in (Heb. 9:11-12) and "I know" and "see" why God used His blood to vindicate those who believe. This is what I have surmised. "God may have used blood as a catalyst for Christ's connection to man for several reasons. First, let's divide these reasons into two (2) categories: 1) present day and, 2) the past.

For the "past", the reasons are not so elusive.  Everyone in the ancient time from small children to the elderly know the importance of blood.  If blood was seen flowing from someones body, whether they appeared to be sleeping on a perfect bed or laid out in the street, it was instantly recognized that their "life force" was leaving them. Blood was the one element that told everyone in proximity that "death" was imminent if the flow of blood was not abated.

Men of the past also knew that a "mother" passed her blood on to her child (blood transference) during pregnancy and that this "transference" was severed at the point during the birth process when the umbilical cord was cut. Therefore the child is "maintained" in the "water" (a "type" of the "spirit") and "sustained" with the "blood" (a  "type" of "life force"). This act of "cutting" (covenant) signified to the observer that this child no longer "automatically" received from its mother.  From that point until death, its sustenance would depend upon some form of external action to keep him alive. Further, in ancient cultures blood was used to seal "primitive pacts" (agreements or covenants) between men, lesser gods and even the Most High God!  Again, Brother Nick, why did God use blood? Because blood was more precious than money or any commodity at that time.

As for the "present", God chooses His ways strategically for the duality of their significance. Because of "proprietary knowledge",we know significantly more now about the properties of blood than our forefathers. Today we know that blood is far more than the carrier of the "present" life.  It is the carrier of "past" and "future" lives as well in the form of DNA. Blood is the second largest carrier of our DNA outside of our bones and contains all the traits of the person; both good (physiological, psychological and anatomical traits) and bad (diseases). What child can disavow his parents?

His blood had the power to negotiate our eternal freedom from the bondage of sin and death. In order for a "joint "heir" to receive the benefits of the "Will" of God (that Jesus would die for us), the "Heir" MUST die. The "promises" or "will" of the Father goes to the sons of the spirit and that "gift" is eternal communion with the Father. The blood sealed the agreement and allows the believer to avoid God's wrath; this is no small thing! We have avoided being PUNISHED by God! Wow! (For examples of God's wrath, see the OT!)

It would seem to me that God is saying, "Despite what you feel in the future toward Me, the price that was paid by Jesus' blood on the Cross (to solidify My "eternal" covenant with you) is too high and can NEVER be rescinded!"

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Within the Institutional Church (IC) there are very skillful orators, prolific speakers and rhetoricians.  These "silver tongued" prognosticators can "sell a drowning man a pair of lead boots!" Time after time the hopeless stream of down trodden and sick individuals flood the altars of America's churches seeking relief from their respective calamities.

Through the power of "Hypnotic Suggestion" many of the Prosperity Gospel preachers have been able to mesmerize the masses with assorted "magic tricks", incantations and misdirection to con the people out of their hard earned money. Hypnotic Suggestion is "..a proposition of belief or an action that is accepted by a hypnotic "subject"(that would be YOU) without any critical thought, analysis or RESISTANCE!"

You might ask the question, 'How do they do this?" Surely you can't be referring to me.  I am wide awake at church. How can I be hypnotized?  I'm glad you asked!

This is how it's done subtly and profoundly:
  1. They use "repetition" and "suggestion" as effective tools.  Have you ever heard Mike Murdock say the same thing over and over again? 
  2. They use "psychological" and "emotional" stops to convince the listener that they are "right"! The speaker makes an appeal to someone in the audience who is well known and popular and has "had an experience everyone is familiar with." In this manner, the speaker shifts focus away from "truth" to "persuasion" to make a point thus convincing the people he is "right" even if he is "wrong."
  3. They often use "diversion" with a forceful tone (for emphasis and to let the listener know that they are serious).  This is often done while people have their bibles open and are sitting their taking notes but they are not "concentrating" on what he is saying or "thinking" about the context because they are distracted with locating the scriptures he just gave them to seek out.  Meanwhile, he is sneaking in his subtle remarks and thus transforming their thought processes without them even knowing what's happening.
  4. They often use "deception" because it deflects the listeners from credible and viable sources that would challenge or confront their lies and manipulation. A good example of this is the preacher "rebuking" the congregation from seeking out Internet sites that expose corrupt preachers and their deceitful tactics as "ungodly" and "disloyal." "Emotive" language or "emotionally charged" verbiage is often utilized to validate the deception. This is nonsense!
  5. Another effective tool is "arrogance".  In the annals of Christendom, it has often been said that the "enemy is always insulted and offended by the truth."  Again, emotive language is used by the speaker to diffuse any attempt to critique their negative behavior. They might describe someone as a "monster", "liar", or "infidel" to derail the assault against their criminal activity.
  6. Finally, perhaps the most effective tool used for manipulation is called "proof texting" whereby the speaker takes a scripture (either popular or obscure) "out of context" and applies it to some convoluted point they are trying to make to give it credibility as if it was something God said, or more importantly, "something God told HIM to tell YOU!" This is most often exploited during preaching on the "TITHE."
It is always funny to me how people in the world don't need to tithe to be prosperous, but Christians somehow need to give 10% to a church or a preacher to receive "financial blessings" and achieve prosperity! Herein, lies the "root" of MANIPULATION!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"The Test of SELF-INTEREST!"

"If thou wilt take to the left hand, then I will go to the right; or
if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left."
                                                                                   Genesis 13:9

As soon as you begin to live the life of faith in God, fascinating and luxurious prospects will open up before you, and these things are yours be right; but if you are living the life of faith you will exercise your right to waive your rights, and let God choose for you.

God sometimes allows you to get into a place of testing where your own welfare would be the right and proper thing to consider if you were not living a life of faith; but if you are, you will joyfully waive your right and leave God to choose for you.

This is the discipline by means of which the "natural" is transformed into the "spiritual" by obedience to the voice of God.

Whenever right is made the guidance in the life, it will blunt the spiritual insight. The great enemy of the life of faith in God is not sin, but the good which is NOT good enough. The "good" is always the enemy of the "best." It would seem the wisest thing in the world for Abraham to choose, it was his right, and the people around him would consider him a fool for NOT choosing.

Many of us do not go on (grow up) spiritually because we prefer to choose what is "right" instead of "relying upon God to choose for us." We have to learn to walk according to the standard which has its eye on God.

This "spiritual conviction" will allow the believer to say with confidence and blessed assurance to the Lord of the Harvest, "Walk before me!"

Friday, January 11, 2013

"The Paradigms of MANTLE and MANDATE create MANHOOD!"

The HS ministered to me about the paradigms of MANDATE and MANTLE.

MANTLE is a transferred role or position; especially one that can be passed from one to another. It is something that envelopes or covers something else (like snow covering a mountain top) or a strong man covering a weaker man ("as in, I am my brother's keeper").

MANTLE invokes an intentional transfer of power, authority and dominion in the earth. Men are to under gird one another and hold one another accountable in their daily lives.  MANTLE denotes holiness, honor and integrity. MANTLE represents order, vision and resilience. MANTLE is fashioned as a seamless garment without any breech or weakness in character, composition or content.

MANTLE has equal transference of power and authority to both kings (pro visionaries) and priests (visionaries).

MANDATE is the God-given permission, authorization, consent, command and directive to subdue the earth and serve His people in the marketplace. A MANDATE is an authoritative order and spirit-led assignment to do something extraordinary in the region or territory given to you as a result of a set of prescribed goals and objectives.

MANDATE jettisons the believer into a permanent posture of engagement and empowerment thereby creating glory and thus shining a light on the Lord God. We are compelled to serve those less fortunate because it is there, in that service, that we will find our giftedness; our passion and our life's work in the Kingdom of Heaven.

MANHOOD is the decision to leave the childish things behind. MANHOOD understands the difference between life and death. MANHOOD promotes peace and order and grace and gives "life" to those in dark places. MANHOOD embraces change and fosters development and growth. MANHOOD stabilizes and enhances the family, community and business...MANHOOD is the seal of God!

Friday, January 4, 2013

MANDATE MANTLE: "Three Main Functions of the Human SPIRIT!"

MANDATE MANTLE: "Three Main Functions of the Human SPIRIT!": When we are apprehended by God, our natural inclinations have nothing to do with how or what we are to preach (disciple those in and outsid...