
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"Christian Reality TV: HOLLYWOOD or BUST!"

The proliferation of Christian Reality TV (CRTV) has hit an all-time high! No matter what your threshold level is for "religious nonsense" you can have your appetite satiated through CRTV.

Who could have imagined that our inability to produced quality programming would evolve into this? It boils down to simple mathematics. There are more than 23 Religious Cable TV Networks alone! These networks require programming to fill their 24 hour daily rotation. These networks are in competition with the larger networks for viewers. No viewers. No advertisers. No advertisers. No shows. No shows. No networks. Like I said, "It's just math!"

The issue of "quality and integrity of programming" went out the window a LONG time ago. The producers of "junk TV" realize the American public has zero tolerance for quality programming. You can try to air a show with a "message" and "redeeming qualities" if you want to; but I guarantee you, it won't last for long!

Enter CRTV. It sure sounded good when it was being conceptualized. All the Christians began to exhale. FINALLY, we have our own networks with our own shows. Certainly we can now control the "content" and promote the principles of the Risen Savior! We can tell the WORLD about the goodness of the LORD and teach life sustaining principles that will draw all men to the Light! Wait a minute! Not so fast!

We tried that already (wholesome TV has been sent to the "graveyard" of parochial local TV networks that run these shows at 4:00am to 6:00am while we are sleeping to fill the time slots). We get up from bed just in time to catch INSP and CBN broadcast their lineup of "begging bishops"...right before we go to work. Man, "Can I at least get my cup of coffee first before you start putting the "squeeze" on me?"

As if that is not enough to make you want to vomit, here comes the vaudeville acts of "Sisterhood", "Mary Mary", "Braxton Family Values", "Preacher's Daughters", "Surrender the Secret", "The Sheards" and "Pastor's of LA" on prime time cable TV. What do these shows have to do with promoting Christian values? What is the motive behind producing these shows for prime time TV?  If it is just entertainment, there should be a disclaimer somewhere in the program description.  I believe the shows are an indictment on certain aspects of Christendom because the majority of the Body of Christ is not sophisticated enough to discern the times.

"Pastors of LA" coming to Oxygen this Fall. Four of these six pastors should be in jail rather than hosting a TV show! can you guess which ones?

Thank God "The Sisterhood" on TLC was recently cancelled. This show was a hot mess!

The future and integrity of the Kingdom of God DOES NOT lay in the hands of a few money grubbing network producers. However, their ability to produce these types of "distractions" to naive Christians who embrace these shows is a problem. It's a problem because the parents of our children have bought into this nonsense as enjoyable entertainment. It's not really that fact these these people are supposed to be Christians that is solely the problem.  The fact that we need to be "self-medicated" by the lives of celebrities is the problem. These people as just as jacked up as we are! Would you want to watch your life on a cable TV show? On second thought, don't answer that!

You have Pastors accused of sexual misconduct, infidelity, divorce and fraud being promoted as social icons! Only in America! These men should be serving time in jail, but because of our sense of entitlement and unlimited selfishness, these men get a pass, stand to earn a lot of cash and increase their already out of control egos to unmanageable proportions. In short, we deserve everything we get...

Christian Reality TV? If you don't like it, DON'T WATCH IT! No matter which one of your favorite celebrity preachers or gospel divas are on the show, if people don't watch it and the ratings go in the tank, the network will pull the plug!

Just ask the "Sistas" from the "hood!"

Tune into our show "MANdate: UNCUT" on Thursday nights at 7pm EST. Our call-in # is: 1.347.843.4112.  Click on link the below for this week's episode "Christian Reality Shows: Indictment or Entertainment":

1 comment:

  1. WOW! An excellent, In-your-face assessment to be sure! Where has the GLORY gone? We so-called Christians are just going to be left to ourselves. One thing is for sure, Christ sure as heck ain't gonna return with THIS mess going on!
