
Thursday, November 13, 2014


Apostles are disciples on steroids! They have acquired many of the traits of the Father (holiness, godliness, truthfulness, goodness, peace, love and joy) and have demonstrated those same traits to the people that have been assigned to them to serve.

That being said, true discipleship honors the spirit of the Father and requires "timed served" in the marketplace attending to the needs of God's people. It is, in fact, a "spiritual apprenticeship" under the mentor-ship of the Holy Spirit and under girded by the Word of God.

The disciple is "called" by the Lord God to serve. Pure and simple. The disciple is a "student-servant" and receives his direction and assignments from the Spirit of God. In times past, very few people were trusted with the task of carrying the gospel of the Kingdom to the masses. In the Gospel of Mark 3:13, Jesus went to the mountaintop and called out the names of those He Himself wanted and they came to Him. I submit to you, that if you are a Believer today, that the Lord God called out your name that same day!

Don't let Jesus' geographic location throw you off. He said emphatically that, "My Kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36) Since this is the case, who was He calling? Since the KOG is spiritually discerned and invincible to those outside of the kingdom, whom did He call and what did He call them to do?

Your presence in the KOG is no accident, it was predestined from the foundation of the world. There is a "spiritual progression" that the disciple must go through in order to do great exploits in the KOG. The disciple must endure hardships, adversity and suffer great tribulation in the name of God. The testimony that delivers is the testimony of faith in the fire that helps those to overcome their fear. It was never the intent of God that the disciples (those who are called) would remain disciples forever. It was His expectation that they "graduate" to apostleship (those who are chosen).

As an apostle, the Believer has now become a messenger of truth for the Lord God. The mantle
of apostolic service should not be taken lightly. It is Jesus who calls them apostles, not man. It is Jesus who ordains them, not man, It is Christ who chooses them, not man. Jesus is the One who "knows" them, not man. The selection of an apostle is divine, not of man. 

God's "chosen" have a capacity for godliness as God transfers His Spirit to the chosen one who meets His leadership qualifications as He provides exceptional opportunities for service to His chosen kings (Rom. 8:28-30).

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