
Friday, February 8, 2013


The "new face" of evangelism requires demonstration.  By that I mean the believer has to "do something"; that there has to be tangible evidence and manifestation of "fruit" or a result that can been seen.

The Institutional Church (IC) has become a morgue of sorts. It has amassed a confluence of "dead bodies" that sit idly by week after week with no effort to engage and empower God's people in the marketplace.  Christ had a "militant zeal" for His cause...and that is unconditional love. The IC needs to stop "extending the church and their pastor" to the lost and start "extending Christ" to those inside AND outside the four walls!

There is a profound difference between "ministry" and "activity."  Ministry  requires a long term commitment and usually "costs" the believer something; some sort of sacrifice or a certain level of discomfort. Christians have a tendency to shy away from raw ministry. Conversely, activities are crafted to be fun events that are superficial in nature. Activities are more palatable for the modern Christian because they require short term commitments and impose little or no threat to their respective "comfort zones."

In order for "believers" to rescue evangelism from "exile", there must be a concerted effort to change the "insider language" or "church speak" to a voice that people can "hear" and understand. "Saving the lost, witnessing to the unsaved or saving souls" means very little to a homeless person sleeping under a bridge or a sister recently released from prison who needs a job and a place to live with her two kids.  I am NOT saying that the salvation message is not important, but what I am saying is that the true demonstration of the love of Christ is meeting the needs of people in the marketplace BEFORE "shoving Romans Road down their throats."

The new face of evangelism must be intentional, focused and purpose driven. It must cost the believer something.  Instead of grabbing a coat from the back of the closet to donate to the shelter, go to Burlington Coat Factory and purchase a new one. Don't give away something you wouldn't want to receive yourself. 

Your "witness" is your most effective evangelistic tool.  Herein my reference to witness means "compassion."  Your compassion for others is the gateway to the kingdom of heaven and secures a place for you in eternity (Matt. 25: 31-45). The reason why Christians don't serve the poor, visit the sick, clothe the naked, go to the prisons or feed the hungry is because they have no compassion. Further, the Word of God says we don't serve God's people who are afflicted is because, "we don't see them as our own flesh and blood!" (Isaiah 58:7-8)

Make a decision to be impactful and intentional in your evangelism.  Remember it's not about compelling people to Christ, handing out a thousand tracts, canvassing neighborhoods at 8:00am on Saturday morning or having tent revivals all summer; it's all about love and extending that love to those in need of love!  The love that I am referring to is the God kind of love manifested in the sacrifice of Christ who was sent to Golgotha to rescue our individual "inability to love" from exile! Selah...

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