"And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." (Hebrews 10:24-25)
This scripture has sent an entire generation of Christians down the wrong path of revelation, interpretation and false condemnation for Believers who choose not to attend a house of worship on a consistent basis (for whatever reason). Most often, this scripture is used in reference to indict those wayward Believers without a "church home."
In the Kingdom of God, everything is opposite. You would think that being a non-member of a church would make you an "outsider." However, if you are "in Christ" how can you be "outside the Kingdom?" Since I am "in Christ," that is why I sit on the inside with Christ;
"...And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 2:6)
The congregation (church folk) often misquote this scripture for a few reasons, 1) they heard their church leaders misquote it, 2) they probably never read it for themselves and, 3) they don't understand the revelation of the history, content and context of the scripture.
In the first century, the word "church" represented the "spiritual, invisible body of Believers" and had nothing to do with coming to a building since early Christians met in private homes, in local marketplaces and on hillsides, etc. The "forsaking" reference in this scripture was addressing the early Christians who stayed away from the fellowships out of fear of persecution by the Roman garrison. It was more about "staying alive" than "going to church." They were actually killing Christians for sport (see crucifixions, Roman Colosseum, lion's den, etc.). As a result, many of them were very cautious and afraid while others were bold and fearless.
It wasn't until the third century, during the reign of Constantine, that temples became prominent throughout Christendom and church membership became the paradigm of mankind and not God. Christians demanded temples, idols and gods they could see and touch. I often say, "God doesn't take attendance!" Modern day church membership is inextricably connected to one main ideology; the more members you have, the more money you can make! This is certainly not the kingdom mindset which says, the more members you have, the more you can serve God's people in the marketplace.
The power of Believers' coming together can be great no matter where they meet as long as the focus of the gathering is to point others to Jesus. For the Christians that choose to attend their local churches and fellowship with one another, more power to you. If you believe you are growing spiritually and have discovered your gift and are using that gift to edify the body; keep on keepin' on.
In my opinion, the preoccupation with church membership is overrated. By overrated I don't mean being a member of a church, I am talking about the concern over how many people attend your church. Too many churches are fixated on numbers. How many people are members. How many "giving units" they have. How many seats are empty at first service. How many people came to the Easter play. This stuff is meaningless. These things are the focus of non-Believers. I will forsake them.

Greedy, man-centered activities and lifeless congregations are rampant inside the Body of Christ. The persistence and prevalence of evil, wickedness and perversion have contaminated the Body and corrupted its witness, influence and integrity. Church leaders fighting over church members leaving, plummeting youth attendance and participation in church activities, bishops sending out eviction notices to delinquent tithers and "down low" ministry leaders leading double lives and deceiving the elect have the modern day church in a downward spiral.
Again, this appears to me to be the activities of a group of non-Believers. What do you say to this? Are these people and activities something you would forsake? I will never apologize for my forsaking the assembly of non-Believers. I don't want to be anywhere near a group of non-Believers unless they want to hear and learn about the Gospel of Peace. I will forsake them.
So when someone says to me that they are praying for me to find a church home, I have to chuckle. What do I need with a church home when I am a citizen of the Freakin' KINGDOM? Are you kidding me? I am walking out Matthew 25 with other men and women who truly love God. We are impacting systems. We are making a difference in the lives of the disenfranchised. We are a blinding light to the kingdom of darkness.
As for me, I choose to stay in Christ Jesus. He is the Shepherd and Bishop of my Soul (1 Peter 2:25). The spirit led, invisible church is just fine for me. I can't get enough of the fellowship and worship I have with the Holy Ghost.
The individualized attention ain't bad neither!