
Friday, May 24, 2013


There is a very distributing trend toward the escalating number of "Counterfeit Christians (CC)" who are perpetrating as "BELIEVERS."These fraudulent individuals have infiltrated every level of our society; most notably church leadership.

v. coun·ter·feit·ed, coun·ter·feit·ing, coun·ter·feits  
1. To make a copy of, usually with the intent to defraud; forge: counterfeits faith.
2. To make a pretense of; feign (fake): counterfeited interest in the gospel.
1. To carry on a deception (the ONLY trick of Satan); dissemble. (The church has been crippled and corrupted by the deception of the enemy);
2. To make fraudulent copies ("fake" Christians) of something valuable (the "witness" of the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven). (The easiest way to expose or identify a counterfeit is to hold it up to the "Light" (Christ Jesus).
1. Made in imitation of what is genuine with the intent to defraud: a counterfeit of a "true believer".
2. Simulated; feigned: a counterfeit compassion for people in need.

The "social conscience" of the church has been silenced along with it's once profound political presence and spirit of resistance to injustice. I contend that the Institutional Church is counterfeit because of the following reasons:
  1. The church was originally intended to be a "change agent" in the earth realm targeting evil and wickedness at every level for destruction; if not disruption;
  2. The church was originally intended to protect those in our society who are unable to defend themselves: i.e. the poor, the widows, the sick, the naked, the homeless and the prisoners.  Those groups have been abandoned, for the most part, with the exception of a few soup kitchens and clothing closets here and there. In addition, most church outreach ministries are a joke (less than 2% of Christians share their faith to the "lost"). This statistic kind of makes you wonder who is "really" lost;
  3. The church has been devalued because of its focus on the effemination of the gospel and its diluted message which has failed to captivate and motivate men (husbands) and keep our young people engaged and enthusiastic about the things of God (which is the next move of Christ). 
Christians have abandoned the premise of God's "intelligent design".  Herein I am NOT referring to the definition preferred by the secular scientific community. I am specifically referring to the creation's ability to perform EXACTLY as God (the Creator) intended for it to perform with NO deviation from the original blueprint.  For example, a fig tree was designed by God to produce figs, not apples. A fig tree will ALWAYS obey God! It will NEVER produce an apple! 

But what we see today is that "Christians"(follow the designs of man) have totally abandoned the original design that God intended for "Believers"(follow the designs of God). Christians have no resolve. They cower at the slightest bit of adversity.  They are weak because they have no relationship with the Father.  They are easy prey for the enemy.  Christians want to be popular with man and don't want to offend anybody.  Christians are "safe" and "comfortable" in their ineffectiveness. This is the calamity of "free will", "entitlement" and "selfishness." These "freedoms" mitigate the power of the blood of Christ.

On the other hand, Believers will confront the "terrorists" representing the various cults, politicians, and religious organizations that have targeted the Body of Christ for dismantling. Believers have the heart of God and the mind of Christ regarding the ability to resist the enemy and fight injustice and any paradigm that opposes the Word and Kingdom of God! Believers will defend the integrity of the gospel beyond the point of "offending" the popular culture and their proverbial "thin skin."

At the end of the day you have to ask yourself the hard question, "Am I a Christian or am I a Believer?" "Am I authentic or am I counterfeit?" Your answer will determine your eternal destiny.

It's THAT serious! Selah...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"Christian Reality TV: HOLLYWOOD or BUST!"

The proliferation of Christian Reality TV (CRTV) has hit an all-time high! No matter what your threshold level is for "religious nonsense" you can have your appetite satiated through CRTV.

Who could have imagined that our inability to produced quality programming would evolve into this? It boils down to simple mathematics. There are more than 23 Religious Cable TV Networks alone! These networks require programming to fill their 24 hour daily rotation. These networks are in competition with the larger networks for viewers. No viewers. No advertisers. No advertisers. No shows. No shows. No networks. Like I said, "It's just math!"

The issue of "quality and integrity of programming" went out the window a LONG time ago. The producers of "junk TV" realize the American public has zero tolerance for quality programming. You can try to air a show with a "message" and "redeeming qualities" if you want to; but I guarantee you, it won't last for long!

Enter CRTV. It sure sounded good when it was being conceptualized. All the Christians began to exhale. FINALLY, we have our own networks with our own shows. Certainly we can now control the "content" and promote the principles of the Risen Savior! We can tell the WORLD about the goodness of the LORD and teach life sustaining principles that will draw all men to the Light! Wait a minute! Not so fast!

We tried that already (wholesome TV has been sent to the "graveyard" of parochial local TV networks that run these shows at 4:00am to 6:00am while we are sleeping to fill the time slots). We get up from bed just in time to catch INSP and CBN broadcast their lineup of "begging bishops"...right before we go to work. Man, "Can I at least get my cup of coffee first before you start putting the "squeeze" on me?"

As if that is not enough to make you want to vomit, here comes the vaudeville acts of "Sisterhood", "Mary Mary", "Braxton Family Values", "Preacher's Daughters", "Surrender the Secret", "The Sheards" and "Pastor's of LA" on prime time cable TV. What do these shows have to do with promoting Christian values? What is the motive behind producing these shows for prime time TV?  If it is just entertainment, there should be a disclaimer somewhere in the program description.  I believe the shows are an indictment on certain aspects of Christendom because the majority of the Body of Christ is not sophisticated enough to discern the times.

"Pastors of LA" coming to Oxygen this Fall. Four of these six pastors should be in jail rather than hosting a TV show! can you guess which ones?

Thank God "The Sisterhood" on TLC was recently cancelled. This show was a hot mess!

The future and integrity of the Kingdom of God DOES NOT lay in the hands of a few money grubbing network producers. However, their ability to produce these types of "distractions" to naive Christians who embrace these shows is a problem. It's a problem because the parents of our children have bought into this nonsense as enjoyable entertainment. It's not really that fact these these people are supposed to be Christians that is solely the problem.  The fact that we need to be "self-medicated" by the lives of celebrities is the problem. These people as just as jacked up as we are! Would you want to watch your life on a cable TV show? On second thought, don't answer that!

You have Pastors accused of sexual misconduct, infidelity, divorce and fraud being promoted as social icons! Only in America! These men should be serving time in jail, but because of our sense of entitlement and unlimited selfishness, these men get a pass, stand to earn a lot of cash and increase their already out of control egos to unmanageable proportions. In short, we deserve everything we get...

Christian Reality TV? If you don't like it, DON'T WATCH IT! No matter which one of your favorite celebrity preachers or gospel divas are on the show, if people don't watch it and the ratings go in the tank, the network will pull the plug!

Just ask the "Sistas" from the "hood!"

Tune into our show "MANdate: UNCUT" on Thursday nights at 7pm EST. Our call-in # is: 1.347.843.4112.  Click on link the below for this week's episode "Christian Reality Shows: Indictment or Entertainment":

Friday, May 17, 2013

"ABORTION and the Black Church: The UNRELIABLE WITNESS!"

On Thursday, May 9, 2013, we hosted our talk show on "Mandate Ministries: UNCUT" and discussed the volatile subject of "Abortion and the Black Church" (click on the link below to listen to the archived audio of the show):

The Philadelphia abortion clinic slaughterhouse owned and operated by former Dr. Kermit Gosnell, is just a snapshot of the type of mayhem going on in our nation. The media has reluctantly covered this horrific story. I would go so far to say there has been a "media blackout" (no pun intended) on this macabre expose.

We have a very strong listener base and I received a lot of very positive feedback from the "MANdate Nation" on the revelation of this subject. However, it is important to note that I didn't receive ONE comment from any clergy members.  I know for a fact that we have dozens of preachers listening to us.  Our demographic profiles and reporting metrics are "cutting edge." In short, I know EXACTLY who is listening and where they are listening from.

I have indicted the (Black) Church for being "silent" on this very important issue. Not everyone is fond of me "calling the preachers to the carpet", but it is their DUTY to tell the TRUTH. Only the truth can heal and deliver the people of God. They have to stop being concerned about making people feel good, pleasing the masses and not rocking the boat.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2013, the following article appeared in the Christian Post, "Black Pastors: 'Woefully Uninformed' About Abortion's Impact" which outlined the paradigm shift needed within the institutional church to inform, educate and lead the initiative for radical change in educating men and women on how to make holy choices.

Further, the pastors themselves state they they are unilaterally to blame for the erosion of the integrity of the family and that the church must step to the plate and meet the challenge of widespread abortions and the negative impact it has on the black family, our communities and our nation. Please click on the link below to learn more:

The Church has proven to be an "unreliable witness" during cross examination from the defenders of the gospel of the KOG. This issue has to be jettisoned from obscurity to the forefront of every pulpit in matter the ethnicity! We can't afford to be mute on this issue anymore. Our silence has allowed monsters like Gosnell to operate without impunity right under our noses.

The men and women of God have got to fight back and start telling the matter the cost!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

"Assessing Your SPIRITUAL WAKE!"

As a result of living in the southeastern US, I have come to love the fact that we have great weather most of the time.  In particular, I love being around water, riding jet skis, going to the beach and boating.

One of the most challenging facets of boating is "controlling your wake"; it can be both exhilarating and dangerous depending on your perspective. Sometimes you can open it up and sail across the water at great speed.  Other times, you must move slowly under bridges or through areas close to shore. A "wake" is:

1. The visible track of turbulence left by something moving through water: the wake of a ship.
2. A track, course, or condition left behind something that has passed: The war left destruction and famine in its wake.
Any course of action (or choices) taken in our daily spiritual lives can impact the people we encounter much the same way as a boat does when it comes in contact with water. The water often reacts to the boats changing directions and, depending on the speed, can leave an easy or difficult path for other boaters to cross.
Likewise, when "believers" engage others in the marketplace, we must be alert to our opportunities for ministry (that does not necessarily mean the opportunity to preach). Ministry is "service" to others. You may be the only person whom that person comes in contact with that day that may offer them some sort of relief.  Discernment is critical in order to effectively minister to God's people in the marketplace. Without it (discernment), "you are dead in the water!"
The individual a "believer" encounters should be better off AFTER they leave than BEFORE the connection. There should be tangible "evidence" of peace. love and joy in the Spirit! Our spiritual integrity is contingent upon our intimacy with the Lord God and the glory of our Father should heal and deliver the afflicted.
Whether it is a kind word of encouragement, a strong hug, a ride to work or a thoughtful card, your "ministry" will leave a "visible track" of peace or chaos and your "spiritual wake" will be determined by the spiritual, emotional and physical "condition of the individual left behind" after you have completed your assignment!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Social Media and VIRAL FAITH"

There is no getting away from it! The "old school" ways of communication have been dumped in favor of the social media networks that dominate our society.  Our young people communicate very differently than we did "back in the day."  Information is readily accessible; perhaps, "TOO MUCH" information in many instances.

This proliferation and inundation of information has created a title wave of controversy in our society and the Institutional Church (IC) has not escaped its wrath either. From the messages that we send to one another to the thoughts, ideals and opinions of the Pastor to the jealous hospitality worker, we will probably NEVER have to wonder again what somebody else is thinking!

We have cultivated a new age of selfishness and entitlement that is inescapable.  Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin and the rest have created an insatiable appetite for the lastest thing and the hottest gossip. Once the information is released in cyberspace, it cannot be rescinded.  The many mistakes made by illicit videos, photos, letters, emails and texts have precipitated a new era of rage, hate and misinformation. But what about the IC? Where does it stand on this subject and why is it even an issue?

Whether we like it or not, the IC is still the most powerful influence of its people. The Pastor is  the "mack daddy" of the "information highway", his congregation and its moral or immoral compass as the case may be. So "viral faith" is the "new normal" in the IC. Why does the IC needs to actively engage people face to face when they can type a few words, send a text and present that message to the world?

We have to ask the hard question.  Who is the text intended for?  What is the objective of the TWEET? How many "friends" do you really need on Facebook?  How do we interpret the effectiveness of the number of "hits" or "likes" or "follows" we get?  Am I following you because you are following me or do I really believe in your message or the message of your ministry?

Raging debates over explicit posts, personal business that is posted with the expectation of empathy and the person posting the comment gets offended when they don't receive the desired results, the person who posts 78 scriptures each day needs to be stopped by any means necessary (there REALLY needs to be a LIMIT), and the "jokers" forwarding "chain letters" for blessings needs to be horsewhipped! We have to be able to separate what's real from what's foolishness!

There are equally compelling arguments on both sides as to the merits or detriment of social media and it affect on the IC. Can a Pastor with a "following" of only 25 people seriously be compared to a TD Jakes or Joel Osteen who have thousands of "followers" on Twitter and Facebook? What I am challenging the reader of this blog to do is to focus on the "content" and "intent" of the message from the ministry and not the celebrity status of the church or its leadership. Social media can be a very effective or destructive tool depending upon the spiritual depth of the end user.

All people learn differently, but one thing is immutable (unchangeable) and that is,

"Faith cometh by hearing; not by tweeting!"

Saturday, May 4, 2013


WOW! Talk about a paradigm shift. Wouldn't it be great if we could capture the "real talk" going on in the privacy of some of the homes of our community leaders, religious zealots and regular folk regarding the increasing tolerance, acceptance and promotion of homosexuality in America.

The tactics of the LGBT leadership has resorted to "cyber-bullying" , "social network arm twisting" and threats of "economic sanctions"to corporations and organizations that don't support their agenda. These strategies have allowed the homosexuals (H) to "come out of the closet" with guns blazing and have forced the so-called "Christians" to cower, with their proverbial "tails between their legs" scurrying back into that SAME closet!

Just stop and think for one second.  Where are we in this nation? Are you telling me that a homosexual man making a declaration that he is homosexual can garner a national media out pouring of support from Kobe Bryant to President Obama, yet we don't hear one word in response to the senseless killings of black males in every major city from New Orleans to Chicago or an Abortion Doctor in Philly who has murdered thousands of black and Latino babies? Are you kidding me? I am OUTRAGED!! Really? The freaking President of the US congratulates a man for being a homosexual! I'm dumbfounded!

The Jason Collins-Chris Broussard saga came and went like a thief in the night! I thought for sure Chris was going to be fired from ESPN (he still might be let go at a later date) for voicing his opposition to the homosexual lifestyle. Broussard has stated that he is a Christian and believes what the bible says about SIN...not just the sin of homosexuality, but ALL SIN! He believes that ALL SIN is a direct affront to GOD. Somehow, that incredibly salient point "missed the cut" and fell aimlessly to the editing floor never to be seen or heard from again.

            Collins and Broussard in a war of words...or agendas?

Why is it that the homosexual community can say and do whatever they want to anyone, but as soon as someone disagrees with their platform, they pull out the "H-Bomb" (Homophobia). Why is it that anyone who opposes the homosexual lifestyle is labeled a homophobe? This is a classic case of deception and misdirection.  It's like a "cheap magic trick."  I applaud Mr. Broussard for standing up for his beliefs. He represents the remnant of those that love God!  The Institutional Church (IC) is NOT built to resist the wiles of the enemy. The IC is to shallow, selfish  and self-absorbed.
Not ONE major Mega-Pastor made a public statement in defense of Mr. Broussard. NOT ONE!! The IC is just repeating the sins of their fathers.

Why is it that homosexuality is the ONLY SIN that is NOT acknowledged as a SIN? The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. In my opinion, that is why homosexuals preferred to be referred to as "gay." I heard a wise man say a long time ago, "He who controls the image, controls the definition!" You can draw you own conclusion from this quote.

Do you remember when Jesus came under persecution, the "church" left Him to fend for Himself.  The cowards scurried away to the comfort and confines of the 1st century "closet" of the "Upper Room."  That's right! I said it! The Upper Room is where the apostles where hiding when the Roman garrison went looking for the followers (disciples) of Christ! It seems to me that history has once again proven the overwhelming majority of Christians to be cowards and hypocrites. Too many of us are ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Too many of us have submitted to the prevailing spirit of corruption and perversion and caved in to the spirit of tolerance and entitlement! How is it that only 4% of the US population who identify themselves as homosexuals are able to terrorize the other 96% of the people, of which over 82% identify themselves as Christians?

We don't love God...we are a nation of FRAUD'S and HYPOCRITES!

Herein, lays the shame of the "Christian Closet."