A spear is a pole weapon used primarily for hunting, fishing and fighting in combat. It has two major functions, 1) to be used in melee hand to hand combat by thrusting and piercing with both hands, and 2) to be thrown like a javelin at an intended target or enemy combatant.

The tip of the spear is the most important part of the weapon because it the first part of the spear to engage and encounter the enemy. It is the tip of the spear that is the most feared because it can strike a vital organ and disrupt the confidence of the adversary. It can kill immediately upon impact or cause a long, slow death. Either way, the result is the same; elimination of the impending threat.
However, the "tip of the gospel spear" are those that the Lord God has set aside as the remnant that will collect the lost sheep and bring them back to the Shepherd. It is the Holy Ghost that will snatch these jewels from the clutches of the enemy and loose them in the earth as mighty spiritual warriors to be used for the advancement and protection the Kingdom of God.
There is a profound duality to this gospel spear. The same spear that can kill and destroy is the same spear that can prick the hearts of the wicked and bring them to the place of repentance through healing and deliverance in Christ Jesus. This spear (True Believers) can pierce and kill the heathen unto death in the spiritual realm, but avail him the grace to be raised from that death by faith to everlasting life in Christ Jesus.
Are you the Tip of the Gospel Spear or its Intended Target? Selah...
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