
Saturday, February 8, 2014

"What Do YOU Have In Your House?"

In the Book of (2 Kings 4:1-7), there is a prolific story of tragedy versus remedy; lack versus excess; and vision versus sight. It is the perspective of the reader that can change the situation of the person under siege. It has always been the case that the Lord God has fully utilized the ultimate behavior modification technique of "adversity" to motivate His children toward the choice of life or death.

The Believer is thrust into the midst of the fire to burn off the "dross" of apathy, laziness and fear. Like the widow in this story, when faced with the defining moment in your survival the question will always come back to this, "What do you have in your house?" In this instance, your "house" is not your place of residence but rather, your "physical body." In other words, God is asking us the question, "What have I instilled in you? Do you have the faith to believe Me for whatever you need? Will you continue to serve me even in tribulations? Will you submit to My chastening in order to produce glory for Me in the sight of non-Believers? Are you a living sacrifice on the altar of God?

It's a hard thing to have "one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel" and remain steadfast in the faith. The widow had the answer to her problem right in front of her face, but her "eyes" defied her. She was looking with natural versus spiritual eyes. She said, "Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil." Imagine that? Nothing but oil! The prophet Elisha (is a "type" of Christ) and represents the personal encounter a Believer can have with the Father when walking in faith.


She sent her sons out to collect "vessels" as per the direction of Elisha. She filled the pots with oil. The "oil" represents the "anointing." The "anointing" is the "creativity of God." So then the sons collected many vessels and filled them with oil inside the house (this represents the birth of faith inside the heart, mind and soul of a Believer). The widow sold the oil, paid off her debts and she and her sons lived off of the profits from the rest. End of the story right? Nope...not by a long shot!

The empty vessel is a critical element in this story. In the Hebrew, "vessel" is translated "keliy" or
kel-ee; (#H3627); which is a vessel or a weapon; a thing (or person) prepared, perfected and completed to do work in the Kingdom of God.

A vessel that is full cannot be filled. Therefore, it is critical for a Believer to constantly "pour out" of the abundance of his spirit to serve the life of one or more of God's people in the marketplace. The sons of God must view themselves as weapons that will boldly advance the KOG in the earth! We must remain in a constant state of pouring out so that the "oil" or the "creativity of God" continues to flow. Empty vessels can ONLY be filled by the Holy Spirit!

You do not want to be the son who comes before the Father and states, "There is not another vessel" when the Father asks you the question, "What do you have in your HOUSE?" Selah...

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