
Friday, May 1, 2015


Once upon a time there was a large group of individuals who had deep compassion for one another. There was a profound spirit of caring and sharing for the needs of the individual family and the community at large.

The original intent was to develop an army of soldiers who would be battle tested, well prepared and fearless to face the attacks of the enemy head on. Its leadership had integrity, grit and resolve and weathered the storm of controversy and stood flat-footed and immovable in the face of adversity.

There was a strategic connection to the Spiritual Leader whose guidance and counsel were without peer. The ultimate goal was peace, love and joy and the transfer of that same spirit to those we encountered. This was before we became Christians. Before we became slaves to the institution. Before we became adulterers and fornicators and thieves and bandits of the things of God. Before the betrayal of the Holy One and His obsessive love for us. Before our ruthless determination to undermine His Word, His Truth and His Life became our prime objective because of the limitless of our selfishness.

The Christian Mindset is on lock down! It has been manipulated, infiltrated and controlled by Satan. It is hard to hear that too many Christians have subtlety submitted to the beckoning call of their father the devil. So if Satan is their father, can they be called Christians? Yes and No. Yes, because of the "cultural affiliation" and the "status quo" and no, because their close association and alliance with the devil makes them an enemy of God! Not my words, His words!

Many people believe they are Christians just because they go to church, carry a bible and pay their tithes and offerings. They think they are "in the number" because they lead the church choir on Sunday, are ushers and deacons and parking lot attendants and walk along side the Pastor as armor bearers. Not so my friend. The key to eternal life is total submission to the Spirit of God and not man, his ways or his institutions. You see, mankind is corrupt, wicked and deceitful. We have a propensity for good and bad. Sometimes bad "feels better" than good. This is not a problem for Satan, but it is definitely a problem for God.

Like a physical body in chains, the incarcerated mind is devastating. In many cases, it can be worse. The mind directs the will, soul, spirit and body. The need for a "clear channel" for the Spirit of God to communication to His children is essential for a follower of Christ to manifest the title of "son." You are a son of God if you are led by and taught by and submit to the power of the Holy Spirit.

The healthy mind of the Believer is not free from the temptation of sin, but is free from the temptation to "act" upon that sin. Goodness, holiness and righteousness are the traits that ward off sinful behavior. The Presence will prevail against all evil. Evil deeds and evil thoughts are no match for the power of the submitted servant of God.

Evil is always present; but so is the Presence of the Holy Spirit! Choose ye this day life or death...Selah.

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