
Sunday, March 10, 2013

"Where are the Black Christian Missionaries?"

For many years, back in the 1980's there was a popular cartoon "Where's Waldo?" The key was to locate Waldo in the midst of a sea of obscurity and diversion. Ultimately, Waldo was a very evasive character...of course, it was intentional.

Fast forward to modern day evangelism and I have to pose the question, "Where are all of the African American missionaries?" I can see the jaws of many black Christians getting tight and their cheeks filling up with air.  Don't get mad at me, I 'm just asking a question. Are you a "sheep" or a "goat?"

Seriously, what have you done for anybody outside of your church the past year? How many people have you extended the love of Christ to?  How many prisoners have you visited?  How many homeless people have you or your church found housing for?  How many sick folks have you visited in the hospital? How many hungry folks have YOU fed? How many naked folks have you clothed? What have you done for God (and not man)? How many thirsty folks (people needing love) have you given drink to? How many strangers have you invited into your (personal) sanctuary? (Matt. 25:31-40)

I'm sorry, bringing a few coats to the clothing drive or a few cans to the food pantry is okay, but that ain't MINISTRY!  That don't cost you nothin'!  How hard is it for you to grab a coat from your closet that you don't want anyway and give to somebody at the shelter? How much of a sacrifice is it for you to grab the can goods at the back of your pantry with dust on the top that you don't eat any way and give it to the homeless? That ain't MINISTRY! True MINISTRY will cost you something!

I can hear you whining now, "I can't afford to go to Kenya or Ethiopia. I got bills."  But I bet you can sure find the money for your pastor's anniversary or the church building fund! The "mission field" is not exclusive to any "third world" country. It is not the deepest part of Africa or the mountains of Tibet or the maintenance of the Aborigines in  Paupau, New Guinea or the Solomon Islands. The mission field is ANYWHERE you can meet the needs of God's people in the marketplace.  The
mission field is closer than you think.

Now I know everyone is not called to go to Africa or other "foreign" missions.  However, EVERY believer is called to go SOMEWHERE; even if it's next door! 

The track record of black Christian missionaries who are "serving" is less than 1%! That is an ABOMINATION! Less than one is NOTHING!  In other words, our level of participation in missions is basically non existent! No more excuses. Don't wait on your Pastor or deacon or Bishop to tell you what to do.  The Lord God gave you your marching orders 2,000 years ago! What are you waiting for?  JUST GO and don't be afraid because there is NO FEAR in the Kingdom of God!

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