
Sunday, December 28, 2014

"Tearing Down the HOUSE of REBELLION!"

For too many Christians, REBELLION is a MINISTRY! They make it their business to defile the house of God (that being, their mortal bodies). Through premeditated acts of sin and perversion, deception and manipulation and outright lies, they have created a void between their person and the Lord God.

Many Christians (as well as non-Believers) rebel against God and His Word because they "love their SIN too much." I am not ashamed to admit that I enjoyed my sin before the Holy Spirit saved me from myself. Thank God for the Spirit of Conviction, Correction and Redemption. I was lost at sea and thought I was on a seven day cruise!

But what about you? Are you perpetrating a fraud and acting like you have never suffered under the grip of Satan and his imps? Are you in denial that you might still have a problem with letting go of the past?

The house of rebellion is a house built on shifting sand. It's foundation is crafted with lies. It's brick and mortar are manipulation and deception. There are no doors or windows. There is no running water or warmth. There is no peace or light. There is only utter darkness and its architect is Satan!

The Prophet Ezekiel said, "Son of man, you live in the midst of the rebellious house, who have eyes to see but do not see, ears to hear but do not hear; for they are a rebellious house." (Ezek: 12:2)  This is a clarion call to ALL BELIEVERS to resist the wiles of the enemy and be a light in the midst of darkness.

How do you tear down the house of rebellion. You tear it down by FAITH, and LOVE, and PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit. You tear it down by SUBMITTING to GOD'S WILL. You crush the foundation of deception and manipulation and perversion, with TRUTH and HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS. You plant a GARDEN of LIFE in its place that will be sustained by RIVERS of LIVING WATER.

You continually PLANT SEEDS (which is the WORD of GOD)! Selah...

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