
Friday, December 6, 2013

"The Passionate Devotion of SERVICE!"

In John Chapter 21, Jesus feeds his disciples and gives them yet another profound lesson in FAITH and SERVICE. Jesus proclaims that conversion to the faith comes through "passionate service to the sheep" which is "discipleship." Later on in the day, after they had eaten physical food, the Lord unctions them to "Feed My Lambs" (those young in the faith needing to be nurtured and cultivated in and by the Word of God) and then he asked Peter if he loved Him. Peter said, Yes Lord, you know that I love You." Jesus then answered and said, "If you love me, Tend My Sheep" (those more mature in the Word, yet still needing guidance to avoid the craftiness of the devil).

"Service"is NOT what we DO in the way of Christian work; Christ calls service in the KOG what we ARE to HIM, NOT what we do FOR Him. Discipleship is based upon "stewardship" to Christ not on adherence to a belief or creed.

Your source of DEVOTION is directly correlated to your ability to say, "Now I see who Jesus is!" when touched by the Holy Spirit (this would include being provoked by the spirit of recognition, spirit of conviction and/or the spirit of correction). Why are so many Christians committed to "personal beliefs and causes" versus "spiritual maturity and total submission to Jesus Christ?"

The answer is this; people want to be devoted to Jesus, but NOT to His "CAUSE." The Body of Christ (BOC) DOES NOT WANT JESUS in any other way than as a "comrade." The "Cause of Jesus" equals obedience to the will of God the Father; not the needs of wicked men. Serving the cause of humanity will lead to exhaustion, frustration and carnality for the Believer. Subsequently, our love for our brothers and sisters may falter.

However, if I am devoted to Christ I can serve humanity tirelessly though I be unappreciated, lied on, used and scorned. Persecution goes with the territory. It is that part of fellowship with the Savior that in INESCAPABLE! By serving God's people in the marketplace, we glorify Him. By loving God's people in the marketplace, we love Him.

On the subject of persecution, it is the Believers "badge of honor." Selah...

"...I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains [just one grain; it never becomes more but lives] by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a rich harvest." (John 12:24 AMP)

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