
Monday, October 29, 2012

"The Halloween Deception and the Body of Christ!"

People ask the same question year after year regarding Christian participation in "pagan holidays;" I know this is going to sting a little, but this includes your beloved Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving too!  But right now, let's deal with Halloween...the pinnacle of paganism!

I can hear your back teeth grinding right now; Why do Christians take it so seriously?  Why even ask the question because Christians "fully participate AND promote" Halloween...especially in CHURCHES!"  So what are we taking about here? Pure and simply..selfishness!

Sorry brothers and sisters you can't "plead the fifth" on this one.  You know all too well that Halloween is a sacred holiday for Satan and witches, warlocks, Wicca and other purveyors of perversion, darkness and wickedness! Sure, you can blame it on your kids and say that they would be disappointed, but according to the National Retail Federation:

  1. American ADULTS (not kids) will spend $8 billion USD (that's billion with a "b") on Halloween costumes, candy and decorations in 2012;
  2. that 7 out of 10 (71.5%) adults will celebrate Halloween this year (a total of 170 million Americans) and,
  3. more than 36.2% of adults will attend a Halloween-themed party! Adults will spend almost $3 billion on costumes and more than $2 billion on candy! Whhhhaaaattttttt? Are you kidding me?
When you hear the word "halloween" what images appear? What "spirit" is evoked at the whisper of that name?  Are they of good and light or are they of evil and darkness? Halloween openly promises the visitation of evil and wickedness and does NOT celebrate the Creator of Light, namely God Almighty!

For more than 2,000 years, beginning with the Druids (the unadulterated kings of the occult) up until now with the modern day practitioners of evil, we have seen a marked increase in financial expenditures and excitement with the holiday.  Let's be real people, we only spend our TIME and MONEY on the things we LOVE, not the things we LIKE!

So my Christian brothers and sisters, while you are preparing your front yard with decorations of grave stones, skeletons, bats and jack-o-lanterns; and dressing your kids up as witches, ghouls and the "walking dead" maybe you should ask yourself, would I put this much energy into helping someone in need? Would I give the $150 I just spent on "vanity" to my neighbor (not the person who lives next door to you but the person whom you do not know)? If Jesus was standing in front of me, how would I justify my church 'Trunk or Treat" party?

Don't be offended if I say that you are a follower of Satan if you support, promote AND celebrate his holiday? I'm just sayin'........

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