
Wednesday, November 13, 2013


The relationship between Cain and Abel in Genesis is bursting at the seams with revelation and incredible truth. It is the story of twin brothers having "different father's" (more on this later) with their individual destinies inextricably tied to their "bloodlines."

It is the story of intrigue, deception, anger, jealousy and murder. In this relationship, mankind is introduced to SIN and FAITH (Heb 11:4). It is the story of adultery, betrayal and infidelity. The two boys are a type and shadow of the prevailing spirits of good and evil that have battled since the beginning. To that end, God has given us a way of escape in the person and promise of Christ Jesus! Let's dig in...

Now, I must warn you that you MUST MEDITATE on this WORD in order to receive this revelation. First, let me say that we all know the answer to this question is "YES" even before the question is asked. We are, most certainly, our brother's keeper. You see my friends, sin was "present" in the Garden (in the person of Satan) but it wasn't "active" until the various breeches of Adam (adultery against the Lord God), Eve (infidelity against Adam with Satan - see Gen 3: 15) and Cain (murder, jealousy and anger against Abel).

I know this may shock some folks, but Cain and Abel DID NOT HAVE THE SAME DADDY! A close examination of the scriptures will lead you to Gen. 3:15.  Here the Lord God speaks directly to Satan (the serpent) and tells him expressly, "I will put enmity (conflict) between "your seed (Cain) and her Seed (Abel). Notice that the "S" in "her Seed" is capitalized. For you bible scholars out there, when you see a word "capitalized" what does that mean? Yes, that's correct. It means that it is connected directly or indirectly to Christ. The Lord. The One. The Seed.  You get the picture?

Now I have to ask you, why would the Lord God make a distinction between Satan's seed and Eve's Seed if they didn't have different fathers? Further, if Cain was Adam's son, why doesn't his name appear in Adam's genealogy in Genesis 5 (read it slowly)?

After you pick your jaw up off the floor, I want you to hear this. The thing I love about God is that HE ALWAYS WARNS US! In Genesis 4, after Cain corrupted his offering to the Lord, he became angry. The Lord knew Cain's heart because he "knew" the heart of his father the devil! Nevertheless, he admonishes Cain to do well or "he will not be accepted." In other words, the Lord rebukes him not to SIN; declaring, "If you do not do well, SIN lies at the door. And its (SIN's) desire is for you , BUT you should rule over it."

Wow! Isn't it incredible that God would give Cain a way of escape, a chance to make a holy choice knowing what was in his heart. Knowing further that murder, lust, envy and strife was in his bloodline. Knowing full well he was going to turn down His offer anyway!

Immediately after this exchange, Cain murdered Abel. The blood of Abel cried out from the ground. The blood of an innocent one was shed; but it was not the Blood of the Innocent One (Christ). We are accountable for our brother's in the faith. God holds us accountable. He affords us the opportunity to do well and follow the example of Christ. He always warns us and if we fail to heed His warning, we will be punished. The prophet Isaiah says that we do not care for others because we do not see them as our own "flesh and blood." (Is. 58:6-8)

It is NO COINCIDENCE Cain received the same PUNISHMENT as his father SATAN; the CURSE of MURDER that would contaminate the bloodline of all mankind forever! Selah... 

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