
Thursday, July 18, 2013


"Mercy" (Middle English, from Anglo-French merci, from Medieval Latin merced-, merces, from Latin, "price paid, wages", from merc-, merxi "merchandise") is a broad term that refers to benevolence, forgiveness and kindness in a variety of ethical, religious, social and legal contexts.

Too many Christians want to apply the "gift"of MERCY to premeditated and repeat offenses against God and His Word! Christians misunderstand the reason for MERCY in the first place...It was and still is the intent of God to kill us for our blatant disobedience. In my mind, the ultimate act of MERCY was God sacrificing Jesus on Golgotha for our wicked and triflin' a***s! Is that too much for you? Is it hard to hear that God would kill us in a New York minute if it weren't for the Christ?

Given the multiple "earth age" or "creation" stories in the Bible, it is crystal clear that "Elohim" (the confluence of ALL that God is) has absolutely no problem whatsoever with killing His people for disobeying Him! Now I know that is a bitter pill to swallow, but all you have to do is check the record. The Creator instituted the popular phrase "take no prisoners" with multiple declarations to "utterly destroy" His enemies. In short, God has zero tolerance for our BS and when He gets fed up, well, let's just say, He has no problem starting from scratch!

How often have you found yourself at this intersection?

So what about today's "new believer's" and their blanket application of mercy to almost every transgression?

I see MERCY singularly in the person of Jesus Christ! Where ever I see the word "mercy", I replace it was Jesus. To that end, I view mercy as God's ability to kill us and grace as His decision not to. Believer's have to truly understand this point; transgressions against God has ALWAYS resulted in DEATH! In this, perhaps Christians can reassess their approach to and indulgence in SIN. The constant petitions for grace and mercy are only necessary for an individual who is IMMERSED in a sin filled life. This counterfeit Christian experiences remorse and not repentance.

Our churches and pastors seldom preach holiness, therefore the individual caught in the web of sin is deluded into thinking he/she is "getting a pass" because of ignorance. God doesn't excuse us from sin because we say we "didn't know" something. If you don't believe me, just ask the "ghost" of Brother Uzzah (meaning "strength") who tried to catch the Ark of the Covenant when it was falling to the ground as the donkey stumbled in (2 Sam 6:6,7). His immediate demise was a high price to pay for ignorance.

Jesus heals a man at the Pool of Bethesda

At the pool of Bethesda ("house of shame or disgrace" in Hebrew and Aramaic. It can also mean "house of mercy" in both languages), more than 250,000 people were gathered there for healing. It was both a place of shame and a place of mercy. How many of us find ourselves at that intersection in life? How many of us remain stagnant in our faith and lay waiting for someone to come along and rescue us? How is it that we can be so close to so many other people with various afflictions and offer them no assistance? How many times have fellow Christians "stepped over you" to get to the pool when they could have extended a little grace and mercy to you too?

The average Christian has no concept of the Cost of Mercy. Christ left the heavens to come to earth to manifest glory in the form of mercy for the sinful world of heathens. Don't miss this! Jesus died for SINNERS, NOT Christians. Just imagine that you were in a jail cell waiting to die, fully persuaded that you deserved to die because of your crime or sin against God, and then you look out through the window into the court yard and you see the guards (angels) escort another man in front of the firing squad. They execute the man. Now you are really nervous because you know you are next. They call your name. You hear the sound of the keys and footsteps and voices of the guards. You make eye contact. They unlock the cell as you gasp for air and resist them as they reach out for you only to hear the guard say, "You are free to go!" You later find out that you didn't even KNOW the MAN who died for you (Rom 5:6:-8).

It never ceases to amaze me that with the thousands of people who were present there on that fateful day at the portico's five gigantic pools, that the Lord God walked by thousands of sick people and healed only ONE man! Only have to ask your self why! Selah...

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