
Friday, January 25, 2013

"Why GOD used the "BLOOD" of Jesus to PAY for our SIN!"

As a babe in Christ, I often wondered why God used the "blood" of Jesus as the propitiation of our sins. In other words, why use His blood and not something else?  The Holy Spirit led me to (Heb. 9:1-28) [emphasis on vv.11-28] and He spoke these two phrases to me; "to know" and "to see".

God speaks to me through "words", so I went to my trusty Strong's Concordance and looked up these two phrases:
  1. "To know": "ginasko" (Gk. #1492); to know (God) personally with a growing (and) increasing knowledge.
  2. "to see": "oida" (Gk. #      ); to perceive or know absolutely (and with complete knowledge).
The power of the blood of Christ is vividly seen in (Heb. 9:11-12) and "I know" and "see" why God used His blood to vindicate those who believe. This is what I have surmised. "God may have used blood as a catalyst for Christ's connection to man for several reasons. First, let's divide these reasons into two (2) categories: 1) present day and, 2) the past.

For the "past", the reasons are not so elusive.  Everyone in the ancient time from small children to the elderly know the importance of blood.  If blood was seen flowing from someones body, whether they appeared to be sleeping on a perfect bed or laid out in the street, it was instantly recognized that their "life force" was leaving them. Blood was the one element that told everyone in proximity that "death" was imminent if the flow of blood was not abated.

Men of the past also knew that a "mother" passed her blood on to her child (blood transference) during pregnancy and that this "transference" was severed at the point during the birth process when the umbilical cord was cut. Therefore the child is "maintained" in the "water" (a "type" of the "spirit") and "sustained" with the "blood" (a  "type" of "life force"). This act of "cutting" (covenant) signified to the observer that this child no longer "automatically" received from its mother.  From that point until death, its sustenance would depend upon some form of external action to keep him alive. Further, in ancient cultures blood was used to seal "primitive pacts" (agreements or covenants) between men, lesser gods and even the Most High God!  Again, Brother Nick, why did God use blood? Because blood was more precious than money or any commodity at that time.

As for the "present", God chooses His ways strategically for the duality of their significance. Because of "proprietary knowledge",we know significantly more now about the properties of blood than our forefathers. Today we know that blood is far more than the carrier of the "present" life.  It is the carrier of "past" and "future" lives as well in the form of DNA. Blood is the second largest carrier of our DNA outside of our bones and contains all the traits of the person; both good (physiological, psychological and anatomical traits) and bad (diseases). What child can disavow his parents?

His blood had the power to negotiate our eternal freedom from the bondage of sin and death. In order for a "joint "heir" to receive the benefits of the "Will" of God (that Jesus would die for us), the "Heir" MUST die. The "promises" or "will" of the Father goes to the sons of the spirit and that "gift" is eternal communion with the Father. The blood sealed the agreement and allows the believer to avoid God's wrath; this is no small thing! We have avoided being PUNISHED by God! Wow! (For examples of God's wrath, see the OT!)

It would seem to me that God is saying, "Despite what you feel in the future toward Me, the price that was paid by Jesus' blood on the Cross (to solidify My "eternal" covenant with you) is too high and can NEVER be rescinded!"

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