
Friday, May 24, 2013


There is a very distributing trend toward the escalating number of "Counterfeit Christians (CC)" who are perpetrating as "BELIEVERS."These fraudulent individuals have infiltrated every level of our society; most notably church leadership.

v. coun·ter·feit·ed, coun·ter·feit·ing, coun·ter·feits  
1. To make a copy of, usually with the intent to defraud; forge: counterfeits faith.
2. To make a pretense of; feign (fake): counterfeited interest in the gospel.
1. To carry on a deception (the ONLY trick of Satan); dissemble. (The church has been crippled and corrupted by the deception of the enemy);
2. To make fraudulent copies ("fake" Christians) of something valuable (the "witness" of the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven). (The easiest way to expose or identify a counterfeit is to hold it up to the "Light" (Christ Jesus).
1. Made in imitation of what is genuine with the intent to defraud: a counterfeit of a "true believer".
2. Simulated; feigned: a counterfeit compassion for people in need.

The "social conscience" of the church has been silenced along with it's once profound political presence and spirit of resistance to injustice. I contend that the Institutional Church is counterfeit because of the following reasons:
  1. The church was originally intended to be a "change agent" in the earth realm targeting evil and wickedness at every level for destruction; if not disruption;
  2. The church was originally intended to protect those in our society who are unable to defend themselves: i.e. the poor, the widows, the sick, the naked, the homeless and the prisoners.  Those groups have been abandoned, for the most part, with the exception of a few soup kitchens and clothing closets here and there. In addition, most church outreach ministries are a joke (less than 2% of Christians share their faith to the "lost"). This statistic kind of makes you wonder who is "really" lost;
  3. The church has been devalued because of its focus on the effemination of the gospel and its diluted message which has failed to captivate and motivate men (husbands) and keep our young people engaged and enthusiastic about the things of God (which is the next move of Christ). 
Christians have abandoned the premise of God's "intelligent design".  Herein I am NOT referring to the definition preferred by the secular scientific community. I am specifically referring to the creation's ability to perform EXACTLY as God (the Creator) intended for it to perform with NO deviation from the original blueprint.  For example, a fig tree was designed by God to produce figs, not apples. A fig tree will ALWAYS obey God! It will NEVER produce an apple! 

But what we see today is that "Christians"(follow the designs of man) have totally abandoned the original design that God intended for "Believers"(follow the designs of God). Christians have no resolve. They cower at the slightest bit of adversity.  They are weak because they have no relationship with the Father.  They are easy prey for the enemy.  Christians want to be popular with man and don't want to offend anybody.  Christians are "safe" and "comfortable" in their ineffectiveness. This is the calamity of "free will", "entitlement" and "selfishness." These "freedoms" mitigate the power of the blood of Christ.

On the other hand, Believers will confront the "terrorists" representing the various cults, politicians, and religious organizations that have targeted the Body of Christ for dismantling. Believers have the heart of God and the mind of Christ regarding the ability to resist the enemy and fight injustice and any paradigm that opposes the Word and Kingdom of God! Believers will defend the integrity of the gospel beyond the point of "offending" the popular culture and their proverbial "thin skin."

At the end of the day you have to ask yourself the hard question, "Am I a Christian or am I a Believer?" "Am I authentic or am I counterfeit?" Your answer will determine your eternal destiny.

It's THAT serious! Selah...

1 comment:

  1. In a country where CHEAP KNOCK-OFFS are the norm, counterfeits fit right in with no problem. The Institutional Church mechanism is now showing its inability to maintain its hold on a smarter populace. So in effect, as people grow smarter, they understand that God wants THEM to succeed as well, and not just the pastors. But, we will always have those who LOVE the cheap knock-offs.
