
Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Newsflash: You CANNOT receive a financial blessing from God by paying TITHES & OFFERINGS!

         When you were a child, your parents would read stories to you about various kinds of fantasy places and other world activity that fascinated and captivated you. Mostly, it was to entertain you and stimulate your eager, young mind to explore new realms of thought and imagination.

          As you got older, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella and Peter Pan didn't get you warm and fuzzy anymore. Why? Because you matured and realized they were just fairy tales. It was all make believe. In short, the stories were not real!

           In the monstrosity that has become the Modern Day Church (MDC), there is a pervasive movement to steer the financial resources of all of its members toward achieving a financial blessing (FB). They maintain that this FB can only be achieved through tithing; specifically, tithing in the name of Jesus! This concept makes absolutely no sense because Jesus never tithed and the very nature of this paradigm goes against the principles of the Kingdom of God where FAITH is the currency for pleasing God, not money.
          When you think about it, how is it that an individual can work for more than twenty years with a good job and be praying to God for a FB at the same time? What became of the lessons he was taught in Sunday school on good stewardship? Did the man forget about his instruction on creating a budget and sticking with it? Does the woman learn to pay herself first by both saving and capturing her money? Captured money is money that goes into a fund and can’t be touched until retirement. It is the life blood of creating and establishing a legacy for future generations.

          The only reason a Believer would need a FB is if they are a TITHER! My brother and fellow author, Franklin Cunningham, says that after working for these many years, “I don’t need a FB, I need a Brink’s Truck! Any Christian praying and believing God for a FB is outside the Kingdom.” 
          The hard truth is that money is an unacceptable offering to a Holy God. He will reject it every time. Cain and Abel gave us the earliest example of a man trying to “pay God off” with substance when God has always required a sacrifice from us. The one man, Abel, has been venerated throughout human history while his brother, Cain has been vilified even until today.
I have said countless times that, “God does not need your money and the devil doesn’t need it either!”  Giving God your money doesn’t require anything. Sure, you may have worked hard to earn it and believe that it is your obligation to give God 10% of your income but there is a profound difference between “free will giving” and “tithing.”  
The Myth of FB’s have been conjured up by the witches and warlocks stirring their caldron’s full of BS and dishing up bowls of it to the poor, desperate and suffering souls who have no relationship with the Lord God and are woefully ignorant of His Word. They are a generation of non-readers and they suffer needlessly because of laziness. 
Put down your purse and your wallet and pick up the Bible and read it!

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