
Monday, September 21, 2015

"The Anatomy of DREAMS and VISIONS!"

"...Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they hated him even more."                                                                                                       (Genesis 37:5)

Be very careful who you tell your dreams and visions to!

The story of Joseph and his brothers is one of the most compelling in the Word of God. It is the tale of generational favoritism that has plagued Israel even until this day (the Edomites = Esau and the Israelites = Jacob). Jacob favored Joseph over all of the rest of his sons. This favoritism kindled hatred among his siblings. It wasn't the coat of many colors or the dreams per se that made them hate their brother. It was the fact that their father esteemed him over the others.

A deeper investigation of this story reveals that Joseph's character was beyond reproach. In fact, only he and Daniel are the only OT patriarchs not to have been plagued with some manner of sin! Perhaps Joseph's impeccable character is what Jacob saw in him that created the favor; either way, favoring one child over another will create a hostile environment in the family structure.

But the point of this writing is dreams and visions. This tale might give you a snapshot as to why people could try to crush your dreams. Maybe it is because you have favor with God and man. Or it might be that you are a person of high character. Finally, it could be none of these reasons and it may reside in the fact that God trusts you and knows that you will execute His will in the earth without question.

"Dreams" were created for the man who wonders and examines the possibilities. Dreams are self-induced by life's experiences; our hopes and prayers. They are a succession of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. In many instances, dreams are never realized. They remain in dreamland, never to see the light of day because the Dreamer is rooted in "waiting for all conditions to be right before they move." Too often the "right time" never comes and the dream never becomes a reality.

"Visions" are those experiences in which a person, thing or event appears vividly and credibly in the mind, although not actually present, often under the influence of a divine agency (God). Visions are for those Believers God has chosen from the foundation of the world to walk out something significant in the marketplace. Visions most often come to an individual while they are wide awake. The Visionary is driven to complete his assignment. He has no choice because it is not his vision, it has been given to him by God! He must act or die trying! The vision will surely come to pass as God has ordained it (Habakkuk 2:2-3). The manifestation of the skyline in Dubai, UAE, for example, is no doubt a series of visions received by God! Why? because there is nothing else like it in the world!

Dreams can trigger a vision in the minds of others that they do not like. They may react to you like Joseph's brothers with indifference, jealousy, envy or rage. They might even act like they support you, but in reality despise the favor that God has given you (to make it plain, they might be unhappy that God picked you instead of them for a particular assignment). They could even resent your high character and personal integrity. Dreams can be dangerous in the wrong hands (mouths). Be careful who you share your dreams with; even those close to you (including your family). 

The visions that God has given to you are too big for you to take credit. You are merely a vessel for God to bring it to pass. Although you are important, you are not indispensable. 

Don't get it twisted; God will do it with or without you! Selah...

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