How much does it cost for an individual to be able to "lay hands" on the Great Bishop (Wizard of Oz)?
Tyler Perry did something I never saw Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, Paula White or even Juanita Bynum do as friends, and spiritual sons and daughters under their Babylon System!
All references to Babylon in the Word of God are directed toward the devil and his minions. Of course, the devil has kids...and lots of them! These evil doers propagate the pulpits and temples and mosques of the world. They do not adorn "red tights" or have horns coming out of their skulls. They don't have pointed tails or wield mighty pitch forks! No. no, no...their weapon is far more cunning than that! As hard as it is to believe, the enemy only has ONE TRICK!
His ONLY TRICK is DECEPTION! I mean, why change something that keeps on working! Like the old saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
I have a few observations about this catastrophic stage play enacted in "real time" in front of millions of viewers! You see people, I hate to break the news to you, but Tyler Perry didn't give TD Jakes HIS money, he gave him YOUR MONEY! That's right! YOUR Money! Tyler Perry is the same man as TD Jakes. The only difference is his platform. One is in the pulpit, the other is on the silver screen!
You can't possibly think for one second that the "$1 Million Dollar Donation" was a surprise and that the corrupt Bishop had no previous knowledge of you? If so, you need to have your head examined! This is "collusion" on the highest level. These warlocks fully understand that "GIVING" or "tithing" is an "emotional" NOT "spiritual" decision for Christians! Jesus is the "carrot" that they dangle in front of the "hopeless" Christian horse. People...GOD DOES NOT NEED YOUR MONEY! Keep in mind, they have worked together before on several stage plays and movie projects. This, my friend, was just another well orchestrated stage play for your entertainment; and guess what, it worked!
Tyler's "SEED" (to fund the Potter's House Children's Center) is just another gimmick to get the children of perdition to "sow" into the Babylon System. This is called a "sustainable system" in the Kingdom of Darkness. As long as the people have something to support (a vision, dream or paradigm), albeit FALSE... the Babylon System will thrive! I wonder how many members of the Potter's House who have tithed faithfully for 25 years would ever have a chance to "lay hands" on their beloved Bishop?
The legendary Reggae songwriter, Bob Marley said it best:
The Babylon system is the vampire, yea! (vampire)
Suckin' the children day by day, yeah!
Me say: de Babylon system is the vampire, falling empire,
Suckin' the blood of the sufferers,
Building church and university,
Deceiving the people continually,
Me say them graduatin' thieves and murderers;
Look out now: they suckin' the blood of the sufferers (sufferers).
Yea-ea-ea! (sufferers)
Tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth;Tell the children the truth right now!
Come on and tell the children the truth;
'Cause we've been trodding on ya winepress much too long:
Rebel, rebel!
And we've been taken for granted much too long:Rebel, rebel now!
(Trodding on the winepress) Trodding on the winepress (rebel):
Got to rebel, y'all (rebel)!
We've been trodding on the winepress much too long....
Yes sir, brother Bob; we been troddin' on the wine press much too long! We (the Believes) have got to REBEL! How can ANYONE take this seriously? I can't get this picture out of my mind:

The answer to the question is $1 MILLION DOLLARS...and rivers of blood!
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