
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

" A Train of Vanquished Foes!"

"Therefore it says, "When He ascended on high (Mt. Zion) He led captivity captive and He bestowed gifts upon men."

                                                                            (Ephesians 4:8)

In His ascension, Christ led a train of vanquished foes (those who had been captured by Satan, his angels, sin and death) up to Mount Zion symbolizing the third heaven where God dwells (1 Kings 8:30). He had successfully defeated Satan and the spoils of war was the gathering of the spirits He held captive through the power of repentance, reconciliation and redemption.

In captivity with Satan, you are bound by sin and death but in captivity with Christ, you are holy and free as a son and member of the Kingdom of Heaven complete with all its benefits, privileges  and protection. How glorious it must have been to be a part of that procession. Glory be to God that He had the grace and mercy to leave us the deposit of the Holy Spirit to watch over us until His return!

Will you be in the number? Will you ascend to Christ in the earth realm? What gifts has He bestowed upon you? Do you have the gift of faith? Do you have peace? What about love? Do you have the gift to love and what about forgiveness? That's a bigee! Can you even consider forgiving someone who has transgressed against you?

Have you received the gift of service to freely give of yourself to God's people in the marketplace? When was the last time you exemplified Christ to someone living in darkness?

What must Satan have been thinking as he witnessed the procession of those whom he thought belonged to him being led by the King of Glory into the Presence of God the Father....FOREVER? Selah....