
Thursday, November 1, 2012

"The Spirit of Tolerance and Entitlement in the Institutional Church!"

Man oh man, we can sure put on a good show for anybody who wants to take the time to act like they are paying attention to us. Our game playing and charades are too numerous to mention in this diatribe, but in short, many Christians are suffering at the hands of an age old nemesis called "compromise."

Our church leaders will "bend over backwards" not to offend the "tithers" or "giving units."  We will conjure up all kinds of gimmicks, ploys and "magic tricks" to entertain the masses, while keeping them passive and so as to avoid any attempt of a "spiritual coup." But these same "hirelings" have no problem whatsoever offending GOD; yet we have the audacity to wonder why we are in the mess we are in.

The Body of Christ has strategically acquired the extremely destruction spirit of "tolerance" with regard to the things of the world and have systematically abandoned the things of God.  Oh sure, we haven't done it all at once; but bit by bit the moral fabric of the church has unraveled. Our moral compass reflects that of the misguided, wayfaring sea captain Christopher Columbus because, just like him, the church is going in the wrong direction and there is mutiny among the "remnant" in Christ Jesus.

This spirit of tolerance is very dangerous because it generally takes a while before the damage can be seen. Financial exploitation of the congregations, the manipulation of power and sex over vulnerable women and a rampant increase in pedophilia has crippled our ability to effectively minister in the marketplace.  In short, the credibility of the church is shot!  The church only has influence over those who have been duped into believing that their ministries are really making a difference in a community where no one even knows the name of the Pastor! He AND the congregation have insulated themselves within the comfort and confines of their "building" tending to their tidy little programs, nebulous sermons and Easter plays.

This sense of "entitlement" has corrupted both the leaders and the laity into believing that although we have the "right" to do something; it doesn't mean that it's "right" to do it. Just because we "can" do a thing doesn't necessarily mean that we "should" do it.  This bravado associated with entitlement reeks of arrogance and the stench of self righteousness.  It has contaminated the Body of Christ and opened the portals to perversion, witchcraft and wickedness in high places.

The end result of this pervasive spirit of tolerance and the self righteousness connected with a sense of entitlement has precipitated the widening of the gap between those who love God and serve him faithfully and those who just need a place to go for two hours on Sunday and Wednesday just to keep up appearances! You have been exposed by the Holy Spirit and you will be dealt with according to His Word.....

1 comment:

  1. This is so very true, and many church goers are so out of touch, they blindly follow anyone waving a banner of Christianity only for a season, such as some political parties. Never even understanding that most of the breech of Christian trust and doctrine are done by these very same parties. They merely have the resources to cover them up or pay their way out of them. The church, which should have been the major steward over the country's MORAL compass has instead stolen that compass and in it place, left one made out of paper. The compass fools no one, not even children, only the church, as the church still believes its a genuine compass, WHY? Because they believe what a pastor tells them, and not God.
