
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"Separating the WHEAT from the TARES!"

This familiar scripture in the Gospel of Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 has always been pretty straightforward.  I mean, the revelation of what Jesus was saying to the multitude from the sea is very profound. Even His disciples were left scratching their heads.

I always snicker at how we speed by the golden nuggets in the Word of God (WOG). A multitude is classified as a gathering of people well into the thousands and, in many cases, tens of thousands. In short, Jesus was ministering to a lot of people! So much so, He had to get into a boat, push off from the shore and address them from the sea!

We know from our studies that the Lord God is sending us a very clear directive, however, the message was "coded" or hidden from anyone who was not in an intimate relationship with Him. These messages are called "parables." Parables are stories or "verbal videos" (words that create a picture in the mind of the hearer). They are specifically designed by God for Him to communicate openly with His sons and daughters even if the enemy is present. No problem there because He won't understand one word of it!

Ignorance (failure to study and contemplate the WOG without earnestly seeking Christ) is one of the main tricks of the enemy. Ignorance is NOT stupidity. Stupidity is remaining ignorant. The mysteries of God are ONLY revealed to those who are close to Him. This is what the Holy Spirit showed me about the wheat and the tares:

"Not many of our religious institutions have the "protection of our women" as a major paradigm. Even our women do not hold themselves in high regard or respect the sanctuary of their bodies as holy unto God. Many of our "males" are really boys with no respect for their women. No regard and no respect. The HS showed me that the "vagina" is where God produces the wheat and the "tares" are the worthless jokers (sons of perdition) they allow to impregnate them. You see, the "seed" is the WOG, not money. The seed is the offspring that is being neglected by the unfit mothers and fathers who do not know how to manage their penises and vagina's. Our women are not being taught that their vagina's are the sanctuary of the Lord God. It is a holy place. Too many "mothers" are ignorant. They have not been taught by their mother's because their mother's have not been taught. You can't teach what you don't know!. It is the place where God chose to plant the seed, till the soil and reap the harvest of sons and daughters who would follow the light and not walk after darkness. Our women have to stop relying on feelings and emotions as determinants as to whom they are going to allow into the sanctuary. Our males need to learn that it is the will of God that they be effective managers of the wheat and stop producing "bastard sons." The tares have contaminated God's fields and choked the life out of the harvest. The tares are weeds. Weeds are useless. Their only mission is death, destruction and despair." 

The wheat and the tares must be separated! Those who have ears to hear, let them hear....

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