
Friday, July 13, 2012

"Drive-Thru Prayer"

Prayer is one of the most misunderstood weapons in the arsenal of the "believer."  Somehow we have gotten the notion that we need to shout aloud to God as if He is deaf or mumble and slobber our way through a discourse of "tongues." We also figure that there has to be a "time limit" on our prayers or that we must string together a voluminous amount of scriptures to make ourselves sound "spiritual."  This is so sad.

I don't recall Jesus assembling His disciples in a circle and crying out to God in vain repetition; He never made a public spectacle of His knowledge of or relationship with His Father. He never sought to impress on-lookers with His spiritual prowess. He never "bastardized" corporate prayer, but He encouraged relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.  He loathed the selfish, microwaved religious folk of His day. Don't draw attention to yourself when you pray; "...If I be lifted up, I will draw men unto Myself."

Most often He just stole away and spoke quietly to God in the cool of the Garden.  In short, He just LISTENED and OBEYED! In this manner, when you ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness! No clanging brass or cymbals.  No Hammond organs or choirs.  No huck-a-buck or "speaking in tongues." No "Drive-Thru" Prayer!  Selah.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true and lends credence to the notion that most of us are "UN-TAUGHT" Intrinsic Truths on Sunday mornings. We are taught it seems that if we pray with more fervor, there is less PHYSICAL effort needed on this end here on earth, when in fact it is quite the opposite. God is not Stupid and wholly understands all the physical dynamics of physical life on the planet, hey, He created it. God understands the spider’s web is created from the food-stuff supplied to from the other insects it eats. The Spider does not for instance say, its web comes from God, but rather God supplies the quantum-mechanical mechanisms BEHIND the things that in-turn, allow the spider to create the web. God is a creator of systems upon systems. Some of these systems interact with other systems in harmony, and those that do not, the stronger one absorb the weaker. Much of our modern-day religion has caused us to become lazy and dumb, relegating God to a Genie in a lamp, instead of who He truly is, which masks what He truly expects and wants from us. God placed us here on earth instead of heaven for a distinct reason, to persevere. A person of God that does not understand what is gained through perseverance, is not a well taught Christian at all.
