
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"The Sandy Hook Tragedy vs. the Diminishing Value of Black Life"

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I am sad to report there is no legislative defense to prevent the fallout from the maniacal actions of 20-30 psychopaths each year in the USA.  Seriously, how do you prepare for Sandy Hook, Columbine, Oklahoma City or Colorado?  What "safeguards" do you put in place to prepare for the unadulterated wickedness of the human heart?

"Jeremiah 17:9.."The heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly perverse and corrupt and severely, mortally sick! Who can know it (perceive, understand and be acquainted with his own heart and mind?) (Matt.13:15-17; Mark 7:21-23; Ephes 4:20-24). Amplified Bible

You really need help missing what the Prophet Jeremiah just laid out under the direction of the Spirit of God. The Word of God says that the heart is desperately wicked (it is incapable of regulating itself without total reliance on the Holy Spirit). In the Hebrew language, "desperately wicked" means...incurable, sick, frail, weak and woeful! It also refers to a "malignant disposition of the mind!" Wow! So the wicked have their hearts and minds working in tandem to create chaos and unfathomable pain on its perceived enemies.

I know this is going to sting, but I have to say it.  The Sandy Hook tragedy was a horrible moment in human history.  The deaths of those innocent children and teachers was unnecessary...or so it seems.  God has always allowed the advent of death into our lives. Death is the ultimate behavior modification tool.  Death has stemmed the tide of every major movement and paradigm of evil since the beginning of human history! Be it war, assassination, disease or flat out murder, our nation and other nations of the world sit idly by and do little or nothing until some human carnage transpires.  We go about our day with little or no regard for one another...and a total disregard for God Almighty until what?...Somebody DIES!

It is a sad commentary on the lack of value placed on human life where the President appeared on national TV and shed a tear for the folks murdered in Connecticut, yet the entire nation has been rendered silent in reaction to the more than 500 murders of black people (most young black men) in Chicago, IL.  More then 268 young black men murdered in the streets like dogs since June and not one tear from the White House...and strangely enough, President Obama has a home in the Windy City!  His former Chief of Staff is the Freakin' Mayor for God's sake!  Yet we hear no bells chiming, no flags at half mast and no national outcry for gun control until 26 white kids and teachers and 1 little black girl get slaughtered by a lunatic!

The declaration of the NRA Chief David Keene to the Sandy Hook incident says it all, "Don't overreact to the Newton shooting.."  The NRA and its cronies are digging in their heels to protect their profession.  The thousands of needless deaths each year can be reduced...but at what cost?  There is too much money, power and influence to be lost by countless politicians, lobbyists and local governments.  At the end of the day, we have lost our value for human life...especially those of our black brothers and sisters!

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