
Friday, June 21, 2013


I  have witnessed the message of Jesus Christ being abdicated unilaterally by many church leaders in favor of the more popular "Every Day Is A Friday" bedtime story. The diluted gospel is not fit for human consumption. It has polarized the Kingdom and left its citizens in disarray. Mega Pastors like Joel Osteen have crippled the Body of Christ with a "bubble gum" gospel message of feel good rhetoric that fails miserably at addressing the consequences of sin and promoting the atoning power of the blood of Jesus!

I have witnessed the systematic dismantling of His prevailing authority in the earth realm by lazy Christians who have compromised the gospel of the kingdom of heaven by refusing to serve God's people in the marketplace. These "spiritual bastards" hide in plain sight in large congregations where their sin can be woven into a large fabric of deceit and manipulation where there is no accountability or requirement of integrity.

I have witnessed the confluence of several "new" gospels into the preaching mix thereby adding to the confusion of the elect. The resulting effect has been a significant breech in the "spiritual wall" which once fortified the Kingdom of God.

I have witnessed the pain and agony of God's people who were once proud to carry the banner of the Belligerent Christ and now cower and run at the smallest resistance to holiness, righteousness and peace. The church has lost its influence and passion for social justice, economic empowerment and political correctness. Many of God's people are servants of Baal and are two-faced hypocrites without shame. They are promoters of tolerance, entitlement and perversion. This is a snapshot of the "new mormal." They have already been judged by the Almighty!

I have witnessed the abandonment of our youth in favor of the church's attempt to be "relevant" to the masses. The church doesn't need to be relevant.  The "spirit of relevance" comes from Lucifer. Lucifer wanted to be relevant when God had given him "spiritual authority" over the ages. What a trade-off. He became Satan because he wanted fame and notoriety and praise. The throne of God was very appealing to Beelzebub. A child assumes many of the traits of the father.  The church has become like it's father the devil. Any church seeking relevance is already DEAD!

I have witnessed the disenfranchisement of the poor, widows, orphans, homeless, naked, sick, elderly , incarcerated and physically disabled. Prostitutes are not welcome. The homeless are not welcome. The disabled are not welcome. Homosexuals are not welcome. The church has classified the "needy" as "non-giving units" and are subsequently disqualified from membership in the elite club known as the institutional church.

 In short, there is "no room for poor people" in today's modern day church!

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