The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are just the latest in a long list of organizations founded on the principles of "Christianity" that have "caved in and cowered to" the extreme bullying of the homosexual community. It is ironic that the BSA will likely continue banning atheists and other non-believers from their troops, even though it now accepts openly gay members among its ranks.
Wait a minute! Are you seriously telling me that it is okay for a homosexual to be a Boy Scout, but a heterosexual boy who is an atheist cannot attain membership? It's too bad we don't have "firing squads" anymore for the constipated, lazy bastards who comprise the BSA leadership!
HASH TAG: (#)...If this article were to appear on any social media site, I would have to include the following "hash tags" for the BSA: #hypocrite #spineless #gutless #abomination! I am sick and tired of the "Christian" community trying to make a distinction between themselves as a higher ideal versus that of the "secular" community. In my opinion, there is no difference any more. I can't tell the difference between the Christian paradigm and that of the so-called "world." Can you?
Since May 23, when the Scouts voted to allow gay youth as members – but voted not include homosexual troop leaders – among their ranks, I couldn't stop laughing at the hypocrisy. And of course, the American public and, even more deplorable, the "lukewarm" Church, remained SILENT as usual. After all, children don't pay tithes, so who really gives a damn about them! NOT ONE MEGA PASTOR stepped up and denounced this decision. NOT ONE!
Former scout maser Mark Noel, of Hanover, N.H., holds up a new merit badge of inclusion during a news conference at the Equal Scouting Summit being held near where the Boy Scouts of America were holding their annual meeting Wednesday in Grapevine, Texas
ROFL: "Rolling on the Floor Laughing"...Part of the Scouting oath is to "do my duty to God and my country," which many atheists prefer be changed to "good and my country," a request the BSA has refused. This is a joke. These words have no validity. Any reference to God that can be qualified and quantified required "demonstration." People need to see evidence of his principles being applied. In the case of the BSA, the principles of the Word of God have been totally abandoned in lieu of being "politically correct."
LMBO: "Laughing my Butt Off" ...In addition, some atheist children have been asked to leave troops after it was revealed they did not believe in God. There have been lawsuits filed, but the Supreme Court has ruled that the BSA is a private organization and, as such, can make its own membership rules. Based upon their recent lack luster performance and decisions, we may not want to continue to leave them to police themselves.
SMDH: "Shaking my Damn Head"...It's a freaking shame that the national BSA youth, when asked their opinion about accepting gays into the BSA, rejected the proposal by a 56% to 44% margin! Now, from my perspective, 56 is more than 44 every day of the week! It's just math. Somehow, the wishes of the people who would be affected the most by this decision were totally ignored by their "FATHERS!" What? Their father's made the decision to override their wishes and cave in to the pressure of the homosexual community. All I can do is shake my head.

And so the BSA sits back all smug and arrogant as if they did some magnanimous thing by including the homosexual boys but excluding their homosexual mothers and fathers. What do they think is going to happen in ten years when the homosexual boys grow up to be homosexual men and demand that they have access to the BSA leadership? Does the BSA current leadership think the the LGBT movement will be stronger or weaker in a decade? We haven't seen the worst of this issue yet.
As for God, well, once again He has been totally disregarded, shunned and cast away like yesterday's trash. Homosexuals, atheists and other non-believers can enjoy the fruits of their labor in these wicked days and times. It's only for a season. Their apparent victory is only for a season. You see my friends, the god that the BSA and these other defectors from the faith serve is the devil. In the end, they all will lose.
The BSA is already dead; it just has to close it's eyes.