
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"STARVE the FOOL and FEED the KING!"

The problem that many of us have is the problem of controlling our anger. For Christians or Believers it is a "slippery slope" to say the least.  It is amazing how quickly we can be snatched right out of the spirit into a full blown discourse of profanity and rudeness!

The bible tells us in (Psalms 4:4-5):

"Be angry, and do not sin.
Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah
5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
And put your trust in the Lord."

The message is clear; don't sin by allowing anger to take control of your senses. God wants our responses to the things that provoke us to line up with the Word of God. The inability to harness your anger will result in rage. What is the result? Who wins? Who loses? The only winner is ANGER itself.

Anger is a reasonable part of of the"engagement process" that needs to occur. The individual must take comfort in knowing that they are not alone in mismanaging their anger and that the truthful testimony of how "you lost it" will afford you an excellent opportunity to effectively minister to another person in the marketplace.

Faith come by hearing and hearing the word of God. Men and women will learn to talk about their differences. Hey, look...there is nothing wrong with getting mad. It is a normal human emotion. In fact, it is healthy sometimes if it is controls and doesn't spill over into a physical altercation or a sustained verbal attack.

The key to the healing process is the release of your true emotions. When was the last time you heard one man tell another man, "Hey, Larryy, you know you hurt my feelings when you said my breath stank..." I can hear you laughing, but you know I'm telling the truth! You will probably NEVER hear a man say that to another man; but at the end of the day, the one man still walks away hurt and never heals. He will carry those words in his heart against his brother forever if it is not reconciled. The words become like cancer that eats away at him daily. The angry man is the one who dies a little each day. Therein, lays the power of FORGIVENESS.

The attitude of "keepin' it bottled up inside" is not healthy and the conflict can contaminate the relationship. That is why I always prescribe the Word of God to settle a difficult dispute (if you are a Believer). If not, the Word is still true! 

The WOG is not a "safe place" for the man or woman who wants to play it "safe." It is a place of judgement and correction. In essence, "we must starve the fool and feed the king!"

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