
Tuesday, June 9, 2015


"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be made known and come to light."  (Luke 8:17)

Secrets are one of the primary weapons Satan uses to keep the Unsuspecting Christian in bondage to his deception, manipulation and trickery. 

We have all fallen prey to the thought that if we just "keep quiet" no one will ever know. In addition, many of us have tumbled from grace in a "spiritual avalanche" late at night (in the dark) doing every manner of evil, mayhem and perversion to satidfy our fleshly desires. We did these things at night because we wanted to limited our exposure to as many people as possible so that we could maintain the pretense of being holy and righteous. We also did it in the dark to hide our sin. We did it late in the midnight hour because we were scared of being uncovered. But we mainly did it because it felt good!

We welcomed the night; it gave us a sigh of relief. We could stop pretending (being the hyprocrites that we are) and be ourselves. You could visit the porn shop in disguise 25 miles away, go to the crack house with a friend to get the hook up, meet your "jump off" in the next town over at some seedy motel or stay up all night cheating on your expense reports that were due the next morning.

It's funny how hard we will work (we will go to ANY lengths to keep certain people close to us from finding out our secrets) to keep our "stuff" private from mankind and yet many of us have little or no concern that God sees our mess. Too many Christians make the mistake of misappropriating grace and mercy. 

The goal of the righteous Christian should be the consistency of integrity as we walk in the light. Our witness should be our deeds more than words. People will know the true meaning of Christ as it is manifested in our service. They will know and feel LOVE.

The mature Christian must come to realize that he cannot hide from God. He must know that he is obligated to bring his sin to God with a contrite heart and spirit. It is the heart of a man, not his mouth or his tongue, that manifests glory for God in the earth. It is his fruit (legacy) and his service to others. No matter what we say or do, at the end of the day it is what we present to God that makes us sons or daughters in the kingdom. 

What is the worst thing that you have done? What is the worst thing that you have said to someone else? You can conjure up the most vile, wicked and corrupt thought and act on it and it still wouldn't surprise God? What can you say or do that will trip God up? The answer is NOTHING! 

The conclusion of the matter is this; God has PERFECT KNOWLEDGE of MAN (Psalm 139) and it is His desire to cleanse us of all unrighteousness and be the LIGHT no matter how dark it is in your life right now. This is the time to call on the name you need! Selah...

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