
Sunday, October 20, 2013


Many Christians are too quick to declare that they are "Kingdom Citizens" and too many of the church leaders jump to the conclusion that they have "Kingdom Ministries." The "Kingdom of Heaven (KOH)" or the "Kingdom of God (KOG)" are emotive ("emotionally charged") phrases many preachers use to get their folks fired up for Sunday morning service. The sad truth is that the overwhelming majority of Christians wouldn't know what the KOG was if it walked up and slapped them in the face!

The immature Christian will "sprint" to Matthew 6:33 like Usain Bolt (the fastest man in the world) as "proof" of their being a Kingdom citizen. After all, it is the foundational scripture for the KOG isn't it? I mean, we constantly hear it quoted ad nauseum week after week so it must be true.

The hypocrisy in "proof texting" this scripture, as always, is that it is taken out of context. The entire chapter of Matthew 6 admonishes Believers not to be carnal in our conduct and personal choices as we encounter the challenges and obstacles of life. It provokes us to do good to please God, guides us through the proper posture of prayer, warns us against the hypocrisy of public fasting, teaches us to lay up our treasures in heaven versus the earth realm, teaches us to guard our eyes so as not to corrupt the whole body and be deceived by the spirit of darkness, directs us that we cannot serve two Gods and finally tells us not to worry about the cares of this life because God knows all of our needs before we even ask. Now THAT is the context of the ENTIRE CHAPTER.

Here is the excerpt of Matthew 6:33 that has the BOC in an uproar: "...But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." You have to ask yourself what "things" is he talking about? The "prosperity message" teaches you that these "things" are "riches and wealth" to satisfy your carnal desires. You just read the "things" that God says will be added to you in your pursuit of the Kingdom; do any of those "things" look like wealth and riches?

The thing that should have sent off warning signs is the transitional word "but" at the beginning of the verse. This is a sure indication that a complete thought had to precede it. Have you ever read it? What does it mean to you? What will it take to get you to finally do something to help somebody else? You are NOT a citizen in the KOG if you are NOT serving someone else (Matt 25:31-46).


  1. The Kingdom and KING (Christ) are sovereign (Lord over all people, territories and things).
  2. The KOG is a DOMAIN under the complete authority of Christ; all of its resources & property (spiritual and physical). In this the citizens will be completely provided for by the King.
  3. The KOG has a CONSTITUTION: the Word of God. It is a covenant between the Christ and His people whereby we receive our instructions for conduct and service in the earth realm.
  4. The KOG has CITIZENS who live under the authority of the King. Citizenship is not a right, but a priviledge. We remain in good standing with the king by serving the KOG faithfully.
  5. The KOG has LAWS which are governed by the King; these are acceptable practices or rules of engagement between citizens in the KOG. Violators are punished by the King. Those obedient to the laws of the KOG receive the benefits of peace, freedom and the PRIVILEGE to serve the King.
  6. The KOG has a CODE OF ETHICS including spiritual morality, social relationships and integrity in managing the things the King entrusts us with in our daily lives.
  7. The KOG has an ARMY to protect its citizens, territories, assets and resources. The angels of God are the military component that are in constant war in the spirit realm against the enemies of the KOG.
Simply stated, "If you have been a Christian more than 3 years, why are you STILL seeking the KOG?" Matthew says in his writing that it is the FIRST thing we should do!

The result should be that we have such a LOVE for the KING that it leads to serving...

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