
Sunday, November 11, 2012

"Unnatural Headship in the Body of Christ!"

One of the most devastating "side effects" of slavery has been the implosion and systemic dismantling of "natural leadership" within the Institutional Church (IC). No matter what species, entity, ideology or movement you are confronted with, the most expedient way to diffuse it is to "cut off the head."

Modern day slaveholders (IC pastors) who are not "servants of Christ" have adopted this age old mentality of suppressing any viable threat to their reign of terror by any means necessary. You see a "natural head" is a leader whose primary goal is the survival of the "entire body" contrast, an "unnatural head" is one who is handpicked by the "slave master" and is used to derail any attempts of the natural leader to mobilize the slaves (congregation) against the defilement of the slave master. He will advance the cause of the slave master at any cost!

The "natural head" is isolated, ridiculed, ostracized and then eliminated from contention by the pastor.  This natural leader is one who has the audacity to question the authority of the pastor as it relates to his actions that are in direct conflict with the Word of God; including but not limited to to his/her moral and ethical conduct. In belligerent defiance to "protect their profession", the slave master will go to any lengths to defend their man-made "kingdom."  In the end, the slaves (congregation) lose every time.

So what have we created? We have created a master's head on a slave body. These individuals are called "snitches".  These snitches have demonstrated loyalty to the slave master (pastor) and having done so, elicit great autonomy and privilege within the IC. These strategic "plants" report any and all activity back to the pastor to feed his/her paranoia that has spiralled out of control.  These master-trained 'unnatural heads" are now ready to assume leadership roles in the IC that they are not qualified for, but are "rewards" for being great "spies."

Let's think about a body that has an arm where a leg should be; or an ear where an eye should be. It's kind of grotesque isn't it? Some might call it a monster. The thing that fuels the fire of fear is "survival." The slave master must survive!  Isn't that perverted? These are the things that an individual must do when they are out of position. Lie, cheat and steal. Manipulate and bastardize. These "grafted" leaders are esteemed by the slaves and reviled by the "natural heads." The "natural heads" are the remnant appointed by God to upset systems and paradigms that are diametrically opposed to the Kingdom of Righteousness! The natural leader is the last bastion of hope for the survival of the IC.

As a people, the IC must mobilize behind the spirits of "faith and truth." The so-called "celebrity preachers" are only celebrities inside the confines of their respective church walls.  The IC has lost credibility among mainstream citizens because they have witnessed the merchandising of the Lord God; the proliferation of the Prosperity Gospel and the mass production of False Prophets and Fake Healers! More importantly, the slave masters have failed God.

In conclusion, the sky has darkened. It's thunder and lightning.  The lab is alive with anticipation.  The body has been strapped to the gurney and is being raised toward the opening of the observatory roof. The enemy of "natural headship" has his hand on the lever ready to thrust it down to initiate the "transfer" of power to the "unnatural head"...but just like in the movie, we have once again created "Frankenstein!"

1 comment:

  1. Two of the WEAKEST responses in Christendom,

    -those without sin cast the first stone-
    -we should not judge-

    has allowed Monsters to remain in Pulpits!

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You see, this is the part about STUPIDITY I speak to in so many of my speaking engagements. In short, we think GOD is stupid, or, we have been trained to think GOD is stupid. That GOD does not understand Sex, money, manhood and so on. Many Christians have been and still are TRAINED to be stupid. How you ask? Here’s how.
    1. We are trained to believe that GOD, an ethereal being needs our money. Money is one of two of the most important and precious things we create in the earth as man. It is the TANGIBLE manifestation of our labor and the result of our training and TIME given to a task. What is the second most important thing for human beings in the earth? TIME. Any institution that asks for them had better, and should be prepared to give back to that giver in some PHYSICAL manner. We ALL sin, but there is mantle of responsibility that is placed on some people and some offices that MUST be upheld. When an individual or office can no longer uphold said office or position with honor and dignity, they should be removed. No man or woman should be place above Christ, and this is exactly what we do when we make excuses for predators and criminals in the pulpit, and this is what they are. This heinous mindset is what has allowed the molestations of children for HUNDREDS of year in the Catholic Church. As they labeled the crime of pedophilia as a sin and not a crime. All who call themselves CHRISTAINS should really be ashamed at what we have allowed the church to become today. All the mess on television, the JET airplanes, the mansions and luxury automobiles truly reflect what we, man, has done to the church. How in the world can a congregation live with themselves KNOWING their leader is destroying families and THEY keep them in office. Again, if there was an understanding that if the office was violated they would lose it, this would never, ever happen. But these sick individuals know that they will never be thrown out no matter what crime they commit. Why? Because their Sunday Shows make too many people FEEL good.
    2. Judging. We judge every single day of our lives as human beings. From judging if a chair is safe before we sit on it to judging how money we are putting away for a need some thirty to fifty years down the road. If you knew man was a pedophile would you allow your child to stay over with them after school until you got home from work? How about as a woman would you knowingly marry a man who was already married? (Sorry, some women do, but you get my point) Come on people. As I have said before, Sunday is the STUPIDEST day of the week for most Christians as we have been taught to UN-Think, and absolve ourselves all logic the moment we walk into the sanctuary.
    When we choose NOT TO JUDGE a criminal in the church merely because he or she wears a label or an office, WE ARE THE PROBLEM and not the perpetrator.
