
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"A RELIGIOUS ENEMA: Take Your Paddle With You!"

Back in the day when men went camping in the wilderness they had to "rough it" meaning they had to survive off of the earth; using only what God had provided. They would make their own shelter, hunt and prepare their own food and find a bush "outside the camp" to "take a dump." When the need occurred, one of his fellow campers would give him a paddle and he would head for the woods. 

The paddle would be used to dig a hole that he would subsequently cover with dirt after he was finished taking a dump. Once finished, he was allowed back in the camp and the expedition would continue. Are you constipated with religiosity? Do you need a religious enema?

I got to thinkin' about my religious detoxification process and it felt a lot like the dump a man takes in the woods. You know the feeling; when you have digested too much and you get very uncomfortable. You feel like you want to throw up and then get that sharp contraction that let's you know you have to move and move quickly! So you grab your spiritual paddle and you head for the woods. The crowd just wants you to get as far away from the camp as possible because they don't want to smell your stench; but more importantly, no one wants to step in your crap!

All you know is that you have to rid yourself of the religious toxins that are causing your body to sieze. What are some of these toxins? They are bitterness, envy, ignorance, fear, unforgiveness, jealousy and lies. Boy oh boy, what a feeling once the crap is out of your system. I was renewed, refreshed and rejuvenated. Then I had to ask myself the hard question.

What had me rooted and grounded in religiosity? ("religiosity" is defined as following the tenents (laws) of man versus the Word of God). My susceptibility to being induced with the religious serum was a byproduct of how I was raised. I was never taught to read, study and meditate on the Word of God for myself and I was therefore ignorant to what God's Word said. I never knew that my physical body would detox itself if I was being led by the Holy Spirit.

For any Believer who wants to have success with the detoxification process, you must:
  • Break the Spirit of Repitition (Satan loves it when you are predictable)
  • Stop assembling with non-Believers (this may include many of your church members and some of your family and friends)
  • You have to have "alone time with God"
  • You have to read, study and meditate on God's Word
  • You have to stop fixating on church attendance and fixate on the Holy Spirit
  • You have to utilize your gifts to serve God's people in the marketplace.
The transformed Believer can take a look at his dump and know what he had ingested and digested that contaminated his body. He will know that he has to change his diet (spiritually) and that if he ever has another bad spiritual meal, he must always remember to swallow his religious enema, run into the woods away from the crowd and...


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