
Thursday, July 9, 2015

"Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation and the CHURCH!"

"So God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." (Genesis 1:27)

Gender Identity (GI) and Sexual Orientation (SO) are hot topics in global social, cultural and political circles. In religious circles, not so much. This is one of the 1o topics most churches won't touch. The modern church and politics are like oil and water; they don't mix! 

GI is one's sense of oneself as a male or female. SO is a person's physical and/or emotional attraction to the same of opposite gender. There are more than 50 gender classifications and countless categories of SO and sexual preference. Where did we go wrong? How did we fall so far off of the grid? The simple answer is, "there is no limit to the depths of human selfishness" and our "unbridled sense of tolerance and entitlement" have created a nation of narcissistic egomaniacs who believe that they can do anything they want to do without any retribution. God said He created male and female. We have to hear what God is saying!

Recent political maneuvers by the school board in Fairfax, VA have force-fed the GISO agenda and (gulp) curriculum for elementary school kids down the throats of the bewildered and helpless parents whose rights to "opt-out" of the classes for their babies have been taken away. This movement is being spearheaded by the federal government.

Once again, the church is SILENT. Not one news thread, sound bite, tweet or post from you favorite celebrity pastor. Not even a whisper of outrage over the fact that 5 and 6 year old kids will be taught about same sex marriages and what being a homosexual means. This curriculum will teach 4th and 5th graders about incest, oral sex and anal sex. Oral sex and anal sex! Are you kidding me? I think my head is going to explode!

7th and 8th graders will also receive instruction on the intricacies of oral and anal sex. That doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I wouldn't readily provide this type of information to a group of horny teenagers! I'm just saying! In addition, 9th-12th graders will attend GISO classes on heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual and transgender relationships.

But the powers that be have forced God out of the schools (with the exception of national tragedies, school shootings and other forms of terrorism), they have shut down prayer in the schools because they don't want to offend non-Christians (again, unless there is a local or national tragedy). This same contingent of people have also removed the Ten Commandments from state houses, government and office buildings across the country.

So let me get this straight; you are okay with teaching various forms of perversion to our babies, but you don't want them to hear about God in any way unless there is a major crisis at hand...where or where are the defenders of the faith? Where are God's soldiers?

Sounds to me like the major crisis has just arrived!...Selah

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