
Saturday, August 1, 2015

"The Spirit of WHITE SUPREMACY!"

There are more than 100 scriptures in the Bible about casting out demons. In fact, demonic possession is very real. More than 25 different scriptures in the New Testament testify of Jesus casting out demons more than any other "miracle" He performed. The demons trembled at His Name and were subject to His every command. He rebuked the spirit of white supremacy even then! I'll tell you how in a few moments; keep reading.

The hard reality is that the spirit of White Supremacy is a very old spirit. It's not new. It didn't just appear out of nowhere and land in the old South. They weren't born during the Civil Rights era and weren't conjured up by Jim Crow. It was not a creation of Adolf Hitler or David Duke. They have been around a very, very, very long time!

Demons are disembodied spirits. They need the permission of a weaker vessel to enter in and occupy that body. The weaker vessel then becomes the host for the demon and ultimately executes all the evil, wickedness and mayhem they can muster. When the demon is through with the weaker vessel, it vacates the host because it has either killed the body or the body has been delivered by the Holy Spirit and therefore cannot coexist in the same body. 

These are the characteristics of the spirit of white supremacy: it is insecure, it is a liar, it is a manipulator, it hangs out with gangs, it is a coward, it hides his face, it is a fear monger, it is ignorant, it is blind, it has an evil heart, it is violent and it has no relationship with the Lord God! 

The simple truth is that the spirit of white supremacy is born of Satan! It is the formation of a legion of demons and imps organized and dispatched by the devil. He gives them their assignments according to the DNA of the demon. I believe that all demons were created at the same time and that they have been waiting their turn in eternity until the heart of man devolved to a new level of perversion or wickedness in order for them to gain entrance into this realm and occupy the body of the host. 

In short, an alcoholic spirit requires an alcoholic body to welcome it in to be its host. The same holds true for a white supremacist spirit. Once the hate, venom and ignorance exceeds a certain level in the heart of man, the imp looks to Satan and shouts out, "Put me in the game Coach!" He then dispatches a legion of angels to that area to overwhelm the citizens and captivate the hearts of those individuals living in darkness. They quickly become a mob; they become agitated and unruly and seek to steal, kill and destroy. Sound familiar?

Satan is the deceiver. He is the father of lies. Satan is an old spirit. He has been around from the foundation of the world. Don't think that the spirit of white supremacy is a new spirit, it is just Satan disguising  himself as the spirit of white supremacy through his evil flunkies to deceive the people, create fear and destroy your faith.

Satan is the modern day "bone collector." How many dry bones can he add to his collection before the sons of God rise up against him and destroy his kingdom? The Holy Spirit spoke to the Prophet Ezekiel and asked him a very profound question, "Son of Man, can these dry bones live?"

The Spirit directs us to prophesy to the "bones" (flesh) and to the "breath" (spirit) of mankind.  Speak to the spirits in God's authority, not your own authority. Speak with boldness and clarity as did Zeke and Jeremiah. As we minister with the love of God, we have been given the opportunity to have our graves opened, be raised from the dead, receive His Spirit and regain the land that we lost (regain our place in His heart) as sons of the Most High. (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

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