
Sunday, July 28, 2013


The Trinity of Truth (Excerpt from the book, "The Belligerent Christ" by Nicholas Carl Moore, available at
In his own answers to the question ‘What is truth?’ John makes it clear that all three persons of the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, can be identified with the truth. When he wrote in an abstract way about ‘the truth’ in 2 and 3 John, he may have had all three in mind. In fact, there are no direct references to the Holy Spirit in either of these epistles. The various points John goes on to make about ‘the truth’ here, he also makes in his other writings in connection with the three persons of the Trinity.

From my perspective, the Way (is God), the Truth (is Christ) and the Life (is the Holy Spirit).  These three characteristics are indelibly connected to each person and manifest its power in different ways. Jesus is contending that He is the ‘full reality of God’ and that He is full of grace and truth (John 1:1-18).  So let’s break down what the Messiah was “really” saying to us.
I love the Greek language because it is considered a ‘romantic language.’  Each word represents something meaningful and tangible so you have to take your time and research each word as you seek divine revelation from the Father. It is critical to write the meaning of the words down in a journal and use it as a resource for future study and interpretation.  This stuff is powerful!
“I am the Way.”  The “way” in Greek is translated “hodos”: or a traveled way; “I am the course of conduct”; I am (have been) travelling (past tense) with you as a companion; since I am the way (or, that same road), fear not for I know what lurks ahead. The Holy Spirit further said to me that, ‘I am the way of thinking, feeling and deciding.’ “I have been sent by Him to you in order that you might (will) know the ‘way’ back to Him.”
“I am the Truth.” The ‘truth’ in Greek is translated “aletheia”: or reality, verity.  ‘I am the truth (true) in any matter under consideration (Col. 2:9). What is true in things pertaining to God and the duties of man; involving moral and religious truth?  It is truth as a personal excellence which is that state of mind free from affection, pretense, simulation, falsehood and deceit.
“I am the Life.” The “life” in the Greek is translated “zoe”: or alive, full of life.  It is that one (person) possessed by the vitality of creation; one who is animated.  Zoe represents the absolute fullness of life; both its essential and ethical attributes as belonging to God whereby “logos” (the Word) put on the human nature (became flesh and dwelled among us) and form (physical body). It also means to be full in vigor; to be fresh, strong and efficient; to be powerful; to live and transfer life to another; and to be a ‘living spring’ having vital power and exerting the same upon the soul.  I must emphasize that Jesus did not ‘take it (human form and substance) on’, He ‘put it (human form and substance) on’ (like a suit) (1 John 5:20 AMP).

As we live and, more importantly, serve our lives in Christ Jesus, we know the truth and advance in the way. Or turning it around, as we follow the way, we learn the truth and are filled with the life. He who is life and truth is the only way to the Father.
Jesus made it clear that holding to His teachings is essential in order to lay claim to being one of His disciples and, ultimately, one of His apostles (one able to teach truth as his life reflects that same truth he is teaching). Further, His teachings should be accepted as absolute truth. This truth, and no other, has the power to set a person free. Many philosophies and ideologies make the claim for truth, but all truth is God’s truth, and therefore all claims for truth must be judged in light of God’s revealed truth and knowledge. To adhere to a false view of reality is to be held captive to ignorance. Anything or anyone in ‘captivity’ is subject to the thing or person that captured it. 
The result is a life of misery and despair.  To live a life apart from God’s authority is to be held captive to sin, darkness and death. The truth of Jesus sets individuals free from all such lies, bondage and witchcraft.

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