
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Pastors Scammin' Folk In The Name of Jesus!"

When I think about the different schemes and tricks employed by many unscrupulous leaders in religious world it makes me cringe!  I often ask myself, "How is it possible that so many people can be so naive, no not naive, just plain STUPID?" Time after time, many congregations fall prey to the manipulation and witchcraft from their "so-called" Pastors, Bishops, Apostles, etc.

The financial toll on individuals and families is skyrocketing as the "material appetites" of their "spiritual fathers" increases.  Caddy's and Benz's are being shunned in lieu of Maybachs and Ferrari's; the parsonage in place of the sprawling mansion AND summer home in the Caribbean; not to mention the custom suits, jewelry and other gifts too many to mention here.

Do I have a problem with people "giving" in church? No.  Do I have a problem with "tithing"? YES!  It's not biblical (please go back and read the O.T. SLOWLY). Unfortunately, the "fleecing" doesn't stop at tithing.  Let's examine the various ways church folk are being guilted into "Giving to God!"  Here are some of my favorites:
  1. Tithes and Offerings (It's hard to hear, but this is the No. #1 Scam of ALL!); both "in-person" and "on-line" via Paypal and "automatic debits" from personal banking accounts! Are you kidding me? What kind of nonsense is that?
  2. The Building Fund (never ending, guaranteed supply of CASH for the Pastor)
  3. Pastor's Anniversary, Father's Day, Christmas, Pastor's Birthday, Church Anniversary
  4. Special Offering for Pastor's Vacation and the First Lady's Events (see above)
  5. Weekly Offerings (all cash that is laid at the altar to "Bless the Mant of Godt!")
  6. Cards and letters that come in to the ministry during the week from radio and TV ministries flush with cash (untraceable to the IRS);
  7. Complementary services from community residents (not to be outdone by his congregation): Free haircuts, meals, lawn services, dry cleaning, auto detailing, etc.
  8. Other Offerings for the "BISHOP and First LADY" of the "MOTHER CHURCH" (which is the beginning of the Christian Network marketing Schemes.  You have heard it said,  "We are obligated to honor the Set Man and tithe up-line.")
  9. Mandatory participation of Church Leaders (Elders, Deacons, Ministry Leaders and their families to "sow" into the vision of the house by investing $700-$1200 "extra" dollars in everything from Noni Juice, to vitamins to vacation packages and Legal Shield!"
Have you ever heard this? "Hold up your offering to the Lord (so I can see who is giving and who is NOT giving)!"  And the "sheep" comply without thinking and they raise their offerings or fill out the "empty" envelope with fakes names and amounts just to look good to their "neighbor." As a former Deacon at a Mega-church, I used to hate the assignment of counting the tithes and offerings...the people cannot keep up with the financial demands of the ministries they attend but they remain SILENT and SUFFER because they are in bondage!

It is not entirely the fault of the Pastors; the people play a MAJOR role in their exploitation because of sheer ignorance and a "profound WORD deficiency!" Do not get tangled in the web of deception out of religious rituals.  When the Pastor poses a new venture to the church, "filter" his request through the WORD.  Ask him/her questions about the project or event. Identify the "end game." What are we being asked to do and will this affect my ability to take care of and provide for MY FAMILY? If this thing that the Pastor is asking is out of the will of God, then simply don't do it!  You won't go to HELL for saying NO!

In conclusion, I always ask the "blindly dedicated"members of churches across America in my travels on stinging question, "Has your financial legacy for your children and your children's children been compromised because of your "blind allegiance" to your Pastor's vision for his life and his church? If you are not significantly better off financially today than you were when you joined the ministry six years ago, then you had better examine your ways...before it's too late!

Please join us for "MANdate Minsitries: Uncut" on Thursday nights at 7:00pm on  Our call-in # is: 1.347.843.4112.  Real talk. Hard truth!
This week's topics: "Pastor's and Network Marketing: Scammin' in Jesus' Name!"

Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Black, Single and Christian: Love, Sex or Marriage?"

For many Christian's, the "Single's Ministry" (SM) at their local church is nothing more than a glorified social club.  I am sure there are very effective SM's at many churches, but for the most part, they can be ineffective.  Most SM's have a female administrator who coordinates the monthly singles bowling event, community outreach planning and prayer meetings.  That was fine for the 1960's, but today's singles are a whole new animal all together!

Here are some questions that SM's have to contend with in today's churches:
1) What does the Pastor say to a woman who says, "I love God, but I love sex too?"
2) What does the sister who is leading the group say to a man who admits he is struggling with masturbation only to have her dreams of "gettin' wit da brother" dashed by this revelation?
3) What do you say to the gay couple who want to get married in the church they attend, but are afraid to admit their sexuality for fear of rejection?
4) What do you say to the sexually active couple who want to promote the use of condoms among the congregation to prevent pregnancy, STD's and HIV/AIDS?
5) How does the "20 something" young woman or young man minister to the sister who has recently lost her husband to death about "single life" after 34 years of marriage?
6) What do the men in leadership say to the young man who is preying on the "vulnerable, single'' sisters in church to satisfy his own sexual lusts?

SM's have bogged down under the weight of politics, indifference and greed! Many Pastors don't give a "flying flip" about the emotional lives of the people as long as they bring the "tithe."  There is no room for poor people in church anymore!  Isn't that amazing?  It's a hard thing to hear, but its true! Singles have a tough time trying to regulate their own lives much less minister to the lives of others without the proper guidance and support mechanism, that being: the unadulterated truth and "real talk."

SM's have to differentiate love from sex and prepare single couples for "real marriage" and not just "weddings!"  Black women are five times as likely to be single at age 40 than white women.  More than 42% of black women in the US have never been married and more than 70% of black women in the US are single (including those divorced, separated or widowed)!  Add to that the virulent epidemic of HIV/AIDS among black men and women, the increase of gay men and same sex marriage, the mass incarceration of black men and the vigilante behavior of local police toward innocent black men, one can see that the "selection pool" of quality black men for motivated black women is damn near non-existent.

SM's, but more importantly Pastors, need to be more vigilant in preaching the truth to their congregants without "filtering the message" for fear of offending the masses.  In addition, they need to recruit the best professionals to create a solid support mechanism to effectively minister to the needs of the people. I must emphasize the need for "professional counselors."  Every Pastor need not be the Counselor just because they are the Pastor.  This act of arrogance has proven to do more harm than good!

SM's can be an effective tool to assist members with their successes, trials and tribulations regarding relationships, intimacy, celibacy and sexuality. 

Tune into "MANdate Ministries: Uncut" on Thursday, August 23, 2012 at 7:00pm on for our show on "Singles' Ministry" for Real talk and Hard truth. Our call-in number is 1.347.843.4112.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Domestic Violence: The New Voice!"

I have been struggling with this issue for many years as an advocate against Domestic Violence (DV) from a "distance."  This is a little incredible, considering that my mother was beaten by my father who was twice her size!  Thank God she left him on that cold Thanksgiving morning after he punched her in the face with his fist knocking her 5'0'' 102 pound frame on the couch!  I was pulling at his leg in vain trying to stop him as I was only 5 years old and he stood 6'4" and weighed about 220 pounds!

I can still hear the crack of her jaw as his fist smashed into her face; she took the punch and gathered me and my brother together and we left while the turkey was still in the oven.  My Uncle John came over later to collect our clothes and personal items. "Make sure you get my comic books," I said to him.  I did notice that he stuck his pistol in the back of his pants and he was extremely angry because my father had just beaten his sister!  "Please don't shoot him John; just get my stuff," she said.

Looking back, I see how this single incident has impacted my life.  It's been almost fifty years and I can still hear the sounds, feel the pain and the anger and see the rage in his eyes. Every time I see a turkey I think about that day.  Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday because I was able to turn the negative memory into a positive one.  I am thankful that my mother "survived" my father.  As for me, who knows how I would have turned out if she would have stayed.  Statistics state that I would have probably been an abuser or been abused myself.  I think about my mother's courage and strength and I rejoice in her resilience and loving, caring soul.

As  I write about DV and this compelling subject that is ever-present, I am imploring men everywhere to get involved in gaining awareness, educating other men in your communities, churches, fraternities and organizations about the perils of DV and how its cripples families. If you know of a man who is abusing his family, intervene personally or contact the local authorities.  Black woman have the highest incidence of murder among all ethnic groups by almost 4 to 1!  Every 9 seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten in the US and DV is the leading cause of injury to women; more than car accidents, muggings and rapes combined!

There is a "new voice" of reason and restraint in the earth stemming from the leading perpetrators of DV; namely, men. Men from all walks of life and, in particular, clergy have to teach and raise awareness in the pulpits across America.  They have to minister to the men and women in their congregations.  The subject matter is tough but people's lives are at stake; not just the women affected by the abuse but the children and entire family as well.

Please tune into Mandate Ministries "Uncut" Radio Show on Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 7:00pm on The call-in number is 1.347.843.4112 and the topic will be, "Domestic Violence and the Role of the Black Church."  Our special in-studio guest will be, Donavan Grant, Program Coordinator of the NOVA Program in Charlotte, NC.  NOVA  (New Options for Violent Actions) is a Batterer Intervention Program designed to help program participants change their abusive behavior.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

"Chick-fil-a Abandoned by the Modern Day Church!"

Chick-fil-a CEO Dan Cathy did what everybody does every second of the day; he expressed himself.  I examined his comments closely for one week before writing this blog because I wanted to make sure I was not writing an "emotional response" to the reaction of his comments by the homosexual community...needless to say, I am still emotional!

I am actually incensed that the homosexual community, local and federal governments and even other restaurateurs had the audacity to challenge his ability to speak his mind.  That would be okay if this classic case of "bullying" by the homosexual community was warranted. What they were really upset about was the fact the Brother Cathy does not "agree" with the "new " definition of marriage.  I don't either.  As a Christian, I too believe that marriage constitutes a union between one man and one woman.  That is my right and privilege and I'll add some more to it before I take it back!

Once again, the homosexual community rolled up a proverbial newspaper and cracked the Church across the nose and the Church ran into the corner with its tail between its legs urinating on itself.  Only one Christian leader spoke up in defense of Mr. Cathy! Only ONE...Reverend Billy Graham (he even purchased a chicken sandwich, fries and a shake). All of the self-proclaimed spiritual giants, bishops, apostles and prophets have been completely SILENT.  All I can hear is "crickets!"  It is almost inconceivable that after almost two weeks, not one representative of the Jesus of the Bible has stepped to the plate.  No TD Jakes.  No Creflo Dollar, no Kenneth Copeland, no Joyce Meyers, no Rod Parsley and no Joel Osteen. None. Nein. Nunca. Nadie! Zilch! Bupkus!

If I were a member of the gay community, I would pick a fight with Christians too! They never fight back!Sure, you have a few tough guys here and there but for the most part..they are a bunch of chumps!  The leadership is selfish, greedy and weak. No Christian radio, TV or Internet companies have made a formal national letter or statement of support either.  Fear has paralyzed the body of Christ! Fear of loss of sponsors, jobs and church attendance have precipitated an exodus from the faith!  Who is the real CHICKEN here?

So hats off to Mr. Cathy for standing like "David" against the modern day "Goliath" (the homosexual community).  Thank you for having the gonads to stand flat-footed against your adversaries. Bravo for not asking for any concessions.  Being only 4% of the population has its advantages for gays over the 80% of Americans who call themselves Christians and who have, apparently, failed miserably at simple mathematics!
There have been many instances where the gay community has been justified for their outrage at hate crimes, discrimination, etc. perpetrated against them; this is NOT one of them.

Kudos Mr. Cathy also for breaking sales records on Wednesday so you could once again, as is your custom, close your doors on Sunday to worship and honor the God you serve. The families of the millions of Christian supporters should be embarrassed to go to churches across America and listen to the cowards preaching in the pulpits who abandoned you during the week! Shame on you....

"Chick-fil-a Abandoned by the Church_ Part 2!"

It is almost inconceivable that after nearly two weeks of controversy and raging debates nationally, church leaders have grown eerily SILENT.  All I can hear is "crickets!" CEO Dan Cathy. "Guilty as charged", stated Cathy when asked about his companies support of the traditional family unit as opposed to same sex marriage.  To my knowledge, Dan Cathy is not a preacher nor does he have a church.  But he is devout Christian, who owns more than 1,600 family restaurants. His personal beliefs are based on the principles of the Bible. There is no such thing as a "Christian business." Christ did NOT die for our "corporate" aspirations!

But wait, did you say not one Pastor has stepped up in defense of Mr. Cathy?  I'm sad to say the answer is no save a radical, 94 year-old fire and brimstone evangelist from the mountains of North Carolina named Billy Graham.  You may have heard of him. He never had a physical building but he had one helluva church!!
Preached all over the world for more than 50 years to tens of millions of people and had the same message each time...Jesus is LORD!!

Somehow the modern day church has abandoned the same Jesus and His message.  Everyone can believe what they want and according to the First Amendment of the US Constitution, they can say what they want to with certain limitations. After close examination, it appears to me that the homosexual community was more upset that Dan Cathy had the audacity to "disagree" with their definition of marriage.  I mean, how dare he open his mouth against them.  You know, the gay community has gotten spoiled because they have receive little or no resistance from the church across the board on almost every major political issue.  You see Christians are "political" where "believers" are "radical."

If you don't believe one person standing up for justice can make a difference, check out the resumes of Mandela, Caesar Chavez, Lech Walesa and the Mahatma.  Perhaps one day Dan Cathy's stance will be a model for all Americans. We must protect the right of "free speech" for all Americans.  He NEVER mentioned anti-gay rights or same sex marriage! Once again the national media has made a mountain out of a mole hill.  CNN, radio outlets, cable networks and blogs "took the bait." Dan Cathy never retaliated with a lawsuit against the gay community.  he understand they have a right to their opinion as well.  No fuss.  Just back to business as usual.  No lawyers or press conferences.  No need for defense.  He didn't do anything wrong.

You have to ask yourself who is behind the sea of false information, misinformation and flat out lies?  In reality, what do chicken sandwiches really have to do with same sex marriages? Are the major national media outlets that are heavily financed and thus, influenced by the gay community behind this "witch hunt?"
How does a man, whose company foundation ( that promotes strong values for marriage and has a national marriage ministry component, get "pigeon-holed" into an anti-gay position with his track record of support for "traditional" marriages.

The term "homophobia" has created a tinderbox of controversy globally.  Both in and out of context, the word has been both divisive and a "Hail Mary" for the gay community. The entire country can be in hibernation on an issue until they hear "that word" and then all of a sudden everyone is appalled.  Well. my question to the gay community is this, "Why not exercise integrity when it applies?" This is a simple case of apples and oranges.  I have not read one article or heard any report of a Chick-fil-a refusing to sell chicken to one member of the gay community.  Are there any class action lawsuits against the company for discrimination in hiring, firing or promotion? The answer is no.  If there had been, we would have certainly known about it by now.

Let's move on people.  This fight is not against Chick-fil-a, it's against what Dan Cathy believes...and the last time I checked; that is his inalienable right!