
Sunday, January 3, 2016

"Who's Your Daddy?"

          "...And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba Father!"

                                                                              (Galatians 4:6)

Citizens in the Kingdom of God have no doubt about who their Father is. They know His Name, His Character and His Will. He is the One True God and the Ancient of Days. Paul has given us the revelation that as a son (one who is led by the Holy Spirit) has received the gift of the Holy Spirit and that same Spirit has the ability to cry out, "Abba Father!" "Abba" is a term of endearment; it is an intimate term like "Daddy" "Pops" or "Papi" and is a strong indicator of the closeness of the relationship.

You can't call a stranger "Dad" and that stranger won't receive you as his "son." Generations of fathers have created babies that were "mistakes" (bastards, illegitimate, out of wedlock children) and have devoured their inheritance because their children were not a part of their game plan. These "locusts" came into the earth realm and created devastation among the women and scattered families and corrupted God's most holy institution; marriage.

Wave after wave and swarm after swarm, these godless men destroyed the legacy of peace, love and joy that could have been there own. They wasted the opportunity to transfer the inheritance to their children and subsequently threw their children away like yesterday's trash without any guidance or direction. The inheritance they could have given to their sons was greater than silver and gold, land, or even a good name. They could have transferred Christ to us, but they couldn't because He wasn't in their hearts to give!

Along came the Holy Spirit for all the bastard sons and daughters who had been plucked from the hands of Satan and they were given a new name (sons) and a new family (the Body of Christ) and a new residence (the kingdom of God) and most of all, a new Father who loves, honors and protects them.

Your biological daddy is not your Father; your heavenly Father is your Daddy and He is awaiting your triumphant return home! Selah...

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