
Monday, October 22, 2012

"The Passionate Devotion of Service!"

In (John 21:16), Jesus proclaims conversion to the faith comes through passionate service to the sheep (God's people in the marketplace).

"Service" is not what we do in the way of Christian work. Christ calls service what we do "TO" Him not what we do "FOR" Him!  Discipleship (D) is based on service to Christ, not on adherence to a belief or creed.

Your service or devotion is directly correlated to your ability to say, "Now I see who Jesus is!", when touched by the Holy Spirit! There are three (3) steps in this process:
  1. The Spirit of Recognition (I see Him or recognize His Way)
  2. The Spirit of Conviction (I repent, forgive and love again) 
  3. The Spirit of Correction (I'm ready for service in the Kingdom)
Why are so many people committed to personal beliefs and "causes" versus spiritual beliefs and Jesus Christ?  Here is the answer: "People want to be devoted to Jesus, but NOT to the "cause" He started. The Body of Christ (BOC) does not want Jesus Christ in any other way than that as a "comrade" or "friend". 

The "cause"of Christ is complete obedience to the will of God the Father; NOT the needs, desires and selfish motives of man.  Serving the cause of humanity will lead to exhaustion, frustration and carnality for the "believer"...subsequently (my) love will falter. However, if I an devoted to Christ, I can serve humanity tirelessly, though I am unappreciated, used, lied to, cheated on, etc.

A seed must go into the ground and die (John 12:24), then spring up and alter the entire landscape of the marketplace through the radical faith of the believer. In this way, we mirror the Passionate Devotion of Service Christ "publicly displayed" for us on Golgotha!

1 comment:

  1. So right, as where has the devotion to causes, and righteousness gone?
