
Sunday, August 5, 2012

"Chick-fil-a Abandoned by the Church_ Part 2!"

It is almost inconceivable that after nearly two weeks of controversy and raging debates nationally, church leaders have grown eerily SILENT.  All I can hear is "crickets!" CEO Dan Cathy. "Guilty as charged", stated Cathy when asked about his companies support of the traditional family unit as opposed to same sex marriage.  To my knowledge, Dan Cathy is not a preacher nor does he have a church.  But he is devout Christian, who owns more than 1,600 family restaurants. His personal beliefs are based on the principles of the Bible. There is no such thing as a "Christian business." Christ did NOT die for our "corporate" aspirations!

But wait, did you say not one Pastor has stepped up in defense of Mr. Cathy?  I'm sad to say the answer is no save a radical, 94 year-old fire and brimstone evangelist from the mountains of North Carolina named Billy Graham.  You may have heard of him. He never had a physical building but he had one helluva church!!
Preached all over the world for more than 50 years to tens of millions of people and had the same message each time...Jesus is LORD!!

Somehow the modern day church has abandoned the same Jesus and His message.  Everyone can believe what they want and according to the First Amendment of the US Constitution, they can say what they want to with certain limitations. After close examination, it appears to me that the homosexual community was more upset that Dan Cathy had the audacity to "disagree" with their definition of marriage.  I mean, how dare he open his mouth against them.  You know, the gay community has gotten spoiled because they have receive little or no resistance from the church across the board on almost every major political issue.  You see Christians are "political" where "believers" are "radical."

If you don't believe one person standing up for justice can make a difference, check out the resumes of Mandela, Caesar Chavez, Lech Walesa and the Mahatma.  Perhaps one day Dan Cathy's stance will be a model for all Americans. We must protect the right of "free speech" for all Americans.  He NEVER mentioned anti-gay rights or same sex marriage! Once again the national media has made a mountain out of a mole hill.  CNN, radio outlets, cable networks and blogs "took the bait." Dan Cathy never retaliated with a lawsuit against the gay community.  he understand they have a right to their opinion as well.  No fuss.  Just back to business as usual.  No lawyers or press conferences.  No need for defense.  He didn't do anything wrong.

You have to ask yourself who is behind the sea of false information, misinformation and flat out lies?  In reality, what do chicken sandwiches really have to do with same sex marriages? Are the major national media outlets that are heavily financed and thus, influenced by the gay community behind this "witch hunt?"
How does a man, whose company foundation ( that promotes strong values for marriage and has a national marriage ministry component, get "pigeon-holed" into an anti-gay position with his track record of support for "traditional" marriages.

The term "homophobia" has created a tinderbox of controversy globally.  Both in and out of context, the word has been both divisive and a "Hail Mary" for the gay community. The entire country can be in hibernation on an issue until they hear "that word" and then all of a sudden everyone is appalled.  Well. my question to the gay community is this, "Why not exercise integrity when it applies?" This is a simple case of apples and oranges.  I have not read one article or heard any report of a Chick-fil-a refusing to sell chicken to one member of the gay community.  Are there any class action lawsuits against the company for discrimination in hiring, firing or promotion? The answer is no.  If there had been, we would have certainly known about it by now.

Let's move on people.  This fight is not against Chick-fil-a, it's against what Dan Cathy believes...and the last time I checked; that is his inalienable right!

1 comment:

  1. Sad really, as the reality of the situation is, and has always been ACTION. So where is the action, the clarion call to the core of the problem is a proper education? These men and many, many others understand the situation more than most and their influence could do far more than hold meetings. But then again, they, like the rest of us have to eat, and their jobs no matter how high-powered, can still be taken away from them. Just ask Roland Martin, and Juan Williams, and D L Hugley, and……
