
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

"Do You Smell SMOKE?"

Many Christians are under the impression that the apparatus that stands on the stages of most churches around the nation are "altars" when, in fact, they are "pulpits." There is a profound difference between an altar and a podium.

The one is orchestrated by God (altar) and the other is orchestrated by man (pulpit).

                                              Do you have one of these in your church?

Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that all this time I have NOT been going to the altar in prayer? And that I have been laying my tithe on the "steps" and not the altar? I am sad to report that you have been duped, bamboozled, run-a-muck and just plain 'ole snookered!

You see my friend, the purpose of the altar was to present a worthy or "qualified" sacrifice to God to atone for the sins of mankind. In the OT, it was the brazen alter specifically although many believers built altars of various kinds in order to honor God for His goodness. In our case, the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world (Jesus Christ) was placed on the altar by God (Elohim) to reconcile mankind back to Himself. The Word of God said He (Christ) did this "ONCE" for "ALL."  It was the "SMOKE
So the question on the floor is, "Why are you still going to the altar when you have direct access to God?" Don't you know that your DEBT has already been PAID IN FULL? How many times have you gone back to the dealership to make a payment on your car after your debt has been paid in full? How do you think the GM at the dealership would look at you if you continually came back time after time? I submit to you that your Pastor should be looking at you the same way!

When are you going to graduate from the elementary things in Christ and become a mature Believer?

The purpose of the altar was to generate a fire so intense as to literally consume the flesh (symbolic of persecution and suffering) of the animal. The burning of the flesh generated "smoke" that ascended to the spirit realm into the nostrils of God! The smoke of the burning flesh was pleasing to God as it symbolized the "reconciliation of mankind" back to Himself, the atonement of sin and pure worship for a Holy God.

The futility of the pulpit is that it is created by man and therefore it has no power to reconcile sin. It is only a platform for a man or women to preach. The pulpit cannot absorb the weight of man's folly or disseminate the glory that comes from intimacy with God. The pulpit cannot generate any real fire to consume the flesh of our wretched hearts, foul mouths and filthy minds. It is merely a piece of wood, metal frame or block of Formica to hold the bible, water and notes of the speaker. It will one day fade away and break into pieces and need to be replaced. It will be discarded and forgotten.

But when God places you on the altar in the "Secret Place" in the Presence of the Holy Spirit, it is His intent for you to burn. He glories in our suffering and persecution as it builds character and qualifies us as "Kingdom Citizens." God has zero concern for our mortal bodies. He is not enamored with our flesh. The fact that you are uncomfortable or stressed out means absolutely nothing to the King of Glory!

So as you enter in through His gates into His courts, gird up your loins as He simply asks the Believer the hard question, "Do you smell smoke?"

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