
Friday, January 9, 2015

"SPIRITUAL BAGGAGE CLAIM: Unclaimed Emotional Baggage!"

I have traveled quite a bit in my lifetime. All over the world in fact. I have been blessed to see a lot of incredible things. Traveling through airports witnessing the diversity of patrons with their families, co-workers and friends, I would wonder what was going on in their lives.

One day, I got the revelation that their "luggage" was actually a type and shadow of their "spiritual baggage."  I always say, "It's very easy to hide in a crowd." All of us have SOMETHING that we carry with us that we continue to lug around and struggle with.

Many people avoid the "curb side" check-in because they don't want to pay the cost associated with dropping off their bags. The hard truth is that we want to guard what's inside. We don't want anyone to "peek inside our baggage and see what we are carrying."

As cumbersome and uncomfortable it is, not to mention the added burden of the sheer "weight" of the baggage, we refuse to drop it off. We pray that there will be room in the "overhead" compartment to store it during the trip. Much to your dismay, the flight attendant tells you, "You have too much baggage for this flight. We will have to send your bags to baggage claim where you can pick them up after we arrive at our destination. Here is your claim ticket!"

Now you are upset. You can't even enjoy your flight because you are worried about the "stuff" in your bags. You keep thinking to yourself, "What if someone opens my bags and sees my pain, my anger, my depression, my fear, my shame or my addiction." 

The fear of exposure cripples us from being healed and delivered from our baggage. The pride of life and the spirit of ignorance captivates us inside spiritual and emotional prisons. 

The goods news is that there is an "Unclaimed Baggage Center" (UBC) where you can leave ALL YOUR BAGGAGE and NEVER pick it up again. The only requirement to leave your emotional and spiritual baggage there is FAITH.

The Holy Spirit is the Project Manager of the UBC. He welcomes you to His facility with open arms. He then whispers to you, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30)

This is what the UBC looks like; will you leave your bags or pick them up again? Saleh...

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