
Monday, March 25, 2013

"Understanding the Spirit of CONDEMNATION!"

Men have a difficult time understanding the spirit of condemnation.

God is NOT saying He has given a license to do anything we want to do without serious repercussions. He is NOT saying repeat offenders will not have to suffer the consequences of premeditated offenses against His Word.

He is NOT excusing belligerent and abusive behavior or blatant disregard for the laws of the land. God IS saying because of His love for us, He wants us all to trust and believe that if we REPENT of our transgressions against Him and make a commitment to strive for a peaceful and a righteous spirit- led life, He will forgive us and love us back into a right relationship with Him.

So you say, what are you saying Brother Nick? My answer is, consider your ways. We have become so reckless and indifferent in the way we deal with one another.

This “keeping it real”, chest pounding fad sweeping the nation has really been taken out of context. Keeping it real doesn’t mean you can say anything to anybody anyway you want to without regard for their feelings.

Certainly there are exceptions to every rule, but what I am referring to is a scenario where one individual is addressing another individual that he knows and cares about.

The spirit of condemnation or those who impose their self-righteousness upon another person without regard to the word of God is pervasive throughout the KOG and is a dangerous tool in the wrong hands. A Believer whose inner-man is not strong and vibrant and powerful can be very easily distracted and swayed by a non-believer whose life does not reflect their personal perspective on how people are supposed to act.

I am a firm believer that an assessment of any person who is struggling with their carnality including Believers has to encounter a man or woman of faith who is confident in their ability to minister to the life of the individual with love, patience and grace.

Specifically, if you engage any person who is profane, drinks or smokes and you don’t there are many different ways to minister to the person without preaching to or condemning them.

I am NOT saying you are to compromise your beliefs, but I AM saying that Christians need to stop being so stuck up and pious as if they have never cursed, drank or smoked themselves. It trips me out to hear Believers speak about their encounters during evangelism and how disgusted they are with the world or those who don’t believe that Jesus Christ is Lord.

The reason why Believers are so ineffective in ministering or displaying the love of Christ to others unconditionally is that they spend too much time in church with other Believers perpetrating a fraud.

Let’s go deeper! There is a language that Christians speak to one another that is so superficial, artificial and fraudulent it’s no wonder we don’t hear or see one another’s heart. The fear of being exposed has somehow created an atmosphere of weakness and vulnerability in the BOC. I am so sick of the religious responses to a simple How ya doin’? I swear I want to slap the next person who says, I’m blessed and highly favored! Or I’m more than a conqueror! C’mon ya’ll, please stop playing around and tell me how you really feel! It’s okay to say, I’m hurting or I’m scared or I’m mad at my wife or My kids really make me sick!

GET FREE!! Stop the madness!

Monday, March 18, 2013

The 7 Churches in Revelation: Which CHURCH are YOU?

The Book of the Revelation that Jesus Christ gave to John in the Bible outlines seven assemblies or churches which represent specific phases in church history; past, present and future.

That Jesus was given this Revelation by God to give to John to illuminate His plans for us is remarkable, but to me, it also illustrates the heart of man and his unchanging human condition of selfishness and indifference; not only to the "things of God" but to "God" himself.

So I beg the question, "Which church are you?" Many Christians posture themselves as card carrying members of the clergy, apostolic giants and pastoral legends.  The congregation muddles along as wandering sheep with little or no connection to the Lord of Hosts; with the exception of two hours on Sunday morning (which is a "knee jerk" reaction at best!)

Are you the Church at:
  1. Ephesus (the "backslidden" church); Have you left your first love?
  2. Smyrna (the "persecuted" church); Have you been suffering for Christ?
  3. Pergamos (the "licentious" church); Are you corrupt in all you do?
  4. Thyatira (the "lax" church); Are you lazy about the things of God?
  5. Philadelphia (the "favored" church); Are you a son of God or Satan?
  6. Laodicea (the "lukewarm" church); Is your light shining or dim? or
  7. Sardis (the "dead" church"); Is your "witness" dead or alive?
To each church God gives a salutation, commendation, promise, complaint, counsel, chastening, warning, persecution, praise, exhortation or condemnation.

At the end of the day, what God has to say about us is more important than anything man has to say. Although these churches are symbolic of ancient assemblies, you can believe with absolute certainty that each one of these churches is still a vibrant and active organism today.

Again I say, "Which church are you?"

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


On March 12, 2013 Mandate Ministries infiltrated Kershaw Correctional Institution in Kershaw, SC to initiate the MANdate Project which are engagement and empowerment sessions for inmates that will prepare them for transition or re-entry into society.

Our first class, "MANhood 101" was designed to promote a profound exchange in truth that will help to build the character of men.  One of the "in-class" assignments was to define the "language of leaders" on a 3"x5" card.  Below I have highlighted several of their thoughts; They wrote that the language of leaders...

" their "body language" which are their actions. Actions show and prove the true characteristics of a man."

" the one who makes tough decisions, has a goal and carries out his purpose and inspires others to do so as well!"

" indicative of having followed a great leader. It's clearly defined, comprehensive and profound.It is the language of providing direction."

" one who recognizes the need of a situation and makes a choice to fulfill that need in a situation for the benefit of others."

" the ability to listen to others and remain objective and true to the goals established; to hold oneself and others accountable for their actions."

" (demonstrated) by getting down in the trenches and fight; one who follows until he is ready to lead.

" a rooted and grounded in purpose; it is knowing oneself and what he wants out of life; it is a focus that cannot be denied!"

" communication ability (verbally and non-verbally) that motivates and or influences others to strive toward accomplishing something."

" the language of his followers and he will only speak to them in a way (a voice) that they will not only understand, but respond to!"

Blessings and honor to the mighty men of Kershaw Prison for their heartfelt passion to want to improve their situation in spite of the odds that may be against them.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

"Where are the Black Christian Missionaries?"

For many years, back in the 1980's there was a popular cartoon "Where's Waldo?" The key was to locate Waldo in the midst of a sea of obscurity and diversion. Ultimately, Waldo was a very evasive character...of course, it was intentional.

Fast forward to modern day evangelism and I have to pose the question, "Where are all of the African American missionaries?" I can see the jaws of many black Christians getting tight and their cheeks filling up with air.  Don't get mad at me, I 'm just asking a question. Are you a "sheep" or a "goat?"

Seriously, what have you done for anybody outside of your church the past year? How many people have you extended the love of Christ to?  How many prisoners have you visited?  How many homeless people have you or your church found housing for?  How many sick folks have you visited in the hospital? How many hungry folks have YOU fed? How many naked folks have you clothed? What have you done for God (and not man)? How many thirsty folks (people needing love) have you given drink to? How many strangers have you invited into your (personal) sanctuary? (Matt. 25:31-40)

I'm sorry, bringing a few coats to the clothing drive or a few cans to the food pantry is okay, but that ain't MINISTRY!  That don't cost you nothin'!  How hard is it for you to grab a coat from your closet that you don't want anyway and give to somebody at the shelter? How much of a sacrifice is it for you to grab the can goods at the back of your pantry with dust on the top that you don't eat any way and give it to the homeless? That ain't MINISTRY! True MINISTRY will cost you something!

I can hear you whining now, "I can't afford to go to Kenya or Ethiopia. I got bills."  But I bet you can sure find the money for your pastor's anniversary or the church building fund! The "mission field" is not exclusive to any "third world" country. It is not the deepest part of Africa or the mountains of Tibet or the maintenance of the Aborigines in  Paupau, New Guinea or the Solomon Islands. The mission field is ANYWHERE you can meet the needs of God's people in the marketplace.  The
mission field is closer than you think.

Now I know everyone is not called to go to Africa or other "foreign" missions.  However, EVERY believer is called to go SOMEWHERE; even if it's next door! 

The track record of black Christian missionaries who are "serving" is less than 1%! That is an ABOMINATION! Less than one is NOTHING!  In other words, our level of participation in missions is basically non existent! No more excuses. Don't wait on your Pastor or deacon or Bishop to tell you what to do.  The Lord God gave you your marching orders 2,000 years ago! What are you waiting for?  JUST GO and don't be afraid because there is NO FEAR in the Kingdom of God!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"The Staggering Question"

"...And He said to me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O lord GOD, you know." Ezekiel 37:3

It is a staggering question whenever the Lord God asks you your opinion on a thing! Think about the times when you have heard the voice of God prick your heart with riveting discourse or just a simple query as to what you were doing or what you should be doing.  Did not your heart burn as the revelation poured out of the Spirit of God into your hearing?

Never trample in with righteous common sense and say, "Oh yes, with a little more bible reading, devotion and prayer, I see how it can be done!" It is much easier to "do something" than to trust in God.  We mistake PANIC for INSPIRATION.  That is why there are so few "fellow workers" WITH God and so many workers FOR God. We would rather work FOR God than BELIEVE IN Him.

God has given each of us a vision of what we are (our natural inclinations) apart from the grace of God (and He only does it when His Spirit is at work). You know that there is no criminal who is as half as bad in ACTUALITY as you know yourself to be in POSSIBILITY. My "grave" has been opened by God.  The Holy Spirit continually reveals what human nature is like apart from His grace.

"...Agree with your adversary (sin) quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge (God) and the judge hand you over the the officer (Christ) and you be thrown into prison (which is separation and isolation  from God)." (Matt. 5:25)


Saturday, March 2, 2013

"SECRETS: The KEY to your Spiritual CLOSET!"

"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."  (Romans 8:1)

        What's in your closet?  I'm not talking about the "physical" closet; I am referring to the "spiritual" closet. Does it have a door with multiple locks or is it wide open?  Does it contain a "safe" inside a wall with a complex combination? Is it cluttered and messy or is there a special place reserved for you to sit idly in the corner in the dark; alone, confused and bewildered?

       What about the "stuff" you hide away in your closet?  Most often, we call them "secrets." These are the things we hide from people; the things we think we will take to our grave...that thing that we don't EVER want anyone to know about.

       We stick our drug addiction, alcoholism, love for pornography, illicit affairs, sexual promiscuity and financial transgressions in the closet.  What about the abortion you had in a neighboring county, the "real" reason you got fired and the drugs you hid under your Momma's floor boards? How can we excuse the physical abuse you impose on your wife and kids behind closed doors or the pedophilia of an esteemed judge, lawyer or pastor?

       Our rationale for not dealing with the stuff in the closet is that the door is "stuck" or it is too painful to look inside. Day after day, the stuff in the closet gets bigger and bigger; more magnified.  It is almost as if the stuff inside is a living organism with a pulse being kept alive by our fear, shame and guilt.

       However, there is good news. The Lord God can unlock the door and throw away the key. Paul's letter to the Romans let them know, and it is the same today, that we who are "in" (that is, intimate with God through Christ) right relationship with God have the ability to be forgiven.  That person is not condemned and can be free from indwelling sin. In short, the closet has no further power or "hold" on your life.  The secret is no longer a yoke. The pursuit of an intimate relationship with Christ will destroy the yoke and remove the burden of fear. This is referred to as the "anointing."

       The closet represents "fear" and fear is the primary weapon of the kingdom of darkness."Faith", however, is the primary weapon in the Kingdom of Heaven and produces the evidence or substance of God in the earth. In short, you may be able to keep a secret from man, but there are no secrets from God.

"...For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." (Luke 8:17)