
Sunday, October 27, 2013


In the Book of Numbers 13:30, we are able to witness the spirit of passion between Joshua and Caleb. As the men were leaving the Wilderness of Paran, just southeast of Canaan, they began strategizing their plan to take the land.

The plan to send spies into the land was endorsed by God, so Moses sent the men into the land. During this transition period, Moses gave Hoshea (which means "salvation") a name change to Joshua. This is significant in that Joshua was selected to become the heir to lead God's people after Moses died. A "name change" indicates a spiritual transfer from God to a physical man. Inherent in the new name are both the "assignment" and "legacy" that the man selected must walk out in the earth realm.

Joshua and Caleb were well into their 80's (they were old men) in age, yet they exuded the passion to possess the promise. Their leadership and valor made them eligible for selection for this difficult task. Yet they did not waiver and stepped up to lead in a time of trouble. The spies were then sent into the land and directed to bring back a report of what they saw.

When the spies came back with the report that the land was lush with fruit, flowing with milk and honey and was well equipped to produce a comfortable lifestyle, the people rejoiced. They spoke of a cluster of grapes they saw that was so large, two men had to carry them on a large stake or beam. Suddenly, the mood changed when the spies began to report on what they saw and that the people dwelling in the land were descendants of Anak (giants), the hearts of the people of Israel melted. They continued, "Nevertheless, the people who dwell in the land are strong, the cities are well fortified and the men are GIANTS!

After hearing this, the people of Israel refused to enter Canaan. This is the anatomy of FEAR! Fear can paralyze an ENTIRE nation. These people had been the recipients of God's grace for centuries, yet they still doubted that He could deliver them once again.  He just told them to go an "possess" the land that I have ALREADY GIVEN TO YOU! Wait a minute; God told them that He had already given them the land! Why in the world were they afraid?

It's gets down to FAITH and HEARING! Out of all the spies who went into the land, only Joshua and Caleb came back with a "good report." They said to the people of Israel, "Let's go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it." But the other men said, "We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we. ...There we saw the giants, and we were like grasshoppers IN OUR OWN SIGHT; and so we were IN THEIR SIGHT."

The moral to the story is your enemy, as well as everyone else you encounter, will see you as you see yourself.  The huge difference in this example is that Joshua and Caleb saw themselves AS GOD SAW THEM! This Godly perspective is the ONLY PERSPECTIVE for a Believer to have.

This is the perspective that will fuel your passion to possess the promise that God has for your life!

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