
Tuesday, September 24, 2013


When "Christians" hear the word "salvation", many of them mistakenly believe that it is the "end game" as a follower of Christ. In other words, they believe that they have "made it into heaven no matter what else they do!" This notion is foolishness! Only an immature Christian would believe this and it is obvious from observing the behavior of the overwhelming majority of Christians that they believe this to be true as well.

What about the "confession of faith" that is made in front of the entire congregation on Sunday morning after the ritualistic "altar call?" I believe there is a profound difference between a "confession of faith" and a "profession of faith" in the life of a "Believer." This is the place where the SPIRIT of the LORD arises!

A "confession" (confess = "exomologeo" in Greek #1843 means to praise and thank God) of faith is an intimate exchange between God and man. In this, God is not compelled to share with man initially. This is God's domain; as this relationship with His new son is a living organism on the spiritual level. Conversely, a "profession" of faith is a "public" encounter between a Christian and other people; both Christians and non-Christians. Salvation only gives the Christian "access" to the keys to the KOG; it does NOT guarantee his "title deed" in the Kingdom of God.

                                          The "Altar Call" is a dramatic event in church.

Salvation in the Greek is "soteria"  and is defined as deliverance, preservation, safety and salvation.
It also represents fourfold salvation: saved from the penalty, power, presence and most importantly, the pleasure of sin. In my opinion, it is not critical to confess your belief in Christ to another man in order to gain entrance into eternity. What can man do if he hears you? Can he save you or deliver you? The answer is NO!  Can man give you eternal life? Can man heal you? Again, I say NO!

Now, I am NOT talking about the ability of God to use a man to complete an assignment in the earth realm utilizing his gifts and talents to manifest one of the aforementioned gifts. That, of course, happens all the time. I am referring to the self-proclaimed "innate" ability man professes to do these miraculous things which ONLY God can do that man somehow seems to be taking credit for more and more these days. What I am saying is that SALVATION in and of itself is not ABSOLUTE. There are other requirements that Christians have to satisfy before they can claim permanent residence inside the "pearly gates."

                                               "Can You LOSE Your SALVATION?"

Those other requirements include living a holy and righteous life, dedicating yourself to a life of service to God's people in the marketplace (see Matt. 25: 31-46), acceptance of persecution without whining and complaining and "BAPTISM" by fire and water! Those last two requirements are a "killer." Most Christians don't want to have anything to do with persecution, hardships, trials and tribulations but it is the promise of the Creator for all Believers. Tribulation is the "rite of passage" into the Kingdom of Heaven!" These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33). Until we have been purged by the spirit of fire (which represents cleansing), we are not fit to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ (Matt.3:11-12).

It has to be that we as Believers must compel new Christians to confess their faith to Christ and not man. There are certain things reserved for the Lord God that man should not touch.What the new Christian says to God, how they say it and what God says to them is none of our business. The "Romans Road" profession of faith was constructed for public consumption to help the church "bean counters" who keep track of the number of salvation's "inside the church."

The true "litmus test" for Christians (immature relationship with God) and Believers (intimate relationship with Christ Jesus) will be always be rooted and grounded in the DEMONSTRATION of their FAITH! Finally, what comes upon the Believer is the SPIRIT of KNOWLEDGE and the FEAR of the LORD! I am not talking about reverential fear (respect, admiration, etc.), I am talking about being AFRAID of GOD with FEAR and TREMBLING! In short, are you terrified of God? If not; you might not be saved!

The faith of one truly connected to the Father will ALWAYS produce a viable and tangible result in the Kingdom called "FRUIT...and FRUIT that REMAINS!"

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